seafoam seafoam seafoam :biggrin:
it will bring the fire department everytime. :wink:
I have ran seafoam through a couple of my cars.
besides the cRaZY smoke screen you get, personally I have "noticed" better mpg and idle.
as Brian said above... efi engines do run very effectively however sometimes carbon does build up. If you consistently drive the nsx at lower rpm and never really get up in to the higher rpm echelons of bliss, you might have some carbon build up.
seafoam works on the same basis as water ( very small amounts ) in your engine + detergents.
very small amounts of water will generate steam in your combustion cylinders. this steam will over time work loose the carbon build up on the pistons and heads which has many benefits including returning the engine back to its original compression, removing heat spots caused by carbon build up, help lower the detonation thresh hold, increase fuel "octane", cleans out the exhaust manifold and exhaust system for less ex flow restrictions.
my problem with seafoam is distribution.
since the directions on the can to taken an vacuum tube such as the brake booster and "suck" in the fluid a little at a time. only 1-2 cylinders closes to where the hose comes in will get the fluid since the seafoam is not suspended in the air but rather in liquid form and flowing against the walls of the intake manifold.
it is imposable to get even distribution in to every cylinder.
Also if you try the seafoam treatment, only a little fluid can go into at a time.
If too much fluid gets suck in at a time, this can result in hydro lock, a condition where water displaces air in the cylinder and since water can not be compressed, all the force of the rotating engine is applied on the rod bearings resulting in a spun bearing.
I always had this remedy in mind where you get a handheld pressurized spray bottle. the ones where you pump up and then hold the trigger resulting in a consistent spray of fluids. you can get these for 5$ at Wal-Mart. Anyways, because the mist is much smaller and you can actually inject the fluid upstream in the intake tube before the air splits to individual intake runners, you will probably get a better distribution of fluids and the seafoam product will be more effective.
for all the trouble. I would pass. Instead I would take the NSX out for a spirited drive on the freeway and put to good use the awesomeness of the complete 8000 rpm rev range.
If any of you are interested in water injection, it is a very effective way to keep your engine clean from carbon and to increase octane of the fuel by slowing the flame front.
Warm regards