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2020 NSX sells on BAT

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17 November 2002
Santa Barbara, CA, USA
The yellow mostly optioned car with 2600 miles just sold for $191k which includes the $5000 Auction cost to the buyer. I suspected it would go close to 200k. It had all options except for all leather seats. The MSRP price was $198k. The car probably sold for $170k new as it was almost a year old on the floor. Back then Acura was discounting around 20k and the dealer may have given $5k to $10k? The car was a second owner.
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strong price..
Don't worry DocL, I am sure these cars will drop below $100k any day now as you have been predicting.

YEP. COVID certainly f#$%ed all those people who were waiting to get one below $100k. Everything is overpriced.

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I feel like people are taking this a bit too far. We all love our cars for various reasons. It’s sad to see fellow enthusiasts bickering. Maybe one felt disrespected for lack of NC1 respect. Car value is a funny thing. One minute it’s depreciating like crazy, and then various factors raise them. It’s definitely a volatile market but for now, it seems to be inflated across the board. I, too, thought NC1s were depreciating until the pandemic hit. Just looking at the 911 market, people are paying over msrp for slightly used cars. So, it maybe just that across the board. NA1/NA2 have hit that modern classic status already. Time will tell if the NC1 will become a classic or not. Not every super car that didn’t sell great turn into a collector car. But really, the market determines all that, and we honestly have no idea.
Horrible time to buy any car. Waiting out the craziness. Even so, congrats to the seller.
What am I?

I'm a 5th generation American on my maternal side, and 2nd generation American on my paternal side. I'm also a Jewish male. I received my BA and DMD from highly respected educational institutions. I completed a residency which is rare in dentistry at The Mt. Sinai Hospital in NYC. I own a small business, employ people of all ages and ethnic backgrounds. I provide treatment for free for people who can't afford it because I believe in giving back to my community.

Now you as a moderator. Well obviously you are hiding behind a keyboard making an assumption. So just say it, or shut your piehole.

Honcho. Is this someone you want as a moderator?


Somehow I previously missed the point about you being a Dentist

Are you an ADA member (my wife works there (non Dentist)?
This thread is peaches and cream compared to Hellcat.org....:eek: Doc L is an OG and I could pick him out of a lineup! The mixing of religion and politics on prime is frowned upon because no-one is going to change anyone's viewpoint...
lol ....so says the highly payed bailiff and the ex "body" guy....
Just to bring this back to the original topic...

I do believe that the NC1 NSX price will continue to hold or go up (especially ones that are well-optioned and with low miles), especially now that they stopped producing it. FOMO among high-end car buyers is real. And my observation is that these buyers are not afraid of making some bets.

Just reading through various comments on BAT for the yellow one just sold, many are now starting to wonder whether the NC1 NSX will join the rank of the original NSX, the Lexus LF-A, the Ford GT, the Porsche Carrera GT, the Mercedes SLS, etc. (many of which originally sold at deep discounts during the first few years).

For these types of cars, it doesn't seem that the initial popularity when launched correlates with the future value. Quite the contrary, small production numbers actually help with its long-term value over the following years.
plus we have the added dynamic of ICE being phased out...so a hybrid like NC1 has something for everyone....
Just to bring this back to the original topic...

I do believe that the NC1 NSX price will continue to hold or go up (especially ones that are well-optioned and with low miles), especially now that they stopped producing it. FOMO among high-end car buyers is real. And my observation is that these buyers are not afraid of making some bets.

Just reading through various comments on BAT for the yellow one just sold, many are now starting to wonder whether the NC1 NSX will join the rank of the original NSX, the Lexus LF-A, the Ford GT, the Porsche Carrera GT, the Mercedes SLS, etc. (many of which originally sold at deep discounts during the first few years).

For these types of cars, it doesn't seem that the initial popularity when launched correlates with the future value. Quite the contrary, small production numbers actually help with its long-term value over the following years.

I hope this correct! :)

Although I see a fully optioned black on black 2019 with 7K miles for sale now for only $149K...so I have no idea lol

Man, I step away for a couple days and I come back to see the Primates running wild.

Ok, first this is a forum about a car, not politics. This thread in particular is about the price of a car. Most of the posts, however, are not. I'm deleting them. Let's get back on topic.

Second, [MENTION=3821]DocL[/MENTION] is a long-time member who has owned both a NC1 and a NA1. He has a lot of friends here and has been kind and generous to dozens of members over the years in various ways. He also has a lot of knowledge about the NSX and is happy to share it with folks here. Even though he had a terrible experience with the NC1, he has been helpful with new NC1 owners on this forum and has refrained from unhelpful comments on the car. Thus, I see no reason to ban him. However, his political statement has been removed, as it violates the site's terms of use.
[MENTION=36503]phaphaphooey[/MENTION] I've been watching for a while now and I have noticed that you rarely post here, but when you do it appears to be for the purpose of inciting [MENTION=3821]DocL[/MENTION]. This is considered flaming and violates our terms of use. It needs to stop and consider yourself warned. If you have productive comments or posts about the NC1 or NSX in general, we encourage you to post them because that's what this site is for and I'm sure you have a lot to offer.

NSX Prime also will not tolerate members going after moderators. That's unacceptable behavior and it needs to stop. We are all grown adults around here and this kind of bickering should be embarrassing for everyone involved. Moderators are volunteers who all have busy lives and full time jobs. Yet, they devote their valuable time to helping this site and forum. It's a thankless job and they deserve our respect. If any member has a problem with how a moderator is treating them, he or she could contact me, [MENTION=34522]NSX_n00b[/MENTION] or Lud via PM and we will handle it.

NSX has a forum called "Off Topic" where some political posting is permitted (but still within limits). If you guys really want to debate Joe Biden on a NSX car forum, you can post there, but we still expect civility and respect. This isn't Facebook and NSX Prime does not tolerate the free-for-all dumpster fire that happens in that social media sewer. This is a moderated forum about the NSX and the NSX should be the focus of 99% of the commentary- both positive and negative, since we are not a NSX cheerleading site either.

I'm going to leave this thread open, but if it drifts again I'm shutting it down. I can't believe I had to say this to a bunch of grown men.
haha everyone scattered....:tongue: Dads home!!!!!:biggrin:
This post is exhibit 33 why this website holds nothing of value for actual NC1 owners and hence why there are so few here. I have been involved with supercar ownership and internet forums related to that ownership for decades at this point and this is the first car platform I have come across where the significant discussion group for the car is not on a website but on social media.


Man, I step away for a couple days and I come back to see the Primates running wild.

Ok, first this is a forum about a car, not politics. This thread in particular is about the price of a car. Most of the posts, however, are not. I'm deleting them. Let's get back on topic.

Second, @DocL is a long-time member who has owned both a NC1 and a NA1. He has a lot of friends here and has been kind and generous to dozens of members over the years in various ways. He also has a lot of knowledge about the NSX and is happy to share it with folks here. Even though he had a terrible experience with the NC1, he has been helpful with new NC1 owners on this forum and has refrained from unhelpful comments on the car. Thus, I see no reason to ban him. However, his political statement has been removed, as it violates the site's terms of use.

@phaphaphooey I've been watching for a while now and I have noticed that you rarely post here, but when you do it appears to be for the purpose of inciting @DocL. This is considered flaming and violates our terms of use. It needs to stop and consider yourself warned. If you have productive comments or posts about the NC1 or NSX in general, we encourage you to post them because that's what this site is for and I'm sure you have a lot to offer.

NSX Prime also will not tolerate members going after moderators. That's unacceptable behavior and it needs to stop. We are all grown adults around here and this kind of bickering should be embarrassing for everyone involved. Moderators are volunteers who all have busy lives and full time jobs. Yet, they devote their valuable time to helping this site and forum. It's a thankless job and they deserve our respect. If any member has a problem with how a moderator is treating them, he or she could contact me, @NSX_n00b or Lud via PM and we will handle it.

NSX has a forum called "Off Topic" where some political posting is permitted (but still within limits). If you guys really want to debate Joe Biden on a NSX car forum, you can post there, but we still expect civility and respect. This isn't Facebook and NSX Prime does not tolerate the free-for-all dumpster fire that happens in that social media sewer. This is a moderated forum about the NSX and the NSX should be the focus of 99% of the commentary- both positive and negative, since we are not a NSX cheerleading site either.

I'm going to leave this thread open, but if it drifts again I'm shutting it down. I can't believe I had to say this to a bunch of grown men.
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