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Prospeed rdx injectors & ecu rom tune kit

Would be great it someone can volunteer and help Brian out with the new tune =D Been waiting for a bit!!! Hopefully it will be ready soon ><!!
Bumpity bump.

Brian, would be nice if you replied some emails and update us =/ its ok for us to wait, but not okay if you go radio silence on us. We get lonely and scared Q____Q. Please let us know how its going? Many thanks.
anyone have idling problem with the kit? mine would drop from 1-.5k rpm from time to time. Idle is only weird when it's sitting for awhile.
Just a heads up for a few of you that might be having the idle hunting issues with this mod, while we were installing my new LINK ECU we grabbed the loom while the car was idling and it started hunting up and down which the car had done on the very odd occasion before. So we turned her off and checked all the pin outs leading into the OEM ECU and some were lose so after tighteneing up and checking all 4? plugs it had gone away. Some of the OEM connectors are a bit smaller than the others and they were just slightly lose so it would be an intermittant issue, there was about 3 that were lose.
new tune vaporware?

Must be! Just like Brian! I have e-mailed him multiple times with no response AGAIN! I have really given this mod a chance, Product is good but Customer Service Nil/SUCKS.
I do not doubt the quality and the performance of the kit that brian has put together, i am simply just sharing my experience with dealing with Brian with the purchase of this kit.

I made the payment for this kit since April 2014, at that time Brian told me it will be a couple of months for the new tune to arrive and it will be advantageous for me to wait for it. Since i am in no rush, i waited. And waited, and waited and waited.... I have all but waited and emailed him for updates once every month or so. He either doesn't reply, or replies and say he is in the process of getting it completed.

15 months later today, i am still without a kit, and the tune is still not ready (i assume, he never got back to me since beginning of June).

I asked Brian for my money back, hope he will refund me...

I'd much rather actually have the kit and tune, but i have simply ran out of patience and rather spend the money on other mods and maintenance for the time being.

If Brian does eventually pick up his game and offers the kit again without delay, i'd be more than happy to purchase it, but in terms of product and service this time around (for the past 15months), lets just say i wasnt satisfied =(
I do not doubt the quality and the performance of the kit that brian has put together, i am simply just sharing my experience with dealing with Brian with the purchase of this kit.

I made the payment for this kit since April 2014, at that time Brian told me it will be a couple of months for the new tune to arrive and it will be advantageous for me to wait for it. Since i am in no rush, i waited. And waited, and waited and waited.... I have all but waited and emailed him for updates once every month or so. He either doesn't reply, or replies and say he is in the process of getting it completed.

15 months later today, i am still without a kit, and the tune is still not ready (i assume, he never got back to me since beginning of June).

I asked Brian for my money back, hope he will refund me...

I'd much rather actually have the kit and tune, but i have simply ran out of patience and rather spend the money on other mods and maintenance for the time being.

If Brian does eventually pick up his game and offers the kit again without delay, i'd be more than happy to purchase it, but in terms of product and service this time around (for the past 15months), lets just say i wasnt satisfied =(

I have the kit, and Brain personally installed the kit for me. So my suggestion is unless you can see him physically, and see the kit physically, don't fork out your money.

I usually don't get involve with these, but I have experienced it and heard too many stories about Prospeed. Brain promised me a re-tune was on its way years ago. I gave up. People need to stop buying from Prospeed. This has nothing to do with his personality since I do not know him personally. I am talking strictly on Prospeed.
Sigh... emailed Brian and he responded and ask me to wait again for several more weeks. A month later now, still no updates. No Kit. No Money back. I am beginning to lose faith.

Anyone personally know him or live close by that can help me reach out to him?
Sigh... emailed Brian and he responded and ask me to wait again for several more weeks. A month later now, still no updates. No Kit. No Money back. I am beginning to lose faith.

Anyone personally know him or live close by that can help me reach out to him?

Holy shit, it's been a year and a half since you paid.... no product, keeps telling you to wait.
Mark him down as a scammer in my books.
Prospeed rdx injectors &amp; ecu rom tune kit

I don't think he is "intentionally" screwing his customers because he seemed like a nice kid but the screwed result is the same and the fact that it's repeated shows no remorse. If he is that busy with school or whatever, he should not be running a "side business". Not too busy to collect funds and spend funds, but too busy to deliver product or press a button for refunds is still poor business- at best. Not saying this is a personal issue but at some point a company is just a fabricated representation, especially if it's a sole proprietorship. If you can't fulfill the orders now then don't make empty promises which you are content to ignore, and DO process the refunds "in the meantime" at the very least. Semesters have come and gone, with breaks in between so surely there has been time somewhere to rectify these issues.
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I agree with Nero Tenebre, I dont think he is intentionally trying to scam me (or anyone who have had dealt with him and experienced something similar). I honestly didn't mind the waiting should he actually provide periodic updates and post here regularly on Prime and keep me and all of us informed of his progress. I understand that he leads a busy life and most of us do. But to some point i found it very frustrating and irresponsible to leave me and others in similar situations hanging with no updates. Everytime i heard from him is when i initiated and not once has he reached out to me to try to resolve or provide an update.

On a side note, i emailed him yesterday and he replied!!!! This time he told me he have the updated tune and he will send it out w/injector kit to me (once i mail him my ECU of course). Will mail it out to him soon (within this week), hopefully finally i can have the product!!!

Many thanks!
Hey thats great news. Im in the exact same situation. In fact I may have paid almost 2 years ago but I dont even need him to solder the chip. I can do that myself and have the socket.

Ill have to ping him and have him send mine too, now that the tune is ready.
Hey thats great news. Im in the exact same situation. In fact I may have paid almost 2 years ago but I dont even need him to solder the chip. I can do that myself and have the socket.

Ill have to ping him and have him send mine too, now that the tune is ready.

Well i dont know if its a "NEW" tune. This are his exact words on the email: "I was able to test it out and so far it's good ... Let me know if you want my updated tune and I'll get it out to you ...."

So he mentioned updated lol. But that's good enough for me. It is great news. Hope he comes back on Prime and straighten things out with us! Cheers!
Y'all neighbors' to the north are way too nice! Waiting on a PAID FOR product for more than a year is BULLS&%T!

I must have been one of the lucky ones (in some sense) I got mine within 2 weeks. But, then had issues and hardly any help from Brian. I had to have someone here re-work and solder my ECU because of the poor workmanship. Then we were promised the "New" tune and then heard ZERO.

Somewhere in one of these threads he states that he is done with school and he will attend to everyone's issues, but now it sounds like he is telling people the same BS again. Like Nero said, if you are going to be a business owner and take peoples money, then you need to provide customer service to the people who are giving you money (Responding every 3-6 months is NOT customer service). If you don't, then like Neon said...YOUR A SCAMMER!
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Fall classes start in about two or three weeks. Hopefully he finds some time to clear things up before the next college session. Damn shame.