vacation for 1

Well after the fact, but I hear this place is nice for single males...


OK guys. I made my reservation. If you haven't seen me post for a week, look for the NSX for sale in the NSX for Sale Forum. My trustee will be handling the transaction.:biggrin:
OK guys. I made my reservation. If you haven't seen me post for a week, look for the NSX for sale in the NSX for Sale Forum. My trustee will be handling the transaction.:biggrin:

You might want to rent the movie Hostel before you sign on the dotted line.
Hey JAYTIP- I just stumbled across this thread and wanted to share my two- cents.....Dude there is absolutly nothing wrong with packing up and taking a vaca by yourself, in fact I do it all the time and I seem to have more fun on my own! Maybe Im a loser, but I love to go alone, I dont care what people think... I just went down to South Beach Miami for X-mas by myself and had a blast! just laid on the topless beach all day (had to throw that in there :biggrin: ) and walked the strip alone and stopped in the local Irish pub each night for a few pints and to watch my soccer team play.. but besides getting hit on by every guy that see's a girl alone and has to pouce, it was great! ( although you probably wont have to worry about guys hitting on you... or maybe not, you might be smoking hot who knows :biggrin: ) so go on and take a trip by yourself its a great way to relax and figure things out. Let me know how it goes!!!!
Wow, seriously...... IF I ever get married, I'm TOTALLY gonna scam my bisexual wife into going there for our honeymoon! :biggrin: (or soon to be bisexual.....)

"hey sweetie, I thought I'd surprise you with a trip for two to the carribean"

LOL a buddy of mine tried that with his wife (not this place but a swingers cruise) and when they were walking up to the boat and she saw the "Welcome Swingers" sign, she freaked, turned around, and jumped the first plane back home. Left him on the dock with all their luggage and two non-refundable cruise tickets :eek:

I would make sure she's into it....or, since you're not married yet, find one who is into it!
Hey JAYTIP- I just stumbled across this thread and wanted to share my two- cents.....Dude there is absolutly nothing wrong with packing up and taking a vaca by yourself, in fact I do it all the time and I seem to have more fun on my own! Maybe Im a loser, but I love to go alone, I dont care what people think... I just went down to South Beach Miami for X-mas by myself and had a blast! just laid on the topless beach all day (had to throw that in there :biggrin: ) and walked the strip alone and stopped in the local Irish pub each night for a few pints and to watch my soccer team play.. but besides getting hit on by every guy that see's a girl alone and has to pouce, it was great! ( although you probably wont have to worry about guys hitting on you... or maybe not, you might be smoking hot who knows :biggrin: ) so go on and take a trip by yourself its a great way to relax and figure things out. Let me know how it goes!!!!
Lol,look at the dates mate.I went out there a few years ago and have since met a Thai woman,married her and we had our first baby four weeks ago.