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Old Timer's Farewell - 22 Years of Joy - Time for someone new to adore her

14 April 2002
Wasn't supposed to end this way.

I purchased the NSX in 97 (pre kids) as my forever car after a 2 year run with a 76 930 Turbo with 22k miles I sold for $26k (yea - I know). I posted here 20x per day. I wrote blogs before anyone knew what one was. I read posts for hours on end into the night. I even helped a few people along the way.

I was going to put it on the lift and keep it till I retired and could drive it more. I enjoyed NSXpo 98, NSXCA, local drives, trips to driver's ed near, and meeting some of the best/nicest people.

I learned how to turn a wrench on this car. My kids learned about sports cars in this car, many a date night, and many a time I opened it up to a stranger and answered the same questions. But alas - times and people change - and so did I.

Not sure who is left around here but if any old timer's remain - thanks for some really special memories.

How I knew it was time to sell?

I have my Christmas stuff above my lift/NSX and I had not moved the car since the last time I needed the Christmas stuff (365 days ago). These cars were meant to DRIVE. You can take 4 track tires cross country, swap at the track, punch WAY above your weight, swap back and drive home with the dummest grin on your face.

It is time for someone new to adore her and I hope it goes to someone who will always look back after parking (like I still do) and enjoy the mods and the handling that is best described as "cheat mode".

It has been a blast and I wouldn't mind it if it went to someone passionate (and local) with a big heart who will share it with new strangers (and maybe even an old friend).

Stick around....best of luck with the sale....
I just saw the BaT article pop up on my tablet this morning and was wondering if it might be a Prime member.
Then I saw your thread title and had a feeling they were related, lol.

Great story! Thanks for sharing.

Sucks that it's time to move on for you, but good luck with the auction.
Love your relaying of your journey with the NSX. Glad to see it cross-referenced from BaT to here as well. It can only help to stimulate sales from this board, which I consider to be the most-informed source of sellers and buyers.

I hope I reach the same level of involvement one day and I too want to hold onto mine. But I drive it on a rare occasion lately - which is not what I intended either.
Stick around....best of luck with the sale....

Thank you - I am sad to see her go but excited for the fun the next steward will have. She has been a great car and I don't regret a second or a penny spent on her. Most of all I'll remember the fun times with folks like you.
.the monkey shines will always be here.....and you don't need an nsx to enjoy nsxpo.........what other cars are you considering?
Matteni - Ditto to what docjohn, jlcoolman, and speedmaster stated above. I also wondered whose red NSX was freshly BAT-listed. Sorta wondered what happened to/with you as you were a prolific (and always informational) poster on here for many years.

When I first began looking in to Prime - late 2003 I recall - I read all your stuff as bible. You certainly built my enthusiasm for this car. Guess you share some blame for my ongoing-NSX addiction :biggrin: Thanks for that.

Do hope you will still look in, and post up once in a while. BEST to you.
Kind of you all to say that. [MENTION=12072]alum04org[/MENTION] and [MENTION=4282]docjohn[/MENTION].

I will visit.

I have gotten much more in return than anything I ever shared.

PS: I am going to move to a new car/stage of my life and hope to find a community 1/2 as good as the one I enjoyed here on Prime / NSXCA
All the best.

Similar scenario here but with a different car I've owned for 10 years and let it go a few days ago. Time and buyer were right. New phase of life.
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So sorry to hear about selling your car.
Starting to get some of those same feelings.
I was wondering what happened to you. I am glad to hear you are well.

Count me amongst those helped and inspired (formerly White94), including by the story above. It is eerily similar to my own. Got it when single, learned to wrench, loved the community, shared with my family and have on occasion wondered what's next. Still turn and stare when parked. Don't drive it enough. Can't part with it, but I can see a possibility where there never was one before.

It is funny the way life changes us and vice versa, isn't it? Prime of old was truly a gift. Best of luck with your sale and your future adventures. Wherever it takes you, they will be lucky to have you. Let us know where you land and please don't be a stranger.
This is the proper way to bow out... finding out that the car is just sitting and would be better enjoyed by the younger generation. GLWS and thanks for all your support for the community!
Hi All! Thanks for all the warm and kind comments. Glad to see that culture has not changed.

I think 2 things hurt me.

One was a BMW 335i Hard top Convertable with M Sport. I just love the top down, having a place for my dog (rescue we adore), and it is sporty enough for some fun on some twisty roads. It is NOTHING compared to an NSX but for my life - I just found myself driving it less and less since I couldn't really enjoy it with family as much.

The other thing was building a lift in the garage. It really allowed me to "forget about" the NSX since it was out of the way and the BMW could pull in / out all the time.

I would always say "I'll dirive it next week" which turned into months and then years.

Hope that helps you all in your own journey.
What a heartfelt and thoughtful post!

I had a similar journey as yours- bought my NSX unmarried and pre-kids. Built up my rep on Prime and got involved in all the fun NSXCA stuff. Tried to keep it when the babies came and just got tired. Sold it and moved to something new- a R35 GT-R. Now I'm 42, lol. What I discovered after going over to "something new" is that nothing really compares to the NSX, for me. I missed the people and this forum, but mostly I missed the car. Now I'm back with another NSX (newer- it's a 92! lol) and it just feels right. But, I totally get where you're coming from and wish you the best. Maybe we will see you here again.... ;)
I had a similar journey as yours- bought my NSX unmarried and pre-kids. Built up my rep on Prime and got involved in all the fun NSXCA stuff. Tried to keep it when the babies came and just got tired. Sold it and moved to something new- a R35 GT-R. Now I'm 42, lol. What I discovered after going over to "something new" is that nothing really compares to the NSX, for me. I missed the people and this forum, but mostly I missed the car. Now I'm back with another NSX (newer- it's a 92! lol) and it just feels right. But, I totally get where you're coming from and wish you the best. Maybe we will see you here again.... ;)

Same thing here. Bought first one at back in 2004. 25, unmarried and lived here on Prime. Hosted meets, met a tons of cool people, attended every NSXPO from 2004-2009. Bought a 911 Turbo, Sold first NSX, but luckily still had my Zanardi. Blinked and here I am, 40 married with a 5 year old daughter. My situation is a tad different as my 1992 NSX and 2001 S2000 were the only cars Ive sold in the past 20 years, yes I am a hoarder.

The community here is so special, really like a family. I went to NSXPO this year in Virginia and my love affair has been rekindled. Seeing all my old friends, the bond only grows stronger. I too, had gone consecutive years without driving mine but even walking past it in the garage would give me enough satisfaction to keep her around. The feeling you get when you climb in and turn the key is magic. Every trip is an adventure.

I do understand the family aspect. All my cars are 2 seaters. You need a fun four door to take to Cars and Coffee meets and what not. Life is more fun when you're all together. Dogs included.

Wish you all the best in life and make sure you pop in and say hi or continue to lurk.

You guys are all awesome and it is all coming back to me why I lived and loved it here. As much as any virtual community.

Maybe my wife will let me build another lift in the garage and keep it?!?!

I seriously woke up in the middle of the night thinking "what am I doing"?

That said 22 years is a LONG time and I always envisioned myself owning many fun cars.

One of them has to - in the end - be your favorite right? I just happen to be selling that one now.
I seriously woke up in the middle of the night thinking "what am I doing"?
Still 3 days to the auctions end. :) It's at 31k now.

I dont' know if it helps but one week after I've seen one of my 'special' cars driving away I don't miss it at all. I thought it would be a big regret, but no, not at all. I'm glad I've found a good home for it but even the other way around it's now out of my mind. In fact, I'm already looking for a new toy but not seriously.
since I have had the bee for 23 years I can honestly say that what keeps me interested is not driving it a lot, so it is special when I do.....replacing worn parts then it feels young again...letting it slide down a hill in my backyard whack a tree then get to enjoy new front paint after fixing the rear end....so much to enjoy.....
since I have had the bee for 23 years I can honestly say that what keeps me interested is not driving it a lot, so it is special when I do.....replacing worn parts then it feels young again...letting it slide down a hill in my backyard whack a tree then get to enjoy new front paint after fixing the rear end....so much to enjoy.....

This is kind of what I'm hoping for with my new one. (except the tree part)
Well - bittersweet as the NSX sold to the high bidder on BAT today. The new owner has had 3 NSXs in the past and is a REAL enthusiast and will enjoy it as much as I had I am sure. I'll wait for them to intro themselves (again) but thanks to all of you for an awesome journey. It was a blast.
you will miss shifting at 8k:wink:
Stick around on these Forums, as you know it's a great community we have going here.

Heck, we sold our Porsche years ago.....but I still occasionally swing by Rennlist to hang with some old friends :cool:
You’ve had a good run! Congrats to a nice farewell. I’ll chime in with a little nostalgia myself. I’ll venture to say I may be one of the few owners that their NSX has had 6 registered owners but the 2nd, 4th and 6th were all the same. Yours truly. I keep selling her and keep buying her back. Bought it back the last time 2 years ago. Unfortunately it’s cost more each time. Ha. But these are great cars and I’ve been fortunate to manage to get it back on multiple occasions. My story is much the same as a lot of the other replies. Purchased when single, before kids etc. I don’t get to drive it very often and in between drives I question if it’s worth tying up the money for a little used car. But then I get in it and go for a drive and immediately remember why I’ve bought the same car 3 times. They are special cars no doubt. Now if my wife would only understand! If it leaves me again I’m not sure I can manage to get it back and lay claim to being the 8th owner as well!
You’ve had a good run! Congrats to a nice farewell. I’ll chime in with a little nostalgia myself. I’ll venture to say I may be one of the few owners that their NSX has had 6 registered owners but the 2nd, 4th and 6th were all the same. Yours truly. I keep selling her and keep buying her back. Bought it back the last time 2 years ago. Unfortunately it’s cost more each time. Ha. But these are great cars and I’ve been fortunate to manage to get it back on multiple occasions. My story is much the same as a lot of the other replies. Purchased when single, before kids etc. I don’t get to drive it very often and in between drives I question if it’s worth tying up the money for a little used car. But then I get in it and go for a drive and immediately remember why I’ve bought the same car 3 times. They are special cars no doubt. Now if my wife would only understand! If it leaves me again I’m not sure I can manage to get it back and lay claim to being the 8th owner as well!

GREAT story and now I am sorry I wasn't more active the last couple years. I fly Sat to pick up an amazing deal on the original Tesla Roadster. there might not be another one in my state right now. I drove one for a day and fell in love in a very different way. A great community as well on TMC. I have a funny feeling I will be back however.