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Severe depression...

8 September 2005
i've always thought it wouldn ever happen to me.

but its been confirmed. i am officially suffering from severe depression. :(

i really need you guy's advice....what drugs, or treatment have you guys found helpful? well at least to those who have gone through it, or have known ppl who have severe depression.
I dont know if you want to take those drugs..They ususally has some kind of adverse effects...If I were you I'd find someone to talk to that's willing to listen or someone whom you can trust..Go out as much as you can..do whatever make you feel happy often...hang out with your friends or your family..don't let it get you down....it's basically a mind game and you have to win against yourself...been there..than that..hope this helps
downwiz2 said:
i've always thought it wouldn ever happen to me.

but its been confirmed. i am officially suffering from severe depression. :(

i really need you guy's advice....what drugs, or treatment have you guys found helpful? well at least to those who have gone through it, or have known ppl who have severe depression.

Didn't the doctor who confirmed your depression prescribe any treatment for you ??
I was diagnosed with that many years ago also but ended up quitting my meds because after 10 different meds, they did nothing for me.

My only advise is, surround yourself with good happy/harmonious people and keep busy. I noticed when i was around unhappy or depressed people my mood would change. Same thing as down time. When i had nothing to do, it was at its worst. I dont even really notice it now so maybe it was just all in my head. I dunno but do everything you can to keep a smile on your face. Good luck and it does help to talk to people.
downwiz2 said:
i've always thought it wouldn ever happen to me.

but its been confirmed. i am officially suffering from severe depression. :(

i really need you guy's advice....what drugs, or treatment have you guys found helpful? well at least to those who have gone through it, or have known ppl who have severe depression.

When you say officially does that mean that a health care professional made the diagnosis or did you compare your symptoms to an online questionnaire?

You need to see a psychiatrist immediately! Depression is a physical illness caused by chemical imbalances in the brain and can be successfully treated with prescription medicine, therapy or a combination of the two.

Google is your friend, simply search using "depression" for many online resources.

If you need immediate help because you might be in danger of hurting yourself please call 911 or get yourself to an emergency room.
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downwiz2 said:
i've always thought it wouldn ever happen to me.

but its been confirmed. i am officially suffering from severe depression. :(

i really need you guy's advice....what drugs, or treatment have you guys found helpful? well at least to those who have gone through it, or have known ppl who have severe depression.

I also suffered from severe depression. It is not fun and I know what your going through. My Dr had me taking Celexa and I also got councilling. I've known others that who were perscribed Effexor. That combination worked great for me. I think councilling is important cause it helps you understand, cope recognize when you are getting depressed and it helps you deal with it when you are depressed. Your counciller should also help you figure out what exactly got you feeling that way. Don't get me wrong though about the medication cause that is a fast helper but to me not the cure. But the medication still takes a month or so before you notice a differance with your mood. The longer you wait to treat it the harder it is to start feeling good again. I still have my bad days here and there but everyone has bad days, when I have days like that I do stuff that I enjoy to get my mind free from the garbage. I know being depressed it is hard to enjoy doing anything, hang in there. There are way brighter days ahead of you :biggrin: . People close to you also need to understand about depression, so they can learn on how to deal with your different moods. I don't meen to be blunt but if your suicidal do your loved ones a favore and admit yourself to the hospital. Everything will work out for you though. You can PM me if you'd like, take care! :smile:
I too suffered from chronic sever depression for many years until I got it sorted out. I didn't take any drugs but maybe I should have as I never sought professional help for many years because culturally I have been taught that depression is a mental weakness. That is fair from the truth. I went through many different journeys in my life in an attempt to break the depression.

There was no one thing that flipped the switch for me but seeking professional counseling help tremendously and significantly contributed to my road to beating depression. Ironically, I look back and reflect on how the depression "held me back" as well as force me to seek the answers to many of the important life questions. And I'm a better person because of that. You've taken a big step in recognizing and sharing it; feel free to PM any time :biggrin:
Check a dietitian to see if your daily diet is suitable or not. Maybe its in the food you eat everyday.
I've always enjoyed the NSX advice that I've read here on Prime. But your problem seems to be of a nature best advised by a doctor. Why don't you ask your physician which treatment is best for you? :confused:
There could be many factors that, when compiled, work together to bring you down. One example may be light deprivation, and a certain minimum amount of exposure on a daily basis may help. However, recent studies show that people that benifit from such therapy, become more depressed, and even suicidal, when exposed to too much sunlight.

Hopefully, you can find some lifestyle changes or mild medications that can help you turn the corner. Once you get your head above water again, all you have to do is try to float.
Yes to all who suggested you see a physician who specializes in such things.To wake up every day feeling "blue" not enjoying anything,is a real condition,but you must distinguish this from "acute grief reaction" which is a normal response to significant stress or tragidy in your life currently.Seek help.
I have been dealing with a long time friend of mine with depression for the last twenty some years. He called me frquently during his episodes. I always listened to him and talked to him. He almost always felt better afterward. While seeking medical advice, try to find someone supportive to talk to. Keep busy so your mind does not stay on one subject(yourself) for too long.
Depression is not the typical type on condition that can be resolved overnight. Stay in there and be strong.
Don't be embarassed to ask for help, your loved ones love you and they will help when you ask. Some people don't want to do this. Jin had a good point about diet. Fish oils have been proven clinically to help reduce depression. Carlson brand fisho oil is sold at Whole Foods and other stores, I would take at least a tablespoon each day. You would be surprised at the difference. Make sure you are staying active. Go to the gym, go for a walk with someone you love. It is fall and the leaves are changeing. I walk along a lake or throught a forest preserve is beautiful right now. Ask your god for guidance, you might be surprised.
Good luck and I will keep you in my thoughts hoping this passes easily for you!
a number of my friends and family have struggled with longterm / body chemistry-related (non-situational) depression. in each situation, identifying the proper remedy (meds, exercise, etc) took a bit of time to dial in, but once done, resulted in a significant improvement in the quality of their lives. my suggestion would be to actively solicit - and accept / immediately act on - the advice of the medical professional who diagnosed your condition.

best success with this challenge and your efforts.
Everyone's situation is different. Both talk therapy and medication
can be useful; you have to find out what works best for you.

It's worth reading up about the pros and cons of the different
drugs on the market. That's not a substitute for the expertise
of a doctor--but there are a lot of choices and it's good to know
something about the options.

If you do take medication, be prepared to stay on it for a while.
I would avoid cycling off and back on the drugs.

If you're on the drugs for a while and then stop, your brain
chemistry may not completely reset itself to where it had
been before. Not all doctors understand this process well.
I don't mean to scare you, as the drugs can be an OK choice
for many people. But they have their quirks. If you can
get results without the drugs, I think that's preferable.

Depression is insidious; it's worth getting help for.
Tom239 said:
Everyone's situation is different. Both talk therapy and medication
can be useful; you have to find out what works best for you.

It's worth reading up about the pros and cons of the different
drugs on the market. That's not a substitute for the expertise
of a doctor--but there are a lot of choices and it's good to know
something about the options.

If you do take medication, be prepared to stay on it for a while.
I would avoid cycling off and back on the drugs.

If you're on the drugs for a while and then stop, your brain
chemistry may not completely reset itself to where it had
been before. Not all doctors understand this process well.
I don't mean to scare you, as the drugs can be an OK choice
for many people. But they have their quirks. If you can
get results without the drugs, I think that's preferable.

Depression is insidious; it's worth getting help for.

well said! :smile:
downwiz2 said:
i've always thought it wouldn ever happen to me.

but its been confirmed. i am officially suffering from severe depression. :(

i really need you guy's advice....what drugs, or treatment have you guys found helpful? well at least to those who have gone through it, or have known ppl who have severe depression.

Talk therapy is as important as the drugs you take. Just don't stop when you feel that things are better. Hopefully your insurance will cover it as it can get expensive in the long run.

Get a psychiatrist you trust. No two drugs act alike in similar people. You need to spend a long first visit with your doctor, then have him/her talk with your talk therapist to help setup your medicine. It will take 4-6 weeks to notice changes from the meds. Sometimes the meds make it worse before making it better, so stick with it. Don't be afraid to say it is not working after the 6-8 week period and try something new, just ONLY do it with your psychiatrist's blessing. Do not stop meds cold turkey as it can lead to some funky side effects in a small percentage of the population.

Did I mention talk therapy:D Use your friends and family, they become lifesavers, and they are probably waiting to help because most depressed people distance themselves from those around them, thinking no one wants to hear about their problems. Get out in the sun, meditate, dry the NSX, etc.

The newer epinepherine/serotonin drugs are showing some great promise in recalcitrant cases. Good luck.
hey big thanks to everyone for their tips.

i think its better on somedays...today was especially good

before i didn't even get up in the morning, i felt like there was no point. there was no point in going to lectures or living that day. especially in the past few weeks, my bio rythm was completely off. i would get up at around 2 or 3 pm, i don't eat, i eat 1 meal at night, can't sleep so i watch tv from 5 am to 7, then go to sleep wake up do the samething over and over.....

but somehow, today, i was able to force myself up and it feels good. but i know it will come crashing down. it always does at the end of the day.

i don't know the exact cause of my depression, but being locked up in my single bed dormatory definitely one i think. everyone just minds their business, im fine with that. problems back at home, school, all contributes i think.

i can't discuss things like this wtih my family. i've only talked to my best friend about this, after talking made me feel better only for a few days.

but one of the most concerning fact is my uncontrollable anger/mood swings that also seem to have developped. before i was very calm person, but now i find myself yelling and swearing, then crying, then laughing..3 or 4 am in my bed....i thought holyshit wtf is wrong with me. before i try to choke and punch myself...i seriously longed for a gun to blow my brains out.

I try to surround myself with good ppl and good things, but its hard when you are stuck in your dorm, and you got shit load of work, can't concentrate, its jus fucking all crazy to me. pressure, expectation from my parents is also har to deal with.

im reluctant to go on medication because i hear of the sideeffects. the only medication i can think of is.....well....marijuana.

once again, to everyone who gave me their advice, i greatly appreciate your help during times like this.
Buddy you need to take a break from school and reset. You need to dump the mary jane and make sure you are not drinking. Those two are going to keep you in this cycle hard. You need to always remind yourself that even if it sucks at this current second the next one WILL be better. I have had some hard times, but my little voice in my head always says it is going to be better! Your last post scares me and you need a strong support structure. The thing that I hope would be true is that your parents may pressure you, but they love you and would understand if you need a bit of a break. You really need to talk to someone. Call a support number! Find help now!
you'll make, but take control!

downwiz2 said:
but one of the most concerning fact is my uncontrollable anger/mood swings that also seem to have developped. before i was very calm person, but now i find myself yelling and swearing, then crying, then laughing..3 or 4 am in my bed....i thought holyshit wtf is wrong with me. before i try to choke and punch myself...i seriously longed for a gun to blow my brains out.

Get professional help. Don't walk. Run. Goodluck. And stop asking for advice now from people. I mean all this w/ the most sincere and caring intentions. Take care. :smile:
Talking over your problems to get them off of your chest will help initially. I feel that by just keeping oneself busy, the mind will become preoccupied with the situation at hand, instead of drifting into the "dark areas". It is my opinion that opening a bottle of pills every day will only act as a reminder that your'e supposed to be feeling down. I hope I helped :smile: