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2nd Gen Iphone

3 April 2008
Hilton Head
So, what's everyone think? Do you think it will be out monday/tuesday like the rumor mills are speculating? Some websites claim to have a 100% confirmation from a valid source. I'm slightly doubtful. I have a very good source in the family that won't say crap about a 2nd gen Iphone, so I would believe Apple is very serious about keeping the entire process quiet. Even with Apple employees tight lipped, once the boxes were actually delivered to ATT stores it would be inevitable that an employee there would slip or purposefully make it known.

I'm calling it all speculation at this point and only in anticipation of the 2.0 software, though I probably will be at the ATT store first thing in the morning :rolleyes:
The rumor mill has it that the 2nd gen will be relatively cheap. I'm prepared to drop 500-600 for one, so hopefully it's in that range. Past that, I'll wait for the price drop.

I just spoke with my source and he clammed the fuck up at the slightest mention of the possibility. I should go harass my local ATT store.
I wish they could partner with blackberry and make it work with a Blackberry Enterprise Server. I would by an iPhone in a second.
so i keep hearing this "3g" thing... can someone explain what the difference is btween the current gen phones, and a 3G phone. and also is there any benefits from the 2nd gen phone, OTHER than 3G?

will there be any cosemetic differences?
3g will provide wi-fi speeds over the air. The new iPhone will most likely have GPS and there are rumors a solar cell will be placed behind the screen to assist with battery life between charges.
Being one of those who had to have one immediatly, and was subjected to the price raping....I would do it all over again for a V2 iphone. I cant imagine life without my iphone.:redface: I already excited:biggrin:
I plan on keeping an eye on my AT&T store and being there from first thing in the morning until they sell me 2 to replace the 2 I have on my account right now. That'll bring my on hand iPhone count to 5 I keep one as a backup.
Here is how you can get a iPhone either free or almost free.

Buy an iPhone, take it to an Asian mom and Pop store tell them that you want to open a a new AT&T cell phone account, and ask them how much are they willing to cover you on a new phone. Once the agreement is made, show them your iPhone and they will have no choice but to set it up for you and give you a rebate check.
tjobeid: yeah, as long as it actually happens tomorrow, I'll be getting rid of a 4gb and an 8gb. I'll shoot ya a pm when I have new ones in hand.

Btw: with exception of the initial post, ive been posting from my iPhone all day. I love these damn things.
Are they really that good or do you guys just need the latest and greatest? I just bought the new razr V9 and I love it. Anything bigger than the razr and I hate to have it in my pocket.
arshad, I hate you. I want to go so damn bad.

Steveny, I had a couple of razrs and blackberrys and none of em compare. Ive got instant entertainment through various venues in my pocket anywhere I go and in my job the phone really proves its mettle. I can't imagine having to go back to a normal phone.

I'm still posting off my iPhone as I'm at work right now doing the shit I needed to do tomorrow so I can take off and wait outside my att store.
arshad, I hate you. I want to go so damn bad.

Steveny, I had a couple of razrs and blackberrys and none of em compare. Ive got instant entertainment through various venues in my pocket anywhere I go and in my job the phone really proves its mettle. I can't imagine having to go back to a normal phone.

I'm still posting off my iPhone as I'm at work right now doing the shit I needed to do tomorrow so I can take off and wait outside my att store.

well I only use my phone for calls. I maybe send 3-5 texts a day as I can't stand the little tiny buttons to type with. If I could use a keybaord and mouse with the Iphone I might consider it. I have an air card and that works pretty good in the laptop now.
New iphone is going to be 200 bucks and thinner. Gonna be a lot of them old ones on ebay. I didn't hear anything of bigger capacity, but im sure it will be.
I somehow doubt the $200 thing, when you consider jobs thought the first one was cheap at $600. I'm at the store right now waiting for it to open.
Apple physical stores have closed their doors and the online store is down for updating. I can't wait to see this thing.
Apple physical stores have closed their doors and the online store is down for updating. I can't wait to see this thing.

Here it is!!! :biggrin:




Apple physical stores have closed their doors and the online store is down for updating. I can't wait to see this thing.

I just called the physical and the guy said he couldnt tell me any info, he could neither confirm nor deny:rolleyes: Anyways there is a Apple keynote scheduled for today at around noon till 1:45, longer than usual so expect to know for sure whats up by today:wink: Im just waiting to send one of our sales reps over to the mall to grab me one:biggrin:
I cant imagine life without my iphone.:redface: I already excited:biggrin:

I waited 1 month and got $350 cash rebate+ $100 apple store credit, but if I can do it again, I would, even at full price without rebate.

When the internet was invented that had big impact on daily lives. Other than Iphone, I honestly can't think of anything else that deserve a close 2nd. Can't wait to get my hands on V2.