Anyone else get see this disgusting photo?

8 March 2006
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Owner obviously a waste of a human being.
Horrible situation, here is a little more on the story:

Sadly it gets worse as the douchebag owners are... well acting like douchebags.

I would very much like to see animal cruelty legal reforms get put in to place. Treating an animal poorly just because its an "animal" is immoral, yet there are few legal repercussions. To me (self professed dog lover), this is no different than doing the same to a child, the law disagrees though :(
So dragging a dog behind a car is nothing more than a misdemeanor. Same offense as stealing a candy bar from a 7-eleven. :rolleyes:
I think that given our greater knowledge now about the connection between a willingness to injure animals, and the willingness to injure other humans, that animal cruelty laws need to be completely reformed.

If you get pissed off and smack your dog on the nose, whatever, you're sort of a dick. If you get pissed off and calmly tie your dog to the back of the car and drag it for a mile then you're a sociopath.
OMFG!!! This shit makes me so sick. This is kind of like the story somebody posted up here on prime about somebody using a dog as shark bait and they showed the poor dog with these large fish hooks in its mouth. I just dont understand these sick people. What is this flipping world coming to? I wont even share this photo on my facebook page because I dont want to get my friends as angry as I am right now.
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Here are your animal lovers:

Agustin Martinez, 26, and Jose Guebara-Cerda, 30, were charged Monday afternoon in Mecklenburg County with misdemeanor cruelty to animals. Both were taken to the Mecklenburg County Jail and given a $5,000 bond.

It appears the men had Firu tied to the bumper and drove off without realizing the dog was being dragged. A witness saw the dog and immediately called police.

this pisses me off so much to see this; waste of human life is correct.

my wife would likely start crying immediately if she were to see the the photos of the poor dog.
This is completely horrible but for those saying laws needing to be reformed let's start off with the monsters that sexually abuse children, in my home town a man got more time in prison for throwing a puppy out of a window then a monster got for sexually abusing a 3 year old. Both horrific crimes but one was a child and one was a dog.
I read your posts guys and realized what went on here. Never had the heart or curiosity to open the link and view it though. Bad part is: the jail sentence I received would be much longer and harsher than these two scumbags once I got finished with them!
If memory serves me did'nt one of the national lampoon movies have just this same scenario in for laughs:confused:
Animal Cruelty is only a class 1 misdemeanor in the state of Colorado too (as with most states). Should be a felony IMO. Good thing I'm not a judge, I'd throw the book at people who abuse/neglect/kill animals.
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Animal Cruelty is only a class 1 misdemeanor in the state of Colorado too (as with most states). Should be a felony IMO. Good thing I'm not a judge, I'd throw the book at people who abuse/neglect/kill animals.

Yeah why are the laws so lax? I mean shouldn't the punishment for dragging a dog behind a car be a bit harsher? You can kill and torture animals and get nothing more than a slap on the wrist.
Yeah why are the laws so lax? I mean shouldn't the punishment for dragging a dog behind a car be a bit harsher? You can kill and torture animals and get nothing more than a slap on the wrist.
It appears that more states are feeling that way. I was curious about that as well and had google answer the question. This is a pretty slick chart:

It is missing a "beat the living crap out of the person" column though ;)

Animal Cruelty is only a class 1 misdemeanor in the state of Colorado too (as with most states). Should be a felony IMO. Good thing I'm not a judge, I'd throw the book at people who abuse/neglect/kill animals.
not anymore, it appears that in 2002 Colorado upped it to a felony.
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People love to abuse animals. They hunt them for fun and fight them for fun. I say if you want to prove being a man the man the fuck up and fight someone who wants to fight you. Shooting a bear or duck from far proves you are a pussy. Sorry but animal abuse piss me off.
Interesting website. I just clicked one offenders name and this came up. Start with a puppy and move to a human... As usual. Slap on the wrist because it is "only a dog" and the guy goes and abuses a little girl... Look at the record:

"Just lock him in a room with a wolverine that's high on angel dust!"
-George Carlin
Those pieces of shit should be beat with baseball bats for a minute each - but not hit on the head. They should then be convicted of a felony and barred for life from owning a pet or living in a home with a pet, any pet -even a hamster. F'in pieces of shit!

A lot of love for the doggies here on Prime. I myself am not an "animal lover" per se, but I do agree that a person who willingly tortures any living being is sadistic, period. While morality cannot be legistated (i.e. we can't make it illegal to have a sadistic mentality), we could make sadistic behavior toward animals require, like, 50 years of treatment (or whatever) in addition to criminal discipline.

For what it's worth, I am NOT in favor of equating cruelty to animals with cruelty to human beings. No dog or endagered condor or cockroach or bald eagle is equal in "status" to any of my/your kids, for example. I will never condone animals having "equal statutory rights" to human beings.