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BEWARE of www.shockperformance.ca

9 May 2003
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Folks I am writing to caution you against dealing with www.shockperformance.ca, they are (or were?) Bilstein's Canadian distributor. It is over 14 weeks post-order and their excuses are starting to stretch thin. The latest was a Fed Ex tracking number that does not check out with Fed Ex and Fed Ex customer service does not show any package going to my address. I would be speculating as to why they would not be honest about shipping my shocks. I am following up with Bilstein USA to see what they know of the situation and what they could do to help.
Does Bilstein Canada source from B USA?

Thanks for the heads up. I recently had to sick Buddy Club USA on the ass of R&D Motorsports. Worked for me.
They are in Etobicoke and are, or were, a distributor for Bilstein USA. I originally went to them because they were linked off of Bilstein's site as their lone Canadian distributor. They are no longer shown but the guy I spoke to in Bilstein USA's western office speculated that could also be due to Website revamp work. He did say mine was not the first complaint he'd heard about them but didn't know how they were being resolved.

I've filed with the Etobicoke BBB and have contacted Bilstein USA, hoping to talk with their Eastern regional sales manager. I'm concerned that their games are delaying tactics, leading me to suspect insolvency. The Bilstein USA guy could shed some light on the situation by telling me the approximate volume shockperformance has done in the last 3 months -- low volume being consistent with cash problems.

The best help someone local could do is intelligence gathering, stopping by the listed address and observing. Is there a guy there working his sack off or is it a shack with boarded up windows.

Address is: 1750 Queensway
Unit 537
Toronto, Ontario
M9C 5H5 (postal code comes up Etobicoke)

BTW in talking with Bilstein USA I found out they now have a distributor in Vancouver called Essex Distributing, 604-231-0755. Wish I'd heard of them 4 months ago.
I'll go by their shop tonight and check it out for you.
Do you remember who you spoke with? (don't worry, I will not mention your name)
Hey CokerRat,

I drove by 1750 The Queensway last night looking for Shock Performance. The address 1750 The Queensway took me to a strip mall with about 10 stores (such as Telus Mobility, Staples Business Depot, Second Cup, Mailboxes Etc., Sketchley Cleaners, a high end Italian restaurant … etc.). It definitely did not look like a place to have an auto parts store. I drove around the entire plaza looking for unit 537 – no such luck.

I did manage to get the telephone number of the Property Manager for 1750 The Queensway – try them at 416-252-2226. Maybe they know of a hidden unit 537!

I also checked the other end of Queensway for perhaps the address 1750 East (as opposed to west). No such luck.

I tried a reverse search on their advertised toll-free number: 1-866-441-0449 but couldn’t find anything either.

The online Canada 411 directory found “Shock Performance” to be at 269 Morningmist Street,
Brampton, Ontario, L6R 2B8 with a different phone number: 905-792-9411. Now I’m confused! :confused:

Sorry I couldn’t be of much help.
Daria thanks very much for your legwork! Much appreciated. Why am I not surprised that the address is bogus... :frown: I'll call the property mgr in the morning and ask some questions.

So, to update, these guys are still jerking me around. They have told me a total of three times now that the shocks have shipped, only for me to find out that's not the case. The most recent was providing a UPS tracking number today, but when I checked it out.....it was something being shipped to THEM from San Diego!

I filed a complaint with the Etobicoke BBB on May 9th. but surprisingly that hasn't really done much. Contacting the Bilstein USA eastern regional manager garnered a phone call from ShockPerformance the next day. That was promising at first, since it confirms a relationship between Bilstein USA and ShockPerformance.

Despite any lighting of a fire under them by Bilstein USA, they continue to fail to deliver on their promises. I've been dealing with a fellow named Walter who appears to be the owner though in our conversations I never asked him directly if he was. I also have spoken on two occasions with a guy named Chris who appears to be one of the workers there.

Biggest lesson I learned from this was that when I used Paypal to buy these shocks, I had 45 days to make a claim of a problem. I should have exercised that on the 44th day and demanded my money back. Paypal payment is supposed to be accepted only if the item is in the hands of the seller (hence the 45 days is a reasonable timeframe). As for the business itself, it was listed as Bilstein's Canadian distributor and a general internet search turned up very little on them, nothing to raise a concern. They certainly seemed to be fully above-board at the time.

After 16 weeks of non-delivery and 3 times saying they've shipped when they haven't, I'm calling them tomorrow morning to demand a full refund. Although I think I have a better chance of getting the shocks than seeing the money.

Thanks for the support guys.
I'm willing to pick them up for you if you wish (wherever they are located - that still needs to be confirmed!). Tell them to stop giving you bogus tracking numbers and just let me know when they are ready for pickup.

You can trust me to ship them to you the same day. (I have type R's on the car - hence don't need Bilsteins :wink: )

Don't give up on your purchase yet ...
Update: I talked to the property manager at 1750 Queensway on Wednesday. The address is a mail box at Mail Boxes Etc. He says he receives calls regularly from angry shockperformance customers. I left a message for Walter saying I'd had enough and to please refund my money by the end of the day. Instead of a refund, I received a phone message Wednesday night that the shocks had shipped via overnight and a valid tracking number.

So the good news is that earlier today, 16 weeks ARO, I have received 2 of my 4 shocks and they are the correct model for the rears. I cancelled the appointment with my installer for Tuesday and will do it when its convenient. I'm optimistic that the other 2 will follow at some point in time -- hopefully less time than it took to get these. :)

THanks again Daria for your kind offer. It is much appreciated but looks like it won't be necessary after all.

Hope anyone who thinks of ordering from these guys finds this thread with a search. Thanks again all.

Wow, I'm glad that this story looks like it might have a happy ending after all. I was almost certain that you'd neither receive the merchandise nor the refund based on their previous actions.
So Cokerat did u apply the shocks???? We all pictures too. hahahaha!!!!

Im glad everything worked out for you but a crapy way to deal with these guys.