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was I bad?

8 March 2006
I was driving around a nice night, the streets were empty. The top was off, and an M3 kept getting close to my bumper and revving his motor. I let him pass but he didn't. My on-ramp was coming up and I took it hard, and he tried to follow. I got up to 65 fast, and he was trying to stay with me. I don't think anyone was going all out, we were just playing at 50%. We got on the highway, he looked over at me and I smiled and gave him a thumbs up. He smiled and gave me the "slow down" wave. I slowed to about 25 and so did he, side by side. Not another car in sight on the highway, either direction. He then took off and so did I, and I just pulled and pulled further away. I slowed back at 65 or 70... he asked to do it again and I did so again. He then stuck his hand out, gave me a thumbs up and exited off.

I was just playing with this guy, we never even really broke the speed limit and honestly I only did it because he was acting mature, he was not some punk trying to prove something. It was just a game and we both knew it. I don't think either of us would have done this if there were any cars around. He too never went past 70 at most.

Does this sort of thing still qualify as a "street race"? Does anyone seriously see something wrong with that? I am just wondering
Looks like you guys were having fun, but you better get your flame suit on since this is a very annoying subject were either people are "For" and "Against" it, honestly i don't see anything wrong with people having fun on empty roads as long there's no risk involved for others (assuming that if you damage your OWN vehicle it's your own problem) my only problem is that is IMPOSSIBLE to know if the other driver it's a BAD driver ... like once i had an M3, sunday, semi wet empty roads and light was red, we decided to have some "fun" but then i looked @ my rear view mirror and i saw that M3 sideways ... i slowed down to check on him but he saved and BLEW my doors in a very stupid -ricer fly by- way .. so .. that is my only problem .. if the "others" are actually good/mature drivers.

Good luck and stay safe!
First of all I posted in the wrong section. Secondly maybe I shouldn't have posted at all and revived some old issue. I am just saying we didn't break the speed limit. Frankly if there was a cop there I am not sure he would have had any legit reason to even pull us over. This the most I would ever do, and my personal opinion is that street racing is wrong. Just not sure if this falls into that category or not. I get challenged everytime I have the NSX out and I never do anything. This guy was an older guy and I thought he was pretty cool. We were both giving each other thumbs up and waved goodbye. There was no ego involved here, just a "nice car" type of thing. I wouldn't have cared if I lost or won, I was just letting him hear my exhaust. lol...
Does this sort of thing still qualify as a "street race"? Does anyone seriously see something wrong with that? I am just wondering

If you were trying to compete against him, then yes you were street racing. If you were just minding your own business going to get some milk, then no, you weren't street racing.

The problem is when do you draw the line? Do you wait until someone gets hurt or killed. I'm not suggesting that this will happen to you, but is it a risk you are willing to take. What if the M3 driver lost control and hit you and left the scene? What do you tell the police and insurance company? These are all risks that no one thinks about when engaging a little street competition.
If you were trying to compete against him, then yes you were street racing. If you were just minding your own business going to get some milk, then no, you weren't street racing.

The problem is when do you draw the line? Do you wait until someone gets hurt or killed. I'm not suggesting that this will happen to you, but is it a risk you are willing to take. What if the M3 driver lost control and hit you and left the scene? What do you tell the police and insurance company? These are all risks that no one thinks about when engaging a little street competition.

We were on a 4 lane highway with a empty lane between us and stopped somewhere around the speed limit. There wasn't another car on the highway as far as my eyes could see. I had my targa off and he had his top down. Do you seriously think he would lose control and this was a risk? I would not have done this if there was a car even remotely close or if I felt the guy was a clown.
If you were trying to compete against him, then yes you were street racing. If you were just minding your own business going to get some milk, then no, you weren't street racing.

The problem is when do you draw the line? Do you wait until someone gets hurt or killed. I'm not suggesting that this will happen to you, but is it a risk you are willing to take. What if the M3 driver lost control and hit you and left the scene? What do you tell the police and insurance company? These are all risks that no one thinks about when engaging a little street competition.

You make a good point about insurance? However, when you go to the drag strip, road atlanta, and compete, race legally etc? DOes one call the insurance company and tell them they are going to race the car legally just for the weekend? NO PUN intended....I am serious. Really want to know the answer. I always assumed sport car insurance was a lil bit more expensive due to the nature of the car and that most people who buy them, will speed at one point or another.....
Seem like your insurance is going to go up either way...

saw this after I posted--ABout RACE CAR INS ---- http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1013033#post1013033
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"Technically" you're right not breaking the speed limit, and i KNOW many people track their cars, i personally go to do karting @ list twice a month and i bring my S2k whenever i can (as long i can afford) to events ... I agree "Street Racing" it's illegal and I wasn't saying you were "racing" ... to put in prospective, i got stop once by a cop @ 2 am in Miami just b/c i was going faster than her on a 35MPH speed limit zone while i was @ 35 (never went faster tahn 35) and she was @ 30, her argument, "I disrespect her" ... all depends the angle .. sorry if you think i said you were "street racing" .. all i said it's to be safe (because of idiots) that's all.

Even if you don't break the speed limt, there is a law called "exhibition of speed" which is complete BS. I once got a ticket for it in high school just accelerating to speed limit with a cop a few cars behind me. I almost got a reckless driving ticket, but I kept my mouth shut when I realized that I was not going to win. Which ever way you can justify how you feel is fine with me, just look at it for what it is.
hehhehe i got a ticket for changing a lane to fast with my signal on.....WTF.
not my fault the car can change lanes fast...
Interpretation of the law....having a sports car will generally put you on the losing side.
I wanted to see what the car could do one night 3am on a HWY that streches nearly 5 miles with no turns. I was not street racing....But going way over the speed limit by myself....two unmarked police cars was in the median ....... THey didnt even try to catch me or come after me....MY GREAT LUCK...THey JUST hit the lights and I guess went back to sleep. I really assume that they didn't try to catch me for I was going that fast....I learned my lesson at no expense....But the thought of going to jail , getting car towed, calling wife for bail....changed me forever.... LIL off topic. But my point is you never know whats out there in front of you... People will argue that their is no form of safe street racing....I hate to say this and hope not to get flammed-- I like reading about how well the car does against others at time...But promote safety also....So my views are bias....for though I have never setup a street race--- I AM GUILTY OF GOING WOT TO SEE HOW THE CAR HANDLES, GETTING SOMEONE OFF MY BUT, DRIVING FAST BECAUSE I CAN OR JUST IN A DARN HURRY.....
from the age of 18 - 21 i had 12 speeding tickets...(3 driving classes)

21 - 36 2 speeding tickets, 1 warning......So I have learned some...

with 3 kids and 2 dogs---I try to obey the laws...HARD

sorry for the novel
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Good thing that car was not an undercover highway patrol vehicle. Hopefully you don't encounter something like this again.
Great, now you are going to have Red and WingZ arguing over who gets to spank your bare ass for being bad.

You brought it upon yourself, remember.
Confucius say street racing is like masturbation, it is best not to tell everyone about it.

very wise words my friend and it will keep you out of the trouble on nsxprime for many years to come.
I wonder what kind of M3 it was. If on a rolling start in my M3 depending on speed, I get up to 70 MPH in probably 2-3 seconds tops so that's not much time to play at all Ned... Er, Dave...

I wonder what kind of M3 it was. If on a rolling start in my M3 depending on speed, I get up to 70 MPH in probably 2-3 seconds tops so that's not much time to play at all Ned... Er, Dave...


Yeah it literally was only a few seconds. The thing is that before I did anything, I wanted to see the driver. We sort of nodded a "hello" and smiled. It was more of a "nice car" gesture than "I bet my car is faster than yours" type of thing. He was smiling, so I said what the heck... let me rev it out a few seconds. When he waved goodbye and threw the thumbs up I felt like I just had a car guy to car guy chat rather than have engaged in a race. I have gotten the same sort of playful thing from a couple of Ferrari owners. This is very different than lining up with someone and going around traffic at triple digits. That kind of thing infuriates me because I know my mother or sister could be on that same road. I frankly don't care at all if I "win" or "lose"... I just wanted to hear the guy's car on a quiet summer night and in no way would I have gone past 65-70.
Considering that this does classify as street racing, i really wouldn't put much more on it, in a sense that i can't even say it was reckless. Put it this way, both parties were obviously checking the surroundings for other cars. At least one was.

And in doing so, both also maintained their car, in such a fashion they were not endangering anyone. Whether they were endangering themselves can be argued apon since how do you know when you've really hit that point. Doing 100mph, yeah that's a LOT.

But doing 70mph, on an open road with no one in sight... i would say that's fine, since it's obvious you both were being safe and not putting anyone in danger.

Obviously people won't agree with this....but fine. Don't. But in the end, if you're going to race, this would be the best way to get your adrenaline going, instead of say....drifting through traffic?
Here in Florida, we have a minimum speed limit, so our law dictates that, yes, you were doing an illegal activity, but I'm not sure whether or not that's standard in all states.

From your description, it seems like two people complimenting one another on their car.
I've done worse.

Somewhere between anarchy and speed limits lies reality. Don't loose too much sleep over it.
Dave, now that you've wrung that car out doing these lude and devious acts, you need to make sure that it is okay!

Compression test
you probably need to change all your fluids
valve adjustment?
dont forget to tech all the suspension bits!

Racing takes its tole on the car!

Great, now you are going to have Red and WingZ arguing over who gets to spank your bare ass for being bad.

You brought it upon yourself, remember.

Uh you even thinking such a thing shows why you bought a yellow car:rolleyes:

but since you have this fantasy maybe Dave will help you out.

As for Daves race he's a grown man and can pay a ticket if he gets one. Of course why he felt he needed to take 10 mins to type out a thread to tell us about a 2 min race well that just shows why he bought a silverrock NSX :tongue:
It's not street racing unless you get caught. J/K- The car mostly like MADE you do it!