Subaru going off track. enjoy!


Don't the organizers have a rule like 3 strikes you're out? The guy is a danger to everyone in your run group
That's great! :biggrin:

That's the kind of guy you want to give a late point-by to on the inside just before a turn and then brake early and slow way the hell down just to sit back and watch.

I sit in the right seat and watch students "almost" take a sucker point by all the time. And then ask - "Ok, in order to make that late pass you would have to be going faster longer than you normally do. Right? And now you are entering the turn faster and offline on the inside of the turn. Right? So.... are you planning on under-steering off the exit of the turn or spinning off the inside exit of the turn?" :tongue:
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Ugh, seeing that raised a HUGE question mark on my head..I mean, what was that guy thinking passing there? Some people.

This is why I don't like running with organizations that require "Point by" signals, makes the driver really contemplate his/her pass. That's just my $0.02 though.

Thanks for proving that AWD can't make up for everything. :biggrin:
That's pretty awesome. Did the Subaru even get a point by? Can't tell in the video..
Ive seen the likes at the track before, for some reason its typically Subaru drivers too. :confused: Turns 7/8/9 at big willow is not the place for an amateur to try and be brave.
Ugh, seeing that raised a HUGE question mark on my head..I mean, what was that guy thinking passing there? Some people.

This is why I don't like running with organizations that require "Point by" signals, makes the driver really contemplate his/her pass. That's just my $0.02 though.

Thanks for proving that AWD can't make up for everything. :biggrin:

I disagree. There are pros and cons to point-by's, but the pro's certainly outweigh the con's. If a student/driver gives a point-by to another driver and they "passing driver" doesn't feel comfortable with the circumstances or location, they can wave it off and stay in-line. Obviously you know this, but my point is that a point-by ensures both parties are prepared, rather than one going for it while the other is not expecting it.
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point bys are essential in student groups and you need to teach a student to accept or wave off the signal.Racing rules ie no points and passing in turns can work too as long as you know who you are playing with and they are very experienced.
point bys are essential in student groups and you need to teach a student to accept or wave off the signal.Racing rules ie no points and passing in turns can work too as long as you know who you are playing with and they are very experienced.

Obviously yes - but in the above group that had the Subaru, is not an advanced group. If so, then I have no idea why that driver is considered "advanced".
Passing off-line is normal but I'm curious as to what the hell he was doing. Glad that nobody was hurt so I could get a could laugh over it.
Obviously yes - but in the above group that had the Subaru, is not an advanced group. If so, then I have no idea why that driver is considered "advanced".

you'd be surprised how many hpde groups have lax enforcement of the obvious.......poor management of solo /sign offs, just a lack of oversite.The result can be dangerous.
No point by. Surprisingly in NASA hpde 2 they don't require it. I don't agree with it but hey what do I know. I am in HPDE 3 now!

What? Definitely not right.

In NASA South East, North East, Great Lakes and Mid Atlantic they all require pointby's until you're HPDE4, I'm certain NASA AZ would play by the same rules as well.
I don't get it, why did he suddenly turn to the right more? It looked like he would of been okay the way he was going but then he randomly turns to the right hard.
I don't get it, why did he suddenly turn to the right more? It looked like he would of been okay the way he was going but then he randomly turns to the right hard.

That, my friend, is what oversteer looks like.:eek:
I don't get it, why did he suddenly turn to the right more? It looked like he would of been okay the way he was going but then he randomly turns to the right hard.

That, my friend, is what oversteer looks like.:eek:

I think he thought he was going to pass, initiated the right hand sweeper, then decided that he could make it. He he then tapped the brakes (or lifted) which lightened the backend (and increase grip on the front turning tires) & resulted in oversteer.

Oversteer isn't something most Subaru drivers are used to..:tongue:
Many years ago, a friend of mine went off right there in his 914/6 racecar; killed his student and lost a leg. I was at the top of the hill at the time and saw what I thought was a plane crash from Edwards AFB. Passing in T8 & 9 is not for novices. Assuming that Subaru driver survived this, I would hope he was black flagged and called in for a conversation.
We had a white Subaru at Sears Point a few weeks ago showing similar aggression/red mist - totally oblivious to safety concerns and forcing the issue of passing without mandatory point by on outside of the track out line!

Perhaps its the same person and perhaps not. But the most issues we have had on the track - with self inflicted driver error incidents - have been AWD Subarus/WRX.
Obviously yes - but in the above group that had the Subaru, is not an advanced group. If so, then I have no idea why that driver is considered "advanced".

again..sadly some groups succumb to the pressures of money,by oversuscribing,cutting staff..ect.. and can be too easily swayed esp by a fast talking novice who knows what to say to get out on track.