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Does China deserve to host the olympics?

Looks Photoshoped to me.... :rolleyes:

lol, no photoshop, there are some very nasty rivers in china,

anyways, i guess i just thought the olympics were something that was supposed to bring the elite of the world together, in a place that has something good to offer,

but i guess i thought wrong, ohhwell, i dont care anymore because i have been "pwnd" on the internet:redface:
It's not too late. There are three days remaining. How about moving them to... Paraguay?
lol, no photoshop, there are some very nasty rivers in china,

anyways, i guess i just thought the olympics were something that was supposed to bring the elite of the world together, in a place that has something good to offer,

but i guess i thought wrong, ohhwell, i dont care anymore because i have been "pwnd" on the internet:redface:

I don't doubt that there are some nasty, poluted rivers in China but I would bet my left nut that picture is photoshoped orange. Which pisses me off when people distort truths to make something more dramatic. I am not denying that China has a major ecological and pollution problem...

One of Al Gore's chart...


Not one of the chart's in Al Gore's movie...

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sorry i forgot to add the poll and couldnt edit in a poll,

and i laugh at chinas taking like 3 million(or however many) cars off the road to try and clean up the air, because 2 years after the olympics you wont be able to see the stadium from 100 feet away!

sorry but shouldnt the olympics be "awarded" to a country, china agreed like 8 years ago to change somethings, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc x infinity but have fallen quite short, if america was running the olympics they would have snatched the privlegde away from china for not cleaning up thier act a year or two ago.

don't you know that how many people they have there???
do you think it's really easy to make that structure?? do you know how much it cost?

infamous record? if you can find anything which is more famous than the Great Wall.
It is not matter of who deserve it, it's a matter of who can do a great job hosting the event. It is a sporting event, as long as the athletes are treated fairlu without incidents there is absolutely no reason why they shouldn't be able to host the event.

Human rights issue is not nearly as serious as you think. Don't want to mix in politics with this but the liberal democrats are making this a political issues to confuse people. They go as far as trashing Bush for attending the event in the name of human rights violation. People in China are going through some major economic changes for the better but some of us here in the States think the change can be done over night. Don't forget, just fifteen years ago, China was considered a third world country. Today, it has become a military and economic power. People lived in major city such as Shanghai and Beijing have a life style similar to the people here in the US, if not better. The rural part of the country may still be very third world status, but it is not worse than some part of the US.

The industrial revolution of the 1900's probably had a greater pollution impact; don't forget, back in those days, they don't have any safety related restrictions. Also, the western countries are in a "post" industrial revolution era, therefore, most of the industry are service oriented, the manufacturing sector has now shifted to Asian countries. For what they have to do for the world in terms of producing product cheap, it is impossible not to have pollution problems. They will eventually get their act together when they shift from the manufacturing sector into service sector, the problem will pass on to the next group of countries when they take over the manufacturing part. The next stop may be Africa.

One of the best example is happening in this forum. Why is VIS CF hood so cheap? Because the manufacture in China is not heavily regulated and the material and labor is super cheap, they also don't have to spend money on toxic material disposal. DF on the other hand, is paying much higher labor; the CF is more expensive, and they have to deal with EPA, which is an expense that does not exist in China. But since we have people waiting in line for the VIS hood because they're cheap, companies will continue to use the cheap labor/material in China. A catch 20 situation.

To say China does not deserve to host the Olympic is just flat out ignorant. Russia host it when every none communist countries hated them. The Munich Olympic witness the slaughter of Israeli athletes, S. Korean Olympic had unfair judging. Those to me, has a much more impact than denying a one of the biggest country in the world the right to host a world class event when them self, like to become a world class country.

Nancy Pelocy and Harry Reed agenda just don't work with people who actually understand and want to better the world politics.
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i have seen the waters on television, one of those crazy "were reporters but we are going to go to a country that doesnt want us there and will lock us up and destroy our tapes if they find us there" type of things, they also went to some of the corporate offices to talk about the working conditions/pollution/lead in the water/irrigation making whole villiges sick
i have seen the waters on television, one of those crazy "were reporters but we are going to go to a country that doesnt want us there and will lock us up and destroy our tapes if they find us there" type of things, they also went to some of the corporate offices to talk about the working conditions/pollution/lead in the water/irrigation making whole villiges sick

Like I said, I don't deny that there are MAJOR pollution and ecological problems in China. I am just saying that this particular photo is an alteration of reality for dramatic effect and that kind of crap pisses me off.

Here is the original photo....

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LOOK!!! DOWN TOWN LA!!! or Seattle on a foggy day.
you may have knowledge on cars, but you know nothing about that structure.

Who says i have to, its my opinion that it looks unfinished, simple. (oh and thanks for telling me how much i 'know' when you have no idea. Mirrors............)
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To say China does not deserve to host the Olympic is just flat out ignorant. Russia host it when every none communist countries hated them. The Munich Olympic witness the slaughter of Israeli athletes, S. Korean Olympic had unfair judging. Those to me, has a much more impact than denying a one of the biggest country in the world the right to host a world class event when them self, like to become a world class country.

In your opinion, many disagree, doesn't make them ignorant, you calling others that don't agree with an opinion ignorant could be construed as ignorant. The question was does 'CHINA' deserve to host the games, the original post wasn't talking about the other countries, maybe they didn't deserve to either, but then we could continue to debate what 'deserve' means.:smile:
In your opinion, many disagree, doesn't make them ignorant, you calling others that don't agree with an opinion ignorant could be construed as ignorant. The question was does 'CHINA' deserve to host the games, the original post wasn't talking about the other countries, maybe they didn't deserve to either, but then we could continue to debate what 'deserve' means.:smile:

Yes, does China deserve to host the Olympic. The original poster stated this:

"i say no, at a time when the world is investing billions upon billions with that amount only going to hundreds of billions and into the trillions in the coming years china has a disgusting and wreckless way of handling thier economic boom, i will let the pictures do the explaining. (some how, a photoshop photo was used)

this has been on my mind the las few days/weeks, and ive been looking for good old fashioned "made in america" products and sad to see that those are rare.

and ofcourse chinas infamous humanatarion record"

His objection has NOTHING to do with the word "deserve." When you quote some one, you need to quote the entire thing if the entire post is related.

This is just another Save Tibet, or the don't drill because of the Polar bear BS. Let's join the movie stars at their protest so Tibet can be free even though they have absolutely no ability to sustain as a country, or we should not drill in Alaska because it's bad for the polar bears, even though the economy is suffering; however, we will only protest when the weather is good!!! Let's applause/embrace what Obama tells us, ride your bike to work, or Chuck Schumer idea of stay home and not go out until we figure out alternative source of energy, or Pelocy's accusation regarding two oil man in the white house couldn't solve our energy crisses when her posse voted no on every energy related bills since the early 1990's.

This is a perfect example of people who believe the materials they read and join the wagon without thinking both sides. If you have been to China and have not witness every thing first hand, you CANNOT tell people what others have told you. It's telling people how a car drives when you have never driven one.

if a country can properly host this event without having to compromise athlete's safety, and be able to judge the game fairly, other unrelated issues shouldn't matter.

This thread also mentions "made in the USA" is a big deal and yet he is driving a Japanese car. I would like to think if a person has a strong believe, he/she should excercise it 100%. Consumer in general will flock to value buys, if USA cannot be competitive with manufacturing, they will loose. As a service oriented country, China on the other hand, cannot compete in that sector. There is a trade off, they buy our computer software, we stock up the shelfs of K Mart with Chinese made every day junk.

This is just as bad as Obama telling the folks during a speech how we should all learn Spanish and be bilingual and him self can only speak English.

Have you even seen/heard the liberal Europeans often use pictures of Katrina aftermath to tell their people how the US is a third world country like? This is identical.

By presenting the post with selective photos (photoshop), either the author of bought the agenda, or he is part of the agenda.
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I'm wondering what nightmare the world press is dealing with.It will be interesting how our tv networks deliver the games.Will there be a larger agenda:wink:I also agree that the stadium looks like a birds nest.Could be a design based on rapid speed of construction/cost.The games are suposed to be above politics,but the games do bring huge economic boosts to the host region.The whole mechanism of how cities are chosen by the olympic commitee is suspect.
I agree that we can't look at China and think it's a slump based on stories that the media want you to hear, when half of our country is the same way. We don't really have a much better environment, humanitarian record... anything really. Like Vanechu said, it's probably the same people that shout "Save Tibet" who don't want the Games there.

My vote is yes, the Games should be in China. It's about sports and not politics. If we were looking at humanitarian records and stuff like that, maybe no country should ever host them since we've all got skeletons in the closet. Maybe the Games shouldn't have been here in '02. If you're looking at pollution than why did we have the games in L.A. in 1984? That place is no better.

Like the photoshop above proves, people are pulling out smear tactics to try and make a point. I'm really looking forward to going there!