Scammers are using compromised Prime member accounts to pose as a trusted seller in the marketplace. They also also creating usernames similar to veteran Prime names to trick you (e.g. DrManny3 vs DrManny1). Before you enter into a deal with ANY seller, follow these tips to keep yourself safe. If you encounter one of these scammers, please report them immediately and we will lock their account.

    Caveat Emptor!

Rims & Tires from member - Frank Spano

25 January 2008
I purchased a set of ROH Modena's from member Frank Spano and had a GREAT experience. He is the first person from NSXPrime.com that I have purchased anything from and highly recommend him to anyone thinking about purchasing any products from him. He was very reasonable in his pricing and even LET ME MAKE PAYMENTS since I didn't have the $ all at once (and it was over a 3 month period!)

-In Excess