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Thinking about jumping back into the military...

2 May 2002
Ft. Lewis, WA
So, I finished 5 years in the army. I am almost done with my B.A. now and am looking at going back in as an officer. The army won't take me because I'm too old (go figure), but the Air Force will... Thinking about riding it out through the next 14-15 years to retirement...

Anyone here retired military? Any advice for what to look out for in officer land (more politics, I can imagine).

Anyone here been in both the Air Force and the Army?
I've never served. But a couple of years ago I had a guy from the Indiana Air Guard call me and all my work friends asking us if we wanted to become Warrant Officers and learn to fly Blackhawks. Apparently, they must have been pretty desperate if they called me. From my work friends that were former Army Helicopter pilots they said Warrant Officer was the best of both worlds - officer privileges with out the officer politics.
So, I finished 5 years in the army. I am almost done with my B.A. now and am looking at going back in as an officer. The army won't take me because I'm too old (go figure), but the Air Force will... Thinking about riding it out through the next 14-15 years to retirement...

Anyone here retired military? Any advice for what to look out for in officer land (more politics, I can imagine).

Anyone here been in both the Air Force and the Army?

I thought the Army's age limit was like 42 or something like that??

My recommendation, don't do it. I went from USMC>USAF>USMC. That last one I regretted doing. With all the budget cuts, they're doing a lot of cutbacks, including man power. That's the first place they're looking at. I know in the Marine Corps alone, they were letting go of 20% of Sgt's this year, right off the bat, no question about it. With all the talk about taking away benefits, lowering the retirement amounts, etc.. it's not even worth it. Plus being treated like a child, no matter what rank you are, yeah I was done with all that BS. Most important of all, I missed the freedom to do what I want, when I want, without having to ask for permission.

To each their own, good luck in whatever you decide.
As someone who has never served, it doesn't seem like a bad gig to me. 20 years until a retirement check? That's amazing.
It depends on the specifics. What job and life would you have outside vs inside. I know it's hard to find work right now.
If you could find a high paying easy job tomorrow, I would do that. If you're going to be unemployed for 24 months living with your parents, I would sign back up.
I am in the Air Force, and I will say this. If you want to do it go for it. However, have a back up plan cause in the Air Force they are cutting the Officer corp
Anyone here been in both the Air Force and the Army?

Served in the Air Force and spent a fair amount of time on various Army bases... the Air Force is a better service in many ways and have several friends still serving and close to retirement.

I wouldn't do it, the private sector can be more rewarding professionally and personally. Better food, medical, and life options... although retiring in twenty years from the private sector takes serious investment discipline and hustling to make a buck.

Either way, thanks for serving and do what makes you happy
Quite honestly, I think you've picked a bad time to try to join back up. However, if the air force is willing to take you, why not? If it hasn't been more than 2 years break in service, I think your pay will be O-1 with 5 years TIS ,which is pretty good, last time I checked.

It will be competitive though, I'm sure you already know. The Air Force is a smaller service branch with fewer positions. it will be politics out the butt.

But don't mind me. I'm just a 3 year old (in the Army). heheh.

What did you do before you got out and how high up the chain did you make in 5 years?
If I were to join again, I would still do army (god loves the infantry ;-)) but as an officer, I would do air force. Joys of serving without falling apart, literally. My 9 year anniversary in the army is in two months, and at the ripe age of 29 and I have 2 herniated discs, 3 pins in my right shoulder, more stress fractures in both feet over the past decade then I can count, left knee has almost no cartilage left, etc. etc. So depending on your physical condition, and what job you had in your 5 years, would be the main factor for which service I would make a go at.
If I were to join again, I would still do army (god loves the infantry ;-)) but as an officer, I would do air force. Joys of serving without falling apart, literally. My 9 year anniversary in the army is in two months, and at the ripe age of 29 and I have 2 herniated discs, 3 pins in my right shoulder, more stress fractures in both feet over the past decade then I can count, left knee has almost no cartilage left, etc. etc. So depending on your physical condition, and what job you had in your 5 years, would be the main factor for which service I would make a go at.

Air Assault Infantry officer? =P
So, I finished 5 years in the army. I am almost done with my B.A. now and am looking at going back in as an officer. The army won't take me because I'm too old (go figure), but the Air Force will... Thinking about riding it out through the next 14-15 years to retirement...

Anyone here retired military? Any advice for what to look out for in officer land (more politics, I can imagine).

Anyone here been in both the Air Force and the Army?

It may be difficult to get a slot to OTS and do that. What are you wanting to come back in to do?
A friend of mine did 4 years army then his masters degree, then he went into the coast guard as a officer. He's doing his time, will retire young and double dip afterwards utilizing his masters and the work history from the CG.
My PL in Iraq when I was a squad leader many moons ago was prior enlisted, he was a tad older, but had won honor grad in Ranger school, PT stud, the whole 9. It's possible ;-)

I wish they sent me to Ranger school out of Basic. I'm.. .too comfortable now to go through that.. and my wife probably would not approve.
My service was a little unusual. I'm an orthodontist in private practice in the Dallas area and am a 73 West Point grad who did Airborne school in July of 71 and Ranger school in Oct 73. I spent 12 years active duty, got picked up for LtCol, but elected to get out in 89 during the Reagan reduction in force. I enjoyed my years of service but I don't miss it one bit. Too much politics and the government is so grossly inefficient.
I agree with some of the comments above with regards to timing. If The current administration is planning another reduction in force, advancement opportunities may be hard to come by.
However, if this is something you really want to do, go for it, and live your life with no regrets!
I wish you well!
It may be difficult to get a slot to OTS and do that. What are you wanting to come back in to do?

It definitely is, I was heavily exploring going back in as an officer during 2008/2009 and even then it was very cut throat. There's an AF OTS forum where you can see the horrors that everybody is putting themselves through. I could have swore I heard the prior enlisted selection rates for OTS were under 15% now, but you would have to double check that.

In hindsight I'm relieved that I never went back in, the pay doesn't get decent untill O-3E and that's if they didn't cut you while you were a LT, or if you didn't blow your brains out from playing XO duty.
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Thanks for all the feedback. I would have preferred to go back into the army (I have friends there) and worked in my familiar area, but, like I said... the current cutoff age is 30.

Basically, my top priority is providing for my family. Military benefits (especially if stationed in a "good" area) are hard, if not impossible, to beat. Not sure what retirement will look like 15 years from now, but it's something I'm considering as a means to be able to provide for my family worry free (at least as far as what I can control).

On the officer side of things, well, if I'm going to go back in, might as well get paid twice as much, right?

naaman, weren't you going to go into law enforcement once you got out of the military?

Yes, that was my plan A... but I guess on paper, I just don't have enough to offer. Most departments are only looking for laterals, which I meet none of the requirements for.

On the other hand, if anyone knows of any really good security gigs (power plants, railroads, oil etc), I'd be very interested in that. It would be a great way to use my skill set and remain a true civilian, non-government employee.
Yes, that was my plan A... but I guess on paper, I just don't have enough to offer. Most departments are only looking for laterals, which I meet none of the requirements for.

That sucks, their loss. You have more discipline and ethics in your little finger than most cops have in their entire precinct.