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What are some of the things you guys say when...

12 September 2004
Los Angeles
...someone in a Mustang or Camaro or anything for that matter pulls up next to you wanting to race? I'm looking for some "smart ass" replies to these guys so they don't drive off when I don't want to street race thinking I've got some weak import.

Lets hear them!
I tell people I'm not looking for more points on my record and to meet me at a track where we do something other than a straight line. But I don't let people goad me into a racing, it isn't worth it. It's actually more fun to cruise right next to them going the speed limit and let them look like an ass gunning it trying to egg you on. Maybe I'm a sick individual for liking that, maybe not.

But if you must say something, how about you spit out your window toward their car and say something about being able to spit out your window and hit a car like theirs? :tongue:

Ask Meeyatch, he seems to get hit up for racing quite frequently.... at least in Grand Rapids! :wink:
My quote in the high school year book is as follows;

"Racing is to prove who's car is faster. I don't need to race you, I already know my car is faster"

Pet peeves
Seats that don't recline. :biggrin:
the funny thing is I could beat you with my AC on..go find a civic to pick on, you're not on my level.

repeat after me..."super car"...now fuck off

arent you a little embarced that I'm better with only six when you need eight

ohh hey i had one just like that when i was 16... tell your mom I said hi.

we both know you're the only one with somthing to prove.

there is a reason you're reving on me...and I'm not on you... think about that.
them: Wanna race??

me: why?? I already know who has the bigger d*ck!! your girlfriend told me I did last night!!...by the way, can she walk yet??
TRM04 said:
...someone in a Mustang or Camaro or anything for that matter pulls up next to you wanting to race?

Seriously -- just start pointing and laughing. It's funny how pissed they get.
TRM04 said:
...someone in a Mustang or Camaro or anything for that matter pulls up next to you wanting to race? I'm looking for some "smart ass" replies to these guys so they don't drive off when I don't want to street race thinking I've got some weak import. Lets hear them!
(rip off from a late '60's/early '70's AMC tv ad):

(bogus french accent - the more bogus, the better)

"no, merci. i have zee goldfish in a bowl on my pazzenger seat. au revoir"

seriously, i can't *imagine* caring if someone else actually wants to race me on the street... clearly, a darwin moment.
jimmycinla said:
Seriously -- just start pointing and laughing. It's funny how pissed they get.

I know what u mean...hahah, i did that to a RSX the other day, he got so embarrased because his girlfriend was in the car.
"So your car is faster than mine...so what...I can buy 3 of the same car. One is for my wife to go shopping, one for me to go towing and one for my kid to learn how to drive." :biggrin:
Here's one:

Glance up and down at his car, and then say with a concerned frown,
"I'll be fair and give you about a three car head start!"

I've owned seven 5.0 Mustangs myself, so turnabout is fair play!
why, what's your point...

if you could own an NSX or Mustang, which would choose :biggrin:
just pull his ass out of the car GTA style
jimmycinla said:
Seriously -- just start pointing and laughing. It's funny how pissed they get.

Bingo. We have a winner. In fact, it's so effective at insulting the other party that if used, you may genuinely have a potential road rage situation. If you can laugh in a way that makes them think, "that dude is nucking futs" then you'll be able to get away with it. Keep in mind though that if you're with a person of the feminine persuasion during this little exchange, then they'll very likely think you're "nucking futs" anyway.

raw 03 nsx said:
why, what's your point...

if you could own an NSX or Mustang, which would choose

Kinda depends on the Mustang no? I'm not sure anyone in an NSX has the right to car snob another.
Ponyboy said:
Kinda depends on the Mustang no?
No. I'm not a car snob but there isn't a Mustang made this side of 1973 that I'd trade for my NSX and damn few before that.

In the situation described in the OP I'd just say 'no thanks' with a smile.
A)Just ignore them and go about your business
B)Smile, nod and wave
C) Compliment their car
D) No one uses their cassette anyway so it's good to keep a Polka tape cued up at the ready, say the Clarinet Polka. Click it in, crank it up, smile and nod.
They'll leave you alone.
E)Ask them for directions to the Police station or nearest mental hospital.
F) Say, "I can't race, it's my mom's car". or "I promised my dad I wouldn't race." I'm 52 so this works well.
comquat1 said:
...Ask Meeyatch, he seems to get hit up for racing quite frequently.... at least in Grand Rapids! :wink:

It is your city, I blame you. :D

If they will not go away I gauge my reply based on how much of a jerk they are. The one thing I do is try and leave the cost of the car comments out of it, since people with nice cars already get a bad rap, and frankly I do not care about car cost anyway. Saying things like, 'Well...I could buy four of your car for the price of one of mine,' proves nothing except supporting the snob perception that people already think we have. Not my cup of tea.
Well, fortunately, this has never happened to me.

But, if it did, I would look at them funny and in a condescending manner. With one eyebrow raised. Then, turn right when the light went green or just sit there.
For an older guy I get this more often than I thought I would. I just tell them I don't race as I don't want the tickets. I have also told them they should go to a track where they can race all they want in a safe area free from tickets themselves and give directions or tell them about www.trackschedule.com . It may not make them happy but I really don't care and if they try the track instead of the street we got one more a$$h le off the street. :rolleyes:
Who cares what the other driver thinks? I know you are looking for a comeback, but silence is golden. Don't look at them, don't talk to them. Don't encourage them and don't invite road rage. You can hear them revving, so no need to look. Look straight ahead, ignore them and let them do their thing.
This happened to me once. I looked around and said "hey... this is southern california you idiot.... the next stop light is like 200 feet away!" Then just laugh remembering the scene from "Meet the Parents" where DeNiro and Focker race in between lights. :biggrin:
As another twist to this situation, I've had a guy next to me at a light egg me on before. I acted like I was going along with it. The twist is that I knew there was a motorcycle cop on the corner watching people. He did not. When the light turned green he took off and I slowly proceeded into the intersection. Obviously the cop went after him. Maybe he'll think twice about street racing now.
White92 said:
Obviously the cop went after him. Maybe he'll think twice about street racing now.

Now, that's the best one yet. I would have loved to have seen that.