As most of you know, I'm pretty fat...

5 January 2011
Southern California
and wasnt always like this. I used to be in pretty good shape before and have gone downhill.

This thread is to publicly share my goals and progress.
Goal: To hit 30 BMI or lower by August (crazy high goal because I have to lose 46 lbs to hit that)

Current Stats: 5' 7" @ 240 Lbs BMI of about 37.6

Reason: for my own good and a career requirement. I took a break from work to reflect on what I want in life and getting back in the field with some strict physical requirements.

Any tips or advice is appreciated. I know 46 lbs in 2 months is not the most healthy way but if I win the contract, thats where I need to be in compliance. That mean non of patties brownies :(
Go see a nutritionist and a trainer. They will help you more than what anyone says here.

Good luck!
Smaller, more frequent meals, don't let your insulin spike and crash. Try and drink more water (huge pita), regular exercise. Doesn't need to be painful or long, just regular. Diet is 80%, really need to watch quantity and quality.
Set a goal for yourself, and stick to it.

Stick to diet, workout routine, and you will see yourself get in shape. 2 Months for 46 lbs is a little bit much, but you will be surprised with how good you will feel at 20lbs lighter, and you will most likley be stronger after working out.

I posted in the linked thread about my weight loss/working out schedule. I'm down around 20lbs now, much stronger, and generally feel better when I'm doing anything. It has taken 5 months, but that is because I have little time for the gym on normal days, maybe 30/60 minutes tops.

One of those cardio/strength workouts will work too, but those require a lot of dedication and commitment, as well as time. (Think Insanity).

Best of luck. Join us over in the other thread for tips and advise (I have learned a lot from reading it through) and to share in your success stories.
I did the P90x program and I dropped weight very quickly but you have to work out to the point you feel like your going to pass out everyday. It works if you put everything you got into it. It's hard to keep up with it for extende periods of time but you could drop that weight in 2 months doing it depending on your metabolism and diet.
Adrian, do you have one of these near you? I haven't tried it, but I did check out a local store. Very interesting concept.

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the Atkin's diet works great... pair that with a 30 minute work out each day and you will be dropping weight like crazy.
and wasnt always like this. I used to be in pretty good shape before and have gone downhill.

This thread is to publicly share my goals and progress.
Goal: To hit 30 BMI or lower by August (crazy high goal because I have to lose 46 lbs to hit that)

Current Stats: 5' 7" @ 240 Lbs BMI of about 37.6

Reason: for my own good and a career requirement. I took a break from work to reflect on what I want in life and getting back in the field with some strict physical requirements.

Any tips or advice is appreciated. I know 46 lbs in 2 months is not the most healthy way but if I win the contract, thats where I need to be in compliance. That mean non of patties brownies :(

I thought I knew who you are but there's no way. I can't think of anyone who is 5'7" and looks like he weighs 240 lbs. :confused:
I think you need discipline, not deprecation; are you working with a trainer to achieve your goal?
No trainer, I have done this in the past and have studied enough on my own to know what works best for me. I've been in shape and ripped in the past, gain a little weight in winter and cut back up fast. But not being single anymore I just lost it and gained way to much weight.

Go see a nutritionist and a trainer. They will help you more than what anyone says here.

Good luck!
I know myself best and will attempt alone. Trainers are good but they will not recommend what I will be trying.

Smaller, more frequent meals, don't let your insulin spike and crash. Try and drink more water (huge pita), regular exercise. Doesn't need to be painful or long, just regular. Diet is 80%, really need to watch quantity and quality.
I plan on doing regular runs in the morning while in ketosis mode and then juice up the rest of the day with an early dinner. after couple weeks I plan on throwing a second run at night.

come join in on the skinny party,,,some good inspirational stories and some ideas as well.............
I will check it out, thanks.

Set a goal for yourself, and stick to it.

Stick to diet, workout routine, and you will see yourself get in shape. 2 Months for 46 lbs is a little bit much, but you will be surprised with how good you will feel at 20lbs lighter, and you will most likley be stronger after working out.

I posted in the linked thread about my weight loss/working out schedule. I'm down around 20lbs now, much stronger, and generally feel better when I'm doing anything. It has taken 5 months, but that is because I have little time for the gym on normal days, maybe 30/60 minutes tops.

One of those cardio/strength workouts will work too, but those require a lot of dedication and commitment, as well as time. (Think Insanity).

Best of luck. Join us over in the other thread for tips and advise (I have learned a lot from reading it through) and to share in your success stories.
Thanks for the tip man, I will be heading to other thread and read up.

I did the P90x program and I dropped weight very quickly but you have to work out to the point you feel like your going to pass out everyday. It works if you put everything you got into it. It's hard to keep up with it for extende periods of time but you could drop that weight in 2 months doing it depending on your metabolism and diet.
I have considered P90X but im at an assumption that you have to be somewhat in shape to get those workouts done.
Adrian, do you have one of these near you? I haven't tried it, but I did check out a local store. Very interesting concept.

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No, there isnt.
the Atkin's diet works great... pair that with a 30 minute work out each day and you will be dropping weight like crazy.
I will read up on Atkins as well. Open to anything.

I thought I knew who you are but there's no way. I can't think of anyone who is 5'7" and looks like he weighs 240 lbs. :confused:
You do know me, we have met several times. I do weigh more than I look.
46 lbs in 2 months is a huge weight loss, almost a pound a day, 1 - 2 pounds a week is recommended rate. You burn about 2000 cal. a day and you will have to exercise away another 1500 cal. and not eat anything to get a pound of body fat a day. Walking is 100 cal an hour so that is 15 hours a day. The average person will not make it 2 days doing that.
I know myself best and will attempt alone. Trainers are good but they will not recommend what I will be trying.


This is going to come off as me sounding like a dick, but if you know all the answers and know yourself best, why are you 5'7 and 240lbs?

If a trainer and a nutritionalist would not recommend what you will be trying, maybe there is a reason for that.

It is clearly not healthy to try and lose 46 lbs in 2 months.

I'm all for losing weight and getting in shape, but I don't want to see you end up in the hospital trying something stupid and unsafe.
I'm this way now because I have just stopped caring like I used to but got carried away. I love food, what can I say? lol.

I know its not healthy to lose too much weight fast but if I get this new contract, it is a requirement to be 30 BMI and I think I have until end of august.
Diet and exercise. I know duh.

Now the important thing about your exercise needs to be different every day. This is very keep your body and metabolism guessing. I used to go to a trainer and that was what I liked about him...we never had the same reps. To do this you will need to have a lot of creativity. Also important push yourself past the point of comfort...that is hard to do without a trainer.
My former room mate was a trainer and he always put ppl on this diet and his clients would lose weight like crazy...

Raw food only:

As much fruit, nuts (Unsalted) & vegetables as you want.

No sugar (cut out soft drinks and replace with water).

Nothing processed (no cheese / hot dogs etc)

Eat fish (Raw if you like sushi). This is where you'll get most of your protein (and from the nuts above)

Drink tons of water and start running on a treadmill 30 min a day or at least 3-5 times a week. The more you run the better.

You will start to drop off pounds if you stick to this.
Juice BABY!!

i think one run is enough, lift weights/ work on your core for your 2nd 30 min session.
Couple of thoughts.
1.) It doesn't matter whether you eat 3 large meals or six small meals. If they contain the same amount of calories, then it's the same z
2.) You can NOT try and lose 1 lb / day. That's crazy! 1 -2 lbs / week in average is great and healthy. You will damage your body, possibly your internal organs and even death can occur..
3.) Run, run, run. Eat modestly.
4.) Do you have a "lose it" or "my fitness pal" app?

Youll make it. Stay positive and stay focused!
I lost 15 pounds from 143 to 128 my freshmen year in college while other gained 15 pounds, known as "Freshmen 15". I ate very healthy and exercised like an athlete.

It was a lot of commitment and determination. Being with friends that are in Bio/ Nutrition major definitely helps and opened up my interest to eating healthy. The more you learn and read about nutrition and health, the more you realize there are so much more to it.

Harvard School of Public Health is a great source to Health Info, which I find to be mostly accurate.

They conduct many great studies which later get destroy by the food industry. Shame. Never trust 100% what you read in articles. I would read many other ones on the same topic and make my own judgment.

Wish you luck and hope you can lose that weight in a healthy way.:smile:
I'm going to take a different approach. Instead of encouragement, i'm going to flood this thread with ridicule and insults.

I mean seriously? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately???

Gotta try from all psychological angles right? I mean.. wait.. can you even see all your angles?
