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What's the correct response ?

22 November 2011
N.W. Ontario ,Canada
I have always been a little uncomfortable when someone comes up and compliments me on my car. What do you say back to them?

Thanks. Thanks, I like it too. Just nod and smile?

What do you guys say?
"Thank you very much." And then keep the words of Kipling close to heart: "If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you..."

No need for modesty, false or actual. It's a great car. There are bound to be enthusiastic fans near and far.
I have always been a little uncomfortable when someone comes up and compliments me on my car. What do you say back to them?

Thanks. Thanks, I like it too. Just nod and smile?

What do you guys say?

Thank you, I really like the car to and have wanted one for about 20 years. If they are truly interested then a few more bits of info follow but not so as to bore. The car is special but you cannot expect others to feel your same enthusiasm.
I usually respond with a simple "thank you!", and if they want to talk further about the car I will do so if I have time.

Also see: http://www.nsxprime.com/wiki/Exotic_Owners_Code_of_Conduct

Same here. I really don't know what the hang up is talking with strangers who are enthusiastic about the NSX. I've had many pleasurable conversations at gas stations and other places with people who compliment the NSX and want to chat about it for a little while. When I have to go I just politely thanks them for chatting but have to get to work.
I always say, "They sure did a good job, didn't they!". That defers the onus from me to the amazing Honda engineers. I think it sets people at ease and doesn't make me look 'proud'.

For me (a notorious smart-ass) it depends on the comment. Saying 'thanks' somehow seems like you are taking credit for it, so if your car is heavily modified, that's a good answer.

"Nice car." gets "It sure is!"
"Is that a Ferrari?" gets "No, this one runs all the time."
"Whoa - awesome." gets "Dude!"
"What kind of car is that?" gets "A red one."
"What year is it?" gets "2012 I think..."

And my fave, when presented with "Nice rice burner." I always say "Best damned one they make!". Gets a thumbs up every time.
For me (a notorious smart-ass) it depends on the comment. Saying 'thanks' somehow seems like you are taking credit for it, so if your car is heavily modified, that's a good answer.

"Nice car." gets "It sure is!"
"Is that a Ferrari?" gets "No, this one runs all the time."
"Whoa - awesome." gets "Dude!"
"What kind of car is that?" gets "A red one."
"What year is it?" gets "2012 I think..."

And my fave, when presented with "Nice rice burner." I always say "Best damned one they make!". Gets a thumbs up every time.

This cracked me up.
I have to borrow these !!!

For me (a notorious smart-ass) it depends on the comment. Saying 'thanks' somehow seems like you are taking credit for it, so if your car is heavily modified, that's a good answer.

"Nice car." gets "It sure is!"
"Is that a Ferrari?" gets "No, this one runs all the time."
"Whoa - awesome." gets "Dude!"
"What kind of car is that?" gets "A red one."
"What year is it?" gets "2012 I think..."

And my fave, when presented with "Nice rice burner." I always say "Best damned one they make!". Gets a thumbs up every time.
I always say "Thank you, It's already a classic" // that saves my life every time! :)
I thank them...........then dry hump thier leg.
"Thank you very much." And then keep the words of Kipling close to heart: "If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you..."

No need for modesty, false or actual. It's a great car. There are bound to be enthusiastic fans near and far.

You will be a man, my son.