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bad bike accident


Valid points althought im not sure why you used my quote. That post wasnt adressed to you in the first place. Was it?? I think that was to Headshot
DB92 said:

Valid points althought im not sure why you used my quote. That post wasnt adressed to you in the first place. Was it?? I think that was to Headshot


It was not adressed to me directly.

Maybe I did not get my point across. What I was trying to say was that you are ofcourse more likely to end up in a accident if you are a novice rider, but you do not get a "free card" out in the traffic if you are an expert driver.

When I reread your statement that was maybe not what you were trying to say?

since were on the subject of bikes..........DAMN!!! I sure do miss mine!! :frown: :frown: :frown: :(

There are only two types of motorcycle riders: Those who have crashed and those that will crash. Keep the shinny side up. :redface:

Quite the optimist you are?? My grandfather road his whole life (passed away 2 years ago and never had an accident) So much for your theory :smile:

since we are sharing photos....here's a couple of mine...


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NsXMas said:
Another one :(

Does that mean we have to start this thread all over again.....??? :confused:

If you want to talk about death...how about preventable death instead of someone who acted foolish and killed himself. I spent all day at work interviewing a murder suspect. We think he killed a family member (cannot go into detail yet). That deserves the :frown: face
newby said:
Does that mean we have to start this thread all over again.....??? :confused:

If you want to talk about death...how about preventable death instead of someone who acted foolish and killed himself. I spent all day at work interviewing a murder suspect. We think he killed a family member (cannot go into detail yet). That deserves the :frown: face
sounds like you're having a bad day!!
I agree with a LOT of points made here. While MOST riders seem to try to be responsible I DO find in general that bikes signal even less than cars. Some actually seem to make a point of not using turn signals. As a driver who trys to be aware of motorcyclists, (And drives approx. 300 km a day in city traffic.) it can be a real pain trying to figure out what they're trying to do in traffic sometimes, especially those who ride between lanes!

But the point is that a LOT of inexperienced riders play in traffic. I recently witnessed in my rear view on The Westway here in T.O. just North of me a kid hold the front wheel off the ground for about half a city block. YThis as his buddies were running between me and the two vehicles to the left of me. In TRAFFIC!!

The wheelie was actually pretty impressive other than the location. This was also about a week after a young lady was killed when the bike she was passengering on did the same thing. Unfortunately she was knocked off and killed. The kid driving had apparently only been pulled over for dangerous driving a week (?) before. Geez.

Of course we KNOW what the media does with this stuff!!

Hope everyone stays safe.

Oops! Just realized how old this thread is. Hope I didn't p*** anyone off ressurecting it. I had done a search and became sucked in.
Den. said:
Hope everyone stays safe.


I hope so too. We have been playing pretty safe since the last post in this thread in april :)

martin said:

I am reading what you guys are writing and I do not understand.

Here is what I do not understand. First of all there is a million reasons to wear protective gear including a good helmet.

As I see it there are no good reasons to not wear protective gear. I seldom use my bike in town, but when I do I have driven without my protective gear. But always with a helmet, jacket and gloves. I live in a small town and can get anywhere within five minutes so the traffic is not that bad. But I usually use my bike to go on the "highway" (what you guys call twisties is what we have as our best roads..great actually). When I go for a ride I always (and I mean always) wear my protective gear.

Defensive driving? Yes that is what all who rides motorcycles need to do. Act as they do not know you are there. But that is not enough to survive on the street. If you dump it on gravel or oil or anything it does not matter if you have the talent or not. It can kill you and if you are lucky you are unhurt.

Expirience will get you far and will help you to survive on the street. Practice in safe inviroments on a track will also give you skills that can save you, but why not increase your possibility to survive by wearing protective gear?

I understand the "freedom" feeling you get from riding "naked". But I do not understand that that feeling is more importent than your safety.

I have had my fear share of accidents. Both my fault and other peoples fault. I have not gone down because of road conditons yet, but you never know. I have had 2 years on crutches after a bad accident, but I could not stop riding. I am more paranoid than those that follow me so I am "scared"/attentive of everyone when in traffic. :)

I wear Dainse two piece suite. Back protector. Shoei (the best), leather gloves with padding race type and good motorcycle boots. I also wear "sleep tight" or whats there name in my ears to protect my hearing.

If I am hit or go down these things will give me a better chance to survive. The freedomfeeling from wearing no helmet is worth not having because of that last reason.

do you wear a helmet in your car when driving to work? why not?
willabeest said:
do you wear a helmet in your car when driving to work? why not?


What is your point? No I do not wear a helmet when I drive to work. I do however use a helmet when I use my motorcycle.

martin said:

What is your point? No I do not wear a helmet when I drive to work. I do however use a helmet when I use my motorcycle.

you would be safer wearing your helmet driving to work in your car. that is why they are required during car races. why do you not wear one if you already own one? it would not cost you anything and it would make your drive to work safer.
willabeest said:
you would be safer wearing your helmet driving to work in your car. that is why they are required during car races. why do you not wear one if you already own one? it would not cost you anything and it would make your drive to work safer.


It boils down to risk assessment. We all are responsible for taking care of ourself and do our own risk assessments.

I think that by wearing the proper safety equipment I have a bigger chance to survive if I am in an accident. Driving to work in my Vw Golf has less risk than driving on the twisties with my motorcycle.

I do not understand those that consider it safe to drive a motorcycle without proper gear (on the higway/twisties). As I said before it does not matter how good you are when you are skidding down the asphalt on you ass in your jeans.

So willabeest if it makes you safe please wear your helmet eating dinner with your family. I just want you to be as safe as possible whatever you do. :)

I dunno...I'm reading some of the stories of ppl on here and I'm like WTF. I started riding motorcycles when I was 7 years old. I got my M endorsement when I was like 18 when my dad got a 900cc Yamaha Virago. I rode motorcycles almost as long as I've been on bicycles.

I had plenty of spills as a kid, but nothing on the road. I ride at a far slower speed than I drive. 175mph across a freaking bridge? You have to be fking nuts or want to die. When I was a teenager, I hit like 80mph on the beach on a 200cc Yamaha and I thought that was fast. There's just no protection, no margin, no cage, nothing around you. No crumple zones. The few car crashes I've been in would have been fatal on a bike. Instead of the car hitting the wall, it's your body.

I mean, I am all for assessing risk and doing what you want, but bikes ARE inherently more dangerous than cars. And it's not stupid riders' faults. People don't see bikes. It's because they're small objects and you can fit them into a blindspot really easily and they may be out of the field of vision of the blindspot glance that drivers do. Any car would be visible but a bike may not be.

There are manifold examples of cars just pulling out in front of bikes who weren't speeding or racing. And the notion of not wanting to be a veg w/ a helmet? That's absurd. You'll be a veg without the helmet. Maybe not dead. The helmet will protect you from the brain injury. If you hit hard enough to cause serious brain damage while wearing a helmet, the rest of your body is going to be so busted up that you won't live long anyway. People end up vegetated because of NOT wearing a helmet.

I don't ride anymore and I have a couple kids. But, it's just too fking dangerous in the city. Pleasure rides out on empty country roads, sure. I would get a bike to do that. That's great. Even with a REAL helmet on, it's great. But no fking 100mph turns, no 175 on bridges, no upshifting while wheelies. Just a nice relaxed cruise. I don't get the fascination with the ninjitsu bikes...are you guys thrill freaks? Wouldn't BASE jumping or extreme skiing be less dangerous to soccer moms in minivans? The ninjitsu bikes look cool but are uncomfortable as hell...I'd much rather have a nice cruiser which does not beg you to do stupid sh!t on it.

And, no, bikes do NOT outbrake cars by much, certainly not a car like the NSX. You can achieve higher cornering load to a degree but it's the acceleration which enables bikes to beat cars. People VERY mistakenly assume that because the bike is so ridiculously fast to get up to speed that it can haul itself down in similar fashion. They cannot. And, every single DMV motorcycle test has this question on it. Bikes brake about the same as cars.
martin said:

It boils down to risk assessment. We all are responsible for taking care of ourself and do our own risk assessments.

I think that by wearing the proper safety equipment I have a bigger chance to survive if I am in an accident. Driving to work in my Vw Golf has less risk than driving on the twisties with my motorcycle.

I do not understand those that consider it safe to drive a motorcycle without proper gear (on the higway/twisties). As I said before it does not matter how good you are when you are skidding down the asphalt on you ass in your jeans.

So willabeest if it makes you safe please wear your helmet eating dinner with your family. I just want you to be as safe as possible whatever you do. :)

50,000 people die every year just in the USA in automobile accidents. if they were wearing helmets i imagine that number would be cut in half. they should be wearing helmets. head injuries are what kills them. side airbags only help. does your golf have side air bags?
the problem is that your logic breaks down when examined closely. everyone should be required to wear helmets or no one should. that includes bicycles, motorcycles, dirt bikes, cars, etc. etc.
Heres my baby. All the body and paint work was done by me. Yes Im very proud of that!


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willabeest said:
50,000 people die every year just in the USA in automobile accidents. if they were wearing helmets i imagine that number would be cut in half. they should be wearing helmets. head injuries are what kills them. side airbags only help. does your golf have side air bags?
the problem is that your logic breaks down when examined closely. everyone should be required to wear helmets or no one should. that includes bicycles, motorcycles, dirt bikes, cars, etc. etc.


I do not understand where my logic breaks down. You must be joking?

You must agree that there are a higher risk driving a motorcycle than driving a car? Liftshard shared some of the reasons why driving a motorcycle is more dangerous than driving a car in traffic.

If I am ever in a accident I have better chances to survive if I wear full leathers with all. Ofcourse I would also increase my chances to survive in a car accident by wearing protective gear, but that was not the orginal issue here.

I am not sure if you have to wear a helmet in every state in the US. Here in Norway we are requiered to wear a helmet. But by using common sense most people that rides motorcycles here in Norway also use leather suites, back protector, good gloves and shoes.

martin said:

I do not understand where my logic breaks down. You must be joking?

You must agree that there are a higher risk driving a motorcycle than driving a car? Liftshard shared some of the reasons why driving a motorcycle is more dangerous than driving a car in traffic.

If I am ever in a accident I have better chances to survive if I wear full leathers with all. Ofcourse I would also increase my chances to survive in a car accident by wearing protective gear, but that was not the orginal issue here.

I am not sure if you have to wear a helmet in every state in the US. Here in Norway we are requiered to wear a helmet. But by using common sense most people that rides motorcycles here in Norway also use leather suites, back protector, good gloves and shoes.

you need to think outside the box a little.
head injuries are what kills people no matter in a car or on a bike.
either mandate helmets for both groups or none.
otherwise it is a discriminatory law.
bikers are being singled out.
in Norway you may not have the tradition of individual liberty which we Americans inherited from the French.
we have the freedom to be idiots. take away our freedoms and we tend to get upset. even if it kills us.
willabeest said:
you need to think outside the box a little.
head injuries are what kills people no matter in a car or on a bike.
either mandate helmets for both groups or none.
otherwise it is a discriminatory law.
bikers are being singled out.
in Norway you may not have the tradition of individual liberty which we Americans inherited from the French.
we have the freedom to be idiots. take away our freedoms and we tend to get upset. even if it kills us.


I understand. The freedom to be a idiot without common sense. I hear you. I understand that these rights are actually so importent that you are willing to die for them. And you are correct. US has more of a tradition of liberty than Norway.

I think that we need some laws to prevent stupid people doing stupid things. I understand that you would protect the stupid's right to do stupid things. So I think we just have to agree to disagree on that topic.

I think the chances to survive is much greater using common sense and not being a idiot. I do not always succeed, but I try every day.

liftshard said:
But no fking 100mph turns, no 175 on bridges, no upshifting while wheelies. Just a nice relaxed cruise. I don't get the fascination with the ninjitsu bikes...are you guys thrill freaks? Wouldn't BASE jumping or extreme skiing be less dangerous to soccer moms in minivans? The ninjitsu bikes look cool but are uncomfortable as hell...I'd much rather have a nice cruiser which does not beg you to do stupid sh!t on it.


I am a "ninjitsu" myself. :)

Everybody have different need for adrenalinrush. I have done stupid things on the road to get the thrill I need. And you are correct. I should have BASE jumped or skydived or something. But motorcycles is my "thing".

What I try to do is to get to a track as much as I can and get my fix there. In a much safer enviroment then on the street.

It is not the risk of crashing or skidding of the road that gives me the adrenalinerush I need. It is the feel of control going throug a corner in a million miles an hour with my knee know in a safe enviroment on a track. Driving against your friends on a track also makes the whole thing into a sport which I enjoy doing.

For what it is worth I was a police motorcop (Kawasaki and Harley Davidsons) and spent 1 month in a motor school just to learn how to ride street. Mind you I had ridden motorcycles since I was about 10 years old.

I learned more in that month than all my years of riding. End result was 4.5 years on motors with 0 accidents and tons of high speed pursuits and captures. Worked a hill area where the cafe racers used to congregate and I chased down a ton of them, most can't really ride. Some were damn good though.

I also rode a personal bike, I had several Honda CBR 600's and used to enjoy the turns.

Despite all that I quit riding on the street. In the CA Bay Area traffic is just to dense. People are stupid and do not look for bikes or care when they do see one. They will turn in front of you becasue their attitude is he will stop. Had a few close friends killed on bikes on the street and it was never their fault.

I quit riding about 6 years ago - miss it but like breathing and walking to much to try street again.

Keep the shiney side up and always assume they do not see you - remember surface appraisal too.
DB92 said:
Heres a shot of my tail light I made.


Nice bike. R1 or R6?

Like that taillight. I had a LED taillight too until I was stopped by the police and they where not as thrilled as I was about it :)
