Prometheus (possible spoilers)

10 September 2002
No spoilers in this post, but future posts may contain discussions with spoilers (please post spoiler alerts if you wish to discuss things from the film).

Anyone seen it yet? I saw it last night on IMAX-lite 3D, and wow! :eek: So much geek pr0n, and the story was amazing too! I didn't expect it to be so awesome! A must see in the theaters IMO.

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I can't get over how incredibly advanced movie technology has become. I saw MIB3 last week, and it was fun too. I kept thinking that even 10 years ago, I could not have imagined special effects would be this good. If I could show Prometheus to people in the 90s, I'm pretty sure it would absolutely blow their minds.
Have fun! I just watched this, it's not part of the movie but ties in nicely. Feel free to watch before seeing the movie, as it helps to fill in a little bit of the back story. :)

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I felt the movie was very well made, but the characters felt empty compared to Alien and Aliens (and even Alien 3). In those, you really felt like you got to know most of the primary characters and you felt the loss when they died. In Prometheus, I didn't connect quite as well with the characters and so I didn't feel as emotionally invested.

I have to say, that medical pod is the most awesome surgical technology I have ever seen. That thing, if and when it becomes real, will be amazing in battlefields, cheaper than a surgeon in small hospitals for routine stuff, etc.
I saw it last night. I thought it was awesome, but lacked something.... I dunno what, but I just thought it lacked a little....

Can someone explain the opening scene? How did that tie into the movie?

It definitely left you wanting more! Why did they want to kill the humans after creating them? or did they even create the humans?

First movie I've seen in awhile that I've wanted to watch again...

i think I figured out what it lacked, boobs
I went to see it on Thursday at midnight, didn't expect the theater to be full:eek: So I'm going to see it on Monday.

This is one of the movies I really want to see. Saw Battleship a couple weeks ago too and thought it was very entertaining as well.
It's good but not as good as aliens. I had a hard time following some of the storyline and I wasn't the only one. I still don't know why "david" seemed to be on both sides and how that beginning scene tied into anything.
I saw it and thought it was pretty good, I didn't know it was an Alien prequal.
Can someone explain the opening scene? How did that tie into the movie?

It definitely left you wanting more! Why did they want to kill the humans after creating them? or did they even create the humans?

I had a hard time following some of the storyline and I wasn't the only one. I still don't know why "david" seemed to be on both sides and how that beginning scene tied into anything.

Apparently there was a lot of viral marketing for this movie, I could spend hours researching it all but here are a couple of links for those curious:

PROMETHEUS Opening Scene Spoilers Revealed!

Prometheus Unbound: What The Movie Was Actually About *SPOILERS*

Here are some more theories about the opening and some of the scenes:

There is a lot left to the imagination and up for interpretation, but sometimes that is better than a movie that explains everything and doesn't force its audience to think at all, IMO. Also, some of the questions were left unanswered for a possible sequel.

As for David, he is a robot but is capable of both good and evil as he is programmed by his creators (humans) who have both traits.

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That big ship, is it the same one they found in the Predators movie?

The first scene in the movie is a very powerful idea and if you missed it, then you probably would not enjoy the movie as much as intended.

The lone "Engineer" or really buff extraterrestrial being that drank the black goo is in fact the DNA donor or creator of life on earth. The opening shot was of primordial Earth before advance organisms existed on the planet. The being sacrificed himself to distribute his DNA into the ecosystem via life sustaining water, which would be the basis for evolution on Earth. Fast forward many eons and human beings arise to form the ultimate DNA chain that matches that of the original donor, which is explained in the later half of the movie.

Good movie though, it definitely will be a cult classic for many years to come. I would definitely like to see a director's cut in the future and yes, it was missing boobs :tongue:
Possible Spoiler: Highlight to view text

I saw it last night and after the movie we had a long discussion about it. I agree the beginning scene was that of how life started on earth. It was very cool how they showed that happening. One thing my roommates were confused about is why they had so many vials of this virus/alien stuff on their ship if it kills them. I was telling them I think those vials probably were not for them but more for the extermination of earth life forms.

Additionally one scene that I though was really interesting was the scene when they first make contact. The engineer examines (David's face) and right after that he is enraged. It gets you wondering if the reason the engineer got upset about was because their failed creation have now created something near perfect themselves (David)? It could be it's just he was upset about the their failed creation finding them? That later idea doesn't explain why he was only angered after examining David.

Either way it was a good movie and I enjoyed it. If you haven't seen it I recommend it.
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The first scene in the movie is a very powerful idea and if you missed it, then you probably would not enjoy the movie as much as intended.

The lone "Engineer" or really buff extraterrestrial being that drank the black goo is in fact the DNA donor or creator of life on earth. The opening shot was of primordial Earth before advance organisms existed on the planet. The being sacrificed himself to distribute his DNA into the ecosystem via life sustaining water, which would be the basis for evolution on Earth. Fast forward many eons and human beings arise to form the ultimate DNA chain that matches that of the original donor, which is explained in the later half of the movie.

Good movie though, it definitely will be a cult classic for many years to come. I would definitely like to see a director's cut in the future and yes, it was missing boobs :tongue:
Thank you for the explanation. I needed that.:redface:
I saw it in IMAX and loved the visual effects but was very disappointed in the movie continuity overall.

Am I missing something or did they majorly F-up the ending? In Alien they find one of the engineers in the spaceship cockpit "chair" in his spacesuit with a hole blown out in his chest. But in Prometheus the engineer is "taken out" in the escape pod with no spacesuit!! Big continuity problem or maybe I'm missing something.

The first scene in the movie is a very powerful idea and if you missed it, then you probably would not enjoy the movie as much as intended.

The lone "Engineer" or really buff extraterrestrial being that drank the black goo is in fact the DNA donor or creator of life on earth. The opening shot was of primordial Earth before advance organisms existed on the planet. The being sacrificed himself to distribute his DNA into the ecosystem via life sustaining water, which would be the basis for evolution on Earth. Fast forward many eons and human beings arise to form the ultimate DNA chain that matches that of the original donor, which is explained in the later half of the movie.

Good movie though, it definitely will be a cult classic for many years to come. I would definitely like to see a director's cut in the future and yes, it was missing boobs :tongue:

I thought the opening scene was obvious as to what it meant but apparently not. :biggrin: We saw it a few hours ago. My wife and son both got squeamish at the "medical chamber surgery" part. While it was graphic, it wasn't as graphic as half the stuff on television so I'm unsure as to why they both almost puked.

I guess I wasnt the only one that noticed no boobies. I hated a little bit, I mean, I could only hope to sleep with Charlize hours before certain death :tongue:
I saw it in IMAX and loved the visual effects but was very disappointed in the movie continuity overall.

Am I missing something or did they majorly F-up the ending? In Alien they find one of the engineers in the spaceship cockpit "chair" in his spacesuit with a hole blown out in his chest. But in Prometheus the engineer is "taken out" in the escape pod with no spacesuit!! Big continuity problem or maybe I'm missing something.

I believe there is a larger gap between the ending of Prometheus and the actual discovery of the Aliens from Alien.
Am I missing something or did they majorly F-up the ending? In Alien they find one of the engineers in the spaceship cockpit "chair" in his spacesuit with a hole blown out in his chest. But in Prometheus the engineer is "taken out" in the escape pod with no spacesuit!! Big continuity problem or maybe I'm missing something.

You're missing something. They're not even on the same planet.
I thought the opening scene was obvious as to what it meant but apparently not. :biggrin: We saw it a few hours ago. My wife and son both got squeamish at the "medical chamber surgery" part. While it was graphic, it wasn't as graphic as half the stuff on television so I'm unsure as to why they both almost puked.

I guess I wasnt the only one that noticed no boobies. I hated a little bit, I mean, I could only hope to sleep with Charlize hours before certain death :tongue:

Yes as soon as I saw the opening sequence, I understood instantly, but then again I was anticipating this movie for quite some time :redface: I believe there are many people and even critics who did not understand it and it may have ruined their experience. Some people need it to be literally spelled out or said on screen for them, instead of simply being implied.

The first scene set the tone for the whole movie IMO. It planted a theory of how life could have began on Earth and then let evolution/science fill in the blanks. Then it also brought up the infinite philosophy of "who created you, if you created us." The dynamics and relationship of engineers for humans and engineers for robots was the most interesting part for me.

The medical scene was pretty graphic and provocative. I believe they cut some parts to not receive the NC-17 rating.

I think that this movie is going to be like Blade Runner or many of Ridley Scott's movies where it will take some time for some of the unconvinced critics to revisit and give it better praise. Sci-fi or fantasy movies seem to get better with time for digestion.
Finally saw the movie and thought it was excellent!

Few questions ...

1. Why the alien (engineer) created life on earth and then want to destroy it?

2. Why those aliens (engineers) were killed in the pyramid 2000 years ago?

3. After the last alien woke up, where is he planning on going in the space ship? Earth?
Finally saw the movie and thought it was excellent!

Few questions ...

1. Why the alien (engineer) created life on earth and then want to destroy it?

2. Why those aliens (engineers) were killed in the pyramid 2000 years ago?

3. After the last alien woke up, where is he planning on going in the space ship? Earth?

Highlight to see text:

1. There are many different theories, some I've read are i) a different alien faction created humans than the one that wants to destroy humans, ii) they created humans to have a species with the same DNA to test their bio-technology on, and iii) they became mad at us because humans killed Jesus (link).

2. Their creation (black goo) ran amok and killed them.

3. Yes, he was going to Earth to exterminate the remaining humans.

You can google for most questions as they have been answered/hypothesized by many fans already.
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