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NSXCC - Fall Cruise - Waterdown, Halton Hills, Caledon Sun Oct 14 2012

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Club Posters.. Checked
Club Stickers.. Checked
Car wash before cruising in the rain.. Checked
Meeting, cruising and dining with 50 others NSX nuts.. Priceless
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Who's driving in from Niagara?
hey guys, may have to miss out on the fall cruise (again) my 15 year old daughter kyra (who some of you have met) had a concussion yesterday at her club volleyball practice. We will see how she is doing later today and make the call tonight.
Owen, Ill make sure to get you the cash to cover the brunch.
Absolutely pouring out here at 5am..........good thing my car is wearing it's 3M protection :>)
Good mrorning everyone, i will have to live vicariously thru all of you today! please post pics even though im not sure i want to see what i am missing!
My daughter is finally sleeping and seems to be on the mend but Natashja and I need to stay home today so have a great cruise and brunch and we will see you at the next one.
It was a great day. Really enjoyed hanging out with everyone again! Cruise was amazing thanks shawna and Owen for planning that route out it was great even with the weather not being totally on our side it still was a great day over all!

Thank you Owen, Bram and shawna for all your hard work, and anyone else I missed.

There is another cars and coffee coming up on the 21st that I will be attending if any of you are able to make it out, check with Saturn for details.
We are glad everyone had a great time. Often we plan events with worries on turn out and weather conditions. Today's is one of those "hope for the best but plan for the worse" type day, but it turned out okay. Special thanks to Shawna for helping with the routes and for being our navigator for the day. She kept the drive at a steady but fun pace which on days like today was especially important. It was interesting to once again come across the Ferrari club drive in the opposite direction proving once again weather conditions mean absolutely nothing to the true enthusiasts.

Here are some pictures I took from the day. Unfortunately without a passenger I was unable to take any shots of the drive, but I think a few co-pilots did so do post and share with the rest.
























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Great pictures Owen....I had a great time on the cruise. Got to meet some of the newer members, and see some of the current members as well.

I hope that everyone enjoy the cruise.

Had a good time on the cruise irrespective of the crappy weather. Thanks to Owen and everyone else that helped put it together. I really liked that the club is now buying parts and will have them on hand... Will be nice to not have to wait for them to arrive from Japan which can take a bit longer than most like to wait... A good incentive for those on the fence about supporting the club to pitch in. With the discounts in service/parts, great organized events and a solid group of people to hang out with it's a no brainer for Canadian owners to support the club and reap the benefits.
Looks like a great turnout, with lots of familiar faces! Sorry I couldn't join you guys this time... on a 7 day work-week these days :( Next time...
Speaking from personal experience the cruise was awesome. As with anything there is always room for improvement, but what do we expect with 22 or so cars cruising together?

I wasn't offended by lunch either, but at the end of the day it was catered food. We could have all had a Prix fixe menu like the Rousseau House, but we'd have to wait 45 minutes for lunch like we did last year too. A reasonable compromise ensures there are far fewer dissatisfied patrons.

At the end of the day, we all spent time with 50+ other like minded individuals and hopefully all made some decent connections. I've said it before and will do so again; one of the main reasons I came back to the NSX after exploring other options for 5 years is the community.
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Sorry to change the subject...

I had some pictures from the cruise that I finally got around to taking off my camera. Let me know if there are any issues with the images. Thanks again to everyone involved.







I'm with Sean. I think that everything was done professionally. It's just more fun to be at the back of the pack. Catching up is more fun than waiting :)
I've done a little editing, as is my prerogative as forum Admin. I'd like to remember the cruise as a fun time we all had. I think that when looking back at this thread in a few short weeks when our cars are all tucked away for the winter we won't be interested in the bickering between two people. The bottom line, a good time was had by all, and if you have any comments, concerns, or improvements for an event PLEASE communicate with the Executive and VOLUNTEER to HELP organize the NEXT one.

Our Executive works REALLY hard to put on events like this. I personally have been involved in organizing so many - its truly an affront to their hard work and hours of personal time they generously give up to plan the event for EVERYONE that ANYONE would use the positive discussion about the event as a soapbox to discuss what I, and any third party reading, deem to be "interpersonal" issues.

Please think of who deserves your respect and thanks and honor them the only way they expect you to: by enjoying the event they worked hard on and making it a positive experience for EVERYONE!!!
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