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G35 Coupe vs. NSX-T

Hi, sorry to keep bumping this, I've also given some thought to the E46 M3, since I've heard from many that it's "the best driver's car", but I couldn't find a comparison here between it and the NSX. I found that a bit odd, since both cars are widely considered as great handling cars, so I thought it only natural that there would be a comparison somewhere. I thought that maybe the forum's search feature wouldn't look for a string as short as M3, so I looked through the first 5 pages, but still couldn't find anything. If anyone could link me to a comparison, that'd be greatly appreciated.
Still not an NSX but a nice daily driver...has all the amenities you could want. It did not feel that great for me when I drove my cousins 2003 M3 in carbon black. He has the manual one dropped on tein suspension, volk wheels, and exhaust.....I could not get use to reverse being where 1st gear was. Felt pretty quick but still the NSX felt better as far as the car's feedback for me. But if you are going to get a daily driver I would suggest getting the M3 it makes a great DD and holds more than two people.....I personally do not like driving my NSX daily. But that is due to LA traffic and having to worry about where you park it. With the M3 I would not worry about it as much since its not a target as much as the NSX is.
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The thing that surprises me about the NSX vs ? threads is that many times the "asker" has never driven either of cars they want opinions on (or maybe they have driven only one of them). Cars and their downsides & attributes are so subjective to an individual's tastes and needs, that how can you even compare to what turns you on and what doesn't when you don't have hands on experience? Surely not hearsay!

Go out and drive the cars....bring your observations and questions after that, rather than all the mental masterbation these topics generate.

If you can't convince a private party or a dealer to let you take a car for a test drive you probably aren't ready to make the jump in the first place.

What's next, NSX VS GT-R?
I agree with Hothonda all the way. I don't like these what do you think about comparing an NSX to another ???? threads. They are always going to be one side.

My say is....if you like the NSX then get it. If you don't then get another car.

Good luck!
I guess I'll add my 2¢ even though I'm a little late....

I own both a G35 and NSX (91).
I would not say "there is no comparing the two" and laugh at everyone who says that b/c they have Not driven a highly modified G.
Sure, stock for stock, the NSX is far superior as a sport car, but a G can be made to handle quite well, and have a Very nice power curve.
Mod for Mod, ... the NSX will win out again, ...but it will cost more as well. Simple enough.

A G35 coupe/350Z are essentially the same, and there are Many 350's and G's out at the Time Attack events, ... and that's a good place to look at the two cars you're comparing IMO. (I would not count a 'track day' as a good comparison place, ... b/c the driver's skill levels vary Dramatically, which can be mistaken for something to do with the car, ...even so, at certain time attack's, I personally feel that the G/Z cars are horribly misrepresented :/).

If you are seriously considering getting a different car, ... you need to ask yourself, "What am I going to use the car for?" and "What am I going to do to the car?"
Do you want something that handles right out of the box? Will get people looking and asking questions when you stop places? That only has two seats? lol That is a rare find on the road?
Or do you want something that you have to modify to get better handling? That more people are going to own? That there are more part options to choose from?

So give some more detail in what you want, ... and I think you will help answer/answer your own question...

I don't own a G35, but have ridden may miles in one. I have owned a few small luxury sports sedans in the same category. My Black Beauty is a 2003 Black on Onyx NSX. Here is my perspective and what I think are a few of the differences:

A G35 is a luxury sports sedan. It drives and handles like one. It plows through a sharp turn on a mountain road with all of the weight of the engine up front. An NSX is an exotic -- I can run with a sports bike up CA Highway 9. The engine is behind the driver, so the torque moment is significantly reduced when going into a turn. You try that with a G and they will be scraping you off of the trees with a putty knife and you will be doing a flight for life helicopter trip.

The ride on a G is smooth -- it is a luxury car and that is what people who purchase them demand. You are isolated from the road and sensing the road. An NSX is a sports car and rides like one. You feel the surface of the road when you drive and ride in it. I think it is the closest feel to riding a motorcycle of any car I have ever driven.

Take you eyes off the road for a few seconds in a G to answer your cell phone -- slight arm movements -- nothing happens. Try that in an NSX -- slight arm movements will cause it to change lanes. The suspension on an NSX "loads" the tires -- it is like a tiger getting ready to pounce.

Turn a 90 degree corner of a city street at 30 -- 35 MPH or so in a G. It will slide and let you know it is unhappy. Take the same corner in an NSX and you won't even hear tire noise.

I don't know if this is the type of information that you are looking for, or not. This is my answer to my interpretation of your question.

My little bro is a G35 fan, he is on his second one...

Sorry, just for the cheap plastic interior and clunky shifting feel, I will never consider one. Go with the M3 if you want a four seater. If you want a true drier's car, the NSX should be under serious consideration.
The G35 is nice
The M3 is nice
But neither are exotic
Depends on weather or not you are ready for an exotic.
I bought my NSX cause I had an X5 daily driver, than I sold My X5 drove my NSX for 3 months and realized I really did not really NEED another car.

Just for giggles here are some superficial reasons to buy a NSX

Pulling up to restaurant is priceless
Pulling up to valet lights up the valet eyes.
Even your G/F or wifes dad is gonna pick your brain about it.
Every one you meet wants a ride.
Picking up a date is priceless
Your friends are always asking... are you gonna bring the N?
It's constantly the topic of conversation friends
It does not matter what cool car your friends buy it's not an N.

Besides that you will be happy when, or if you ever decide to sell it you will get what you paid back.

Than you have all the other reasons
It's fast enough
Its exotic enough
It's the most daily drivable of any other car in it class.

Get the G35 if you just wanna have nice car
Get the NSX if you want a Hell of a car. Then live with its inconveniences.

IMHO It's as close as possible to Owning/Driving a Ferrari 355/348 without the maintenance.
Hi, sorry to keep bumping this, I've also given some thought to the E46 M3, since I've heard from many that it's "the best driver's car", but I couldn't find a comparison here between it and the NSX. I found that a bit odd, since both cars are widely considered as great handling cars, so I thought it only natural that there would be a comparison somewhere. I thought that maybe the forum's search feature wouldn't look for a string as short as M3, so I looked through the first 5 pages, but still couldn't find anything. If anyone could link me to a comparison, that'd be greatly appreciated.

You like compare apples to oranges don't you :smile:

Once you own an NSX you'll understand everything the prime members trying to convey to you. You seem to be very interested in NSX since you ask all these questions, I say you just go out and buy one and drive it for 3 months. If you really don't like it by then (which is very unlikely), you can sell it for the same amount you paid for it. This is another benefit of owning an NSX, depreciation is nil for earlier cars and going down very slowly on newer ones. :wink:
Hi, Solarian

When considering an NSX, please remember my 7 R's of the NSX:

Reasonably priced
Retail support in every city
Really good air conditioning!:biggrin:

Hi, Solarian

When considering an NSX, please remember my 7 R's of the NSX:

Reasonably priced
Retail support in every city
Really good air conditioning!:biggrin:


Do forget reading, riting, and rithamtic. :biggrin:
I drove multiple "M" machines before I purchased my NSX. I drove a couple of different years of M3 machines and a couple of different M5 machines. I drove both the Z3 (I liked) and the Z4 (I did not like) series of M Roadsters. I also drove an M Coupe (the Z4 hardtop variant). The only I liked was the Z3 version of the M Roadster. All of them are similar to your G35 -- Lots of engine weight up in the front end, a smooth ride, and isolation from the road. They also cost a fortune to keep running after their initial 4 years of "free service that most people finance" runs out. You can buy an "M" after the free service for a fraction of what an NSX costs. Sounds like you want an NSX, but are looking for cheaper alternatives -- you don't get a diamond for the price of a CZ.
Hope you find what you are looking for.
The thing that surprises me about the NSX vs ? threads is that many times the "asker" has never driven either of cars they want opinions on (or maybe they have driven only one of them). Cars and their downsides & attributes are so subjective to an individual's tastes and needs, that how can you even compare to what turns you on and what doesn't when you don't have hands on experience? Surely not hearsay!

Go out and drive the cars....bring your observations and questions after that, rather than all the mental masterbation these topics generate.

If you can't convince a private party or a dealer to let you take a car for a test drive you probably aren't ready to make the jump in the first place.

What's next, NSX VS GT-R?

I agree, but I can see where people are coming from. Spending $80,000 on a USED car that you've only seen a few times in real life is daunting. And you feel weird asking a private owner to ride in one when you're not even sure if you're up for it.
Ok, I gotta add a "few more cents":

Again, back to the never owned or driven OR even posting about the exact cars in question....!

He asked about a G35 COUPE, .... NOT sedan! Big difference.

A G35 Coupe with good coilovers, sway bars, tires, dialed in alignment is Very quick around the corners, ... and it weighs HOW much more than the NSX????

An NSX with coils, sways, tires, dialed in alignment, is extremely fast around the bendys................. So what do you expect???

A 3000 lb car vs a 3600 lb car, ... one with a back seat (if you call it that), and one with none. One built for speed, one built for daily commuting.

And a G35 Coupe has cheap interior??? NO, i don't think so. I go back and forth between my G35 and NSX on a daily basis, ... and they truly are two different Animals. But the G35 is more comfortable when it comes to moving around in the car, ... but the NSX feels better when you 'want' to feel like your strapped in and ready to rock, it's more nimble.

Bottom line is, what do you plan to use the car for? What other vehicles do you plan to own at the same time? Got family? Kids? More than one friend? ;) lol

And loose the attitude people, there are Many cars out there that a lot of people can't drive, or even see on a regular basis, ... so where better to ask than the hottest NSX forum in existance?? ;) :p
I love the G as far as comfort and performance, but there is no comparison when it comes to the "it" factor....The G's are everywhere and the NSX is a head turner.....Get an NSX!!!:biggrin:


nuff said.....:cool:
I drive my 97 NSX all year round in winter. I live in northern Alberta where the temperatures range from -8C to -40C. You need some blizzaks and weight in the back then you're fine. I commute about 950 km on the highway every 2 weeks. The biggest problem you're going to have is answering to everyone why are you driving it in the winter. My answer is cause I love my car. I bought it cause I knew it could be daily driver. I also have a BMW 325 which I parked and haven't driven since I bought my NSX. I like the G35 but if you don't buy the NSX you're always going to think about it. Once you buy the NSX you're you'll never think about buying the G35 again. It's a one way street if you know what I mean. Most of the guys here that have X's. The one thread that I say a guy moving on was buying a Gallardo. Thats the type of cars they move on to.

Dave I really need to get some pics of your car out in the snow! It would be an excellent thread starter for some of our Prime friends in the Southern States LOL
I wonder what happened to the original poster. Did he end up with an NSX?

BTW, funny enough I just got a G35 coupe to use as a daily driver IN THE SNOW!

Admittedly it was absolutely HORRIBLE (SCARY BAD even) during the first dusting of snow ~1/4 inch. But a quick trip to the tire shop and some new snow tires and it's been a great winter daily driver.

My two Acuras are going to ride out the winter season in the garage.
I wonder what happened to the original poster. Did he end up with an NSX?

BTW, funny enough I just got a G35 coupe to use as a daily driver IN THE SNOW!

Admittedly it was absolutely HORRIBLE (SCARY BAD even) during the first dusting of snow ~1/4 inch. But a quick trip to the tire shop and some new snow tires and it's been a great winter daily driver.

My two Acuras are going to ride out the winter season in the garage.

Oh man I didn't know you had two Acuras. What's the other one?

Yes, I was talking about a G35 coupe plowing through a turn. There is 800 lbs of transmission and engine at the front end -- not in that location on an NSX. You can't suspend the laws of physics -- Newton's first law before you get to the turn. You are dealing with the calculus of Newton's second law as your car performs the process of going through the curve. The weight comes into play here as the center of mass, center of gravity, and the moment of inertia come into play.

Yes, I was talking about a G35 coupe plowing through a turn. There is 800 lbs of transmission and engine at the front end -- not in that location on an NSX. You can't suspend the laws of physics -- Newton's first law before you get to the turn. You are dealing with the calculus of Newton's second law as your car performs the process of going through the curve. The weight comes into play here as the center of mass, center of gravity, and the moment of inertia come into play.

LOL Tell that to GT-R drivers!
Hi, for all those wondering, I'm still lurking, just not as often. I decided that I haven't owned my G for long enough to justify taking the big price hit of selling it. I'm getting coilovers, STBs and sways for it this year, as well as some test pipes and a 1/2" plenum spacer to help out in the power department. I still intend to get an NSX some day, but the time isn't right at the moment. I've always had an unexplainable attraction to them, so I'm sure it's only a matter of time before I make the switch.