Car Show

10 March 2001
Hi guys,

On Sept 1,Im going to enter my 97 Nsx in a local car show.Can anyone give me any tips on how to prepare.Im aware that it should be spotless(which it is)but I dont really know what the judges are looking for.Im entering the mild Acura class so Ill be up against some nice looking comp.My car has no kit but is lowered with SSR Integrals.My engine bay is dressed up with subtle touches but Im not one to deviate from perfection so Ive chosen my mods carefully.



97 NSX-T
93 Supra TT
92 Talon AWD ( For Sale )
Well, since I've won a few national shows with one of my cars before I can give you some insight.

Besides being spotless you should have a poster board made that gives all the details about the NSX for that year. Basically you can copy the specs page out of the NSX brochure. Included on that board should be any mods that you made to the car. The more organized you are the better you will score. If you really want to get anal, you can turn every screw that is visible so that they all point the same direction. I can go on for hours, but for starters just make sure that every nook and cranny is spotless.

Good Luck.

BTW Where is the show?
Car Show....

-I would take a wheel or two off, so that EVERYONE would see and admire the beauty of the suspension and undercarriage!

-Have the car tilt to one corner or side

-Like mentioned above, have a board made that displays the specs of the car, and the mods you've done. You want to let others know how special and advanced the NSX is

-Add some mirrors, either at the wheels, suspension, undercarriage, corners, anywhere that shows off the cars beauty and isn't tacky! Don't overkill with mirrors though

-Add some railings, the ones you find at a bank that keep you in line...(know what I mean?)

I'm sure there's more but I can't think of them at the moment. I plan on entering my car in the next car show(February '02) so I'll be watching all of my lowrider videos before it to get more tips and tricks.

Good Luck and you should post some pictures of your car so we can advise you more.

Dr Lane,
The show is at channelside by the port in Tampa on 9/1.People really look to see if all the screws are facing the right direction?Sheesh
The mirror would be a great touch since the exhaust is polished.Ill see if I can take some pictures and post em.

Thanks for the advice and keep it coming if you can think of anything else.

I've never entered a competitive car show, but they are interesting. A quick web search turned up this site which looks to have a WEALTH of tips and information on preparing for a car show. Some of it may not be applicable since it was written for classic cars, but much of it would also apply to an NSX, and the stuff that doesn't at least gets you in the right mindset of what judges look for.

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 27 July 2001).]
Thanks Lud,that article was real informative.
Ive printed it and will probably create some sort of checklist.
