It will work on a stock engine NSX. Only thing is I "think" if you want to put it on a 6spd transmission you'll need the NSX-R dual spline Input Shaft.
I know I'm in the minority here but I would consider a different clutch. I have the OSG and honestly, I'm not a fan. Now granted a few owners have told me that mine is probably not adjusted correctly, which may be the case, but I just still don't like it. It's designed as a racing clutch and a higher performance clutch so it's very on/off. It takes some getting used to and even now after 3 years I still find myself fudging up the engagement. I love the lightweight flywheel just not a fan of the clutch. I'm going back to OEM when I do my restoration this year. Again I'm in the minority as most owners who have it love it, but come to think of it, all of the other owners I know who have it are also running with force induction engines.