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RIP Torito

28 March 2002
Oxnard, CA , USA
First of all, I'd like to apologize for posting another one of these threads, but I didn't want to hijack Steven's thread.

Today I had my pit bull Torito put down. He had a tumor and became anemic. He was with my family for the last 16+ years, and because of his age, doctors did not recommend surgery. His condition just got worse and last night he started showing obvious signs of pain so I made the decision to call the vet today.

We've lost a cockatiel years ago that was with us for 18 years, and even though I was sad about it, it doesn't compare to this. I knew I had to make the decision eventually, but nothing prepares you for that moment you have to make the call.

I know a lot of you here have your reservations and opinions of pit bulls, but Torito was the perfect example of what a pit bull is supposed to be.

Torito, thank you for being part of my family for all those years, and providing us with many wonderful memories. Take care my friend, we will see each other again.



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Sorry for your loss. I have an appointment this Friday to put one of my pups down for a brain tumor. I'm dreading Friday getting here.
So sorry to hear that. It was the right choice at his age because the heart would not have been able to handle the surgery. Torito is at peace now with no pain. Regardless of what anyone may say, pits are one of the best companions that any man could ever want. I have always loved your avatar.
Take care in the coming months and when the time is right, get yourself another pit. :wink:
Anyone can feel free to post in my thread. However, your new thread is as or more meaningful as it only points out how I am not alone. Our community is just that a group of largely men who love cars (NSX's) and guess what we are really attached to our family pets. We are not gearheads without feelings. In fact, quite the opposite.

You have my heartfelt sympathies!!! I wish I was able to photoshop a memorial picture for my dog Moses like yours. As one who has seen how wonderful this maligned breed can be I offer you this in your time of sorrow:

"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion."

My best to you and your family!!!
I hate reading these threads, they break my heart. My heart goes out to you and your family. He was a beautiful boy! Misinformation and Ignorance create misperception of this breed but it is one of the most intelligent, loyal and loving breeds. I lost my Spanky 5 years ago May 4th and I still miss him every day. We are so very blessed to have had them in our lives.....as the saying goes "My rescue dog rescued me"

My Angel Spanky....

I loved this picture of Torito...Even though we've never met, just know he's touched lives and will continue to do so....
Sorry for your loss of Torito. It is apparant that all of us pet owners really do care about our pets. How many dogs out there get to sit shotgun in an NSX??? :smile: I'm sure everytime you said to Torito "Let's go for a ride", that he was the most happy pup. I know my dogs are. :biggrin:
It is thugs that create the negative image of these wonderful dogs. My heart goes out to you and your family. I am sure that Torito enjoyed every single day of his life with you. He is likely up There sniffing and wagging as we read this.
Don't you wish dogs had the human lifespan. Would'nt it be great to grow old with your best friend.:frown:
Sorry to hear man. Pitbulls get a bad rap and I am glad he was a good embassador to the breed. RIP.
Very sorry to hear. I love pitbulls, have one of my own. Easily the best behaved dog ive ever owned and such a great companion. RIP Torito!
I've always grown up with dogs and treat them like a member of the family, so I totally understand how you're feeling. Rest in peace, Torito :cool:
Sorry to hear, I lost my Sheltie Bela last year and it was very difficult to cope. I had to get a new dog right of way and I ended up with two... You may have to get a new pup to ease the pain.
Thank you all for the kind words. As for another dog, we already have another one. As Torito got older, my brother left one of his other pits with us since we knew his time with us was limited. It's been tough on us all. I've never seen my dad show any emotion before, but the day we buried him, he was crying like I've never seen him do before. I plan on taking one of his pictures and have it printed out for a large portrait of him. I also want to take all his pictures and make some kind of collage with them. I wish I had video of him though, but I have plenty of pics.
Sorry to hear this man :(

In my house, there isn't much of a line between our dogs and our children. They are all our kids.

RIP Torito
First of all, I'd like to apologize for posting another one of these threads, but I didn't want to hijack Steven's thread.

Today I had my pit bull Torito put down. He had a tumor and became anemic. He was with my family for the last 16+ years, and because of his age, doctors did not recommend surgery. His condition just got worse and last night he started showing obvious signs of pain so I made the decision to call the vet today.

We've lost a cockatiel years ago that was with us for 18 years, and even though I was sad about it, it doesn't compare to this. I knew I had to make the decision eventually, but nothing prepares you for that moment you have to make the call.

I know a lot of you here have your reservations and opinions of pit bulls, but Torito was the perfect example of what a pit bull is supposed to be.

Torito, thank you for being part of my family for all those years, and providing us with many wonderful memories. Take care my friend, we will see each other again.


Sorry to hear about your loss. I can't imagine my pup not being around anymore even though i know the day will come. My condolences to you and yours...I'm sure he was a wonderful dog and good friend.