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NSXPO HPDE video(s)

29 December 2005
Los Angeles, CA
Surprised I haven't seen any videos from the HPDE yet!

Here's a lap I recorded - not particularly fast since I was still figuring out the track and my camera ran out of batteries after the 2nd session. Still, you can get an idea of how the track flows:

<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/key_GwRHySc" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>

I saw a lot of Gopros out there, I'd love to see everyone else's footage too.
Awesome!!! Thanks for posting.....I was so geeked up for my first track event that I never even got my GoPro out of the bag... I really regret not setting it up:frown:

We need to figure out how to set up an NSX day out there at least twice a year... So fuggin fun!!!
ill do one up tonight [MENTION=14201]kuni[/MENTION]

- - - Updated - - -

Skimmed the footage, I never seemed to get a clean lap in the cooler session without a passenger. This was probably the cleanest aside from lifting on straights and before the finish line. I have to admit though at this point in the day I was in brake preservation mode for the drive home, I did have spare fluids and pads but the thought of wrenching on the car in the heat was a no-go. I was impressed with the smoothness and grip level of the surface; I especially enjoyed the middle section curbing and the back complex that leads onto the straight. A brave soul could carry some serious speed though there and really drop lap times, I on the other hand was pussyfooting on account of the passenger and Coz's specific advice to take it easy. :]

Don't remember the passengers name unfortunately. I remember he said his dad was there in his NSX and they were from somewhere in California and had done a Laguna Seca track day... at any rate- Hope to run into you guys again!

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/DQ0dlTkKIDw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
My contributions from a fun event!:

Semi-quick laps (just me in the car, etc.), 'fighting understeer the whole time :(

Slower laps with better sound (remote mic on the dash FTW):

Here's one when I had Lamar riding with me. Taking it easy on Regan's Triangle tires... Wait for the 0:56 mark.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/QxGPw_wR_KY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
ill do one up tonight [MENTION=14201]kuni[/MENTION]
I on the other hand was pussyfooting on account of the passenger and Coz's specific advice to take it easy. :]

Thank you Wil :-)...You guys did great and it was a great day out there without any incidents...Couldn't ask for more out of you guys !