How Fast is Too Fast?

26 April 2007
Destin FL
Is it ok to break the speed limit in a NSX or similar sportcar?
In a country where there is no speed limit how fast would you go?
If the speed limit was 100mph as in Austria would you go 100?

100 years ago the speed limit was 14mph. Would you go 50 mph to pass a model-t chugging along at 14mph ? :biggrin:
In most of the California, speed limit is 65 on Freeway, but there is a "safe speed" law, if the entire traffic is traveling at 80mph, you should follow the speed of the traffic flow. However, if a cop wants to be a dick and select you, you can't really fight for it, because you are traveling above the speed limit. Very ironic.
Is it ok to break the speed limit in a NSX or similar sportcar?

When most talk of 'the limit' it is in the context of road maximum posted speed limits. In the US, maximum vehicular speed limits are put in place by traffic engineers that have to consider just about every possible variable in the interest of public safety, so tend to reflect the lowest common denominator (Commercial traffic and the chick in the number 4 lane doing 51mph while doing make-up). They also consider regulations, congestion, road conditions, community, our legal climate, DWI epidemic, $35 licenses, and other social issues which obviously sit relatively unique in global scope.

Some of the better written state statutes note that vehicular traffic speed limits are intended to be secondary to conditions as Vance mentioned. Many road signs are advisable limits, not maximum. In the end, they are all just tools... a fraction of the billions spent in the interest of 'public safety'.

As to your question. I think it depends on who you ask and what their driving career consists of. The majority will likely fall into the bucket that 35mph could be way too fast for an arterial or during stop and go while 70mph could be "a little" slow for a long stretch of Kansas interstate fundamentally impairing mobility. That being the case, first responders still find themselves with a full day as 5mph apparently must be the "limit" for many motorists tagging cars during stop and go.

Asking an educated, calibrated, driving enthusiast, obviously lends an entirely different perspective which we won't get into.

In a country where there is no speed limit how fast would you go?

At the salt flats in Bonneville the guys with the streamliners seem to feel the top end is about the speed of sound, which like climbing into a rocket on top of several tons of rocket fuel, must take some real cahonies.

If the speed limit was 100mph as in Austria would you go 100?

What, at that rate I might even see the top of 4th gear? Austria's a long drive just to do that. :)

100 years ago the speed limit was 14mph. Would you go 50 mph to pass a model-t chugging along at 14mph ?

14mph, yeah that's progress. I'd just run. At this rate society might even see 140mph in 3007... hopefully in something future celebrities and crack heads don't have any control over as that what would be pretty scary.

The bottom line is that you can't legislate a replacement for a driver making good decisions, and pre-emptive speed enforcement is an entirely ineffective behavior modification tool. Encouraging states to adopt make sense traffic statutes that encourage mobility as well as a higher threshold of public safety is the job of the NMA.

So, before going balls out (drafting that model T) check that you have the proper signage (I photochopped an example below) and always consider your personal limit as may be prudent for allowable conditions. After you get bored come out to the track. Eventually, you'll just disconnect and stop worrying about your speed-o all together- oil & water temp are more interesting anyway.


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I'm sure this thread is just an ancillary post to your previous thread where you got a little flak about street racing on a well-traveled public road.

In answer to your question, the California Dept. of Transportation states that
22350. No person shall drive a vehicle upon a highway at a speed
greater than is reasonable or prudent having due regard for weather,
visibility, the traffic on, and the surface and width of, the
highway, and in no event at a speed which endangers the safety of
persons or property

In the video you posted you are clearly exceeding any reasonable speed limit based on road conditions and traffic density. Although you claim that the highway had "limited access", and that the grass median allowed for safe travel at those speeds, I would disagree.

Next I'm sure you'll claim, as you did before, that we all speed, and that:
nsx going 120 = fun
it is all ablut the car and driver (knowing what you car and tires can safely handle)

I would argue that smart drivers don't drive like that in traffic.
Is it ok to break the speed limit in a NSX or similar sportcar?
In a country where there is no speed limit how fast would you go?
If the speed limit was 100mph as in Austria would you go 100?

100 years ago the speed limit was 14mph. Would you go 50 mph to pass a model-t chugging along at 14mph ? :biggrin:

TOO FAST is simply TOO FAST. Always. Period.

However, TOO FAST in my definition is the speed which would endanger other people or property and NOT a specific and fixed limit.
I usually tell people when asked that I do not drive TOO FAST but, if conditions permit, I will regularly exceed the official posted speed limit.
So, in my book, those two things are very different.

You ask me about Austria which is basically two borders from where I live. In between is Germany, which still has most highways without any speed limits at all. Literally...
So, yes, if the speed limit was 100 mph and traffic, weather, road and other circumstances would permit, I would definately travel at 100 mph.
There is not a day on the road when driving on the (admittedly very high quality) highways in my country that I will not hit at least a 100 mph when condition as said above will allow it. Or even more. However, such stretches tend to be most often little more than short sprints for at most a few miles before you come up on other traffic and have to slow down.

And yes, it can be a lot of fun :biggrin:
Is it ok to break the speed limit in a NSX or similar sportcar?
In a country where there is no speed limit how fast would you go?
If the speed limit was 100mph as in Austria would you go 100?

100 years ago the speed limit was 14mph. Would you go 50 mph to pass a model-t chugging along at 14mph ? :biggrin:

If there was no speed limit, one night at 3:00 AM where there is no one else on the road, I'd go to test my top speed, which is above 180, and probably between 190 & 200 mph. Yes I know there are certain risks.

If the speed limit in Austria was 100, yes I'd go 101.
A Friend of mine is a State Trooper. He has told me of the accidents that he responds to with a death, if its not alcohol related its speed related.

When people see the car, a common question is "how fast have you gone?"
Owning my NSX for close to 3 years, I have yet to exceed 85mph.
Most of the time they look at me like a wimp.

A wimp, maybe....Alive, YES!
In Europe the AutoBahn has fewer accidents then in the US with our BS limit laws.

Going fast is not in it's self dangerous.
In Europe the AutoBahn has fewer accidents then in the US with our BS limit laws.

Going fast is not in it's self dangerous.

I agree with you in that people in America do not know how to drive properly. My biggest pet peeve is that people traveling from city to city use the left lane and camp out there when they should be in the right lane (left lane used for passing only).
i have been in two accidents. both involved the other driver merging into my lane while talking on cell phone (not seeing me next to them).
obviously drinkning or cell phone use has no bearing on max speed since any speed you go while impaired is dangerous.
all speed limits are set for cars like what a 1988 oldsmobile station wagon can handle going through the bottleneck or curved part of road.
the nsx is designed to safely go fast. if all cars were nsx then it is presumable that there could be no limit or a 100+ limit. however, just because the car can do it doesn't mean the driver can.
when i test drove an nsx the owner said "wow! i have never been that fast!"
all we did is go from 0-60 in about 6.5 seconds. i didn't want to gun it hard since i didn't own it. some people (no matter what the car) do not have the inherit ability to go fast.
If there was no speed limit, one night at 3:00 AM where there is no one else on the road, I'd go to test my top speed, which is above 180, and probably between 190 & 200 mph. Yes I know there are certain risks.

If the speed limit in Austria was 100, yes I'd go 101.

come to ky were there is no one on the road at 3pm! you can go to certain horsefarm communities that are better than track were you will not see one car or person for an hour or two.
Thats funny, because when I test drove my car, the previous owner was amazzed when I did a hard shift at 7800rpm...He said he had never gotten the rpm's that high and had no idea what the rev limit was.
come to ky were there is no one on the road at 3pm! you can go to certain horsefarm communities that are better than track were you will not see one car or person for an hour or two.

I'll remember that next time I am in Kentucky... :) Though I'm not sure if I'm going to be driving the NSX to there anytime soon though.. Your car maybe?:biggrin:
TOO FAST is simply TOO FAST. Always. Period.

However, such stretches tend to be most often little more than short sprints for at most a few miles before you come up on other traffic and have to slow down.

And yes, it can be a lot of fun :biggrin:

going fast would not be fun if you could do it ALL THE TIME. it would be commonplace (boring). however, if i lived in Austria i would find out how commonplace going fast can really be!!!:biggrin:
Have you guys ever seen this Speed Channel videos of car manufacturers testing their vehicles both on the track and streets? (on that program the camera crew with a race car driver was blasting @ 150 mph on the autobahn)

See, people "cruise" @ 90mph in some parts of these highways in germany, the whole "speeding" is "wrong" thing and i'm sorry is a bit Hypocrite, if conditions permit you go fast if you have guts (if YOU WANT as free human), if not, go slow, if you get caught you pay your ticket, is a matter of good sense, yes when i see people speeding on "navigators" "escalades" yes i agree is wrong since those boats aren't designed for optimal braking/handling/speed ... also people that race while people around is in my opinion dangerous, but how fast is too fast?? i know people that @ 60MPH already freak out, some @ 100mph don't care ... if you have an NSX and never exceded 85mph -----> GOOD for you, but don't judge others for having fun @ 90mph ... in this site i only see sports car enthusiast not people that go from point A to B without even knowing what kind of car they drive.

If you LOVE speed yes you enjoy you car your SPORTS car if not you're just a poser, sorry.

(I love to Karting every weekend @ 45mph in this small track, EVERY FRIDAy and is a blast, still i love to drive spirited, but i never raced others on highways)
I'm not trying to say let's do 120 mph all day, what i'm trying to say is not to judge others because some people here are good humans/people and like to speed every once in a while.
It's all relative for each situation; luckily I live in a rural area, with beautiful sweeping curves and at certain times very light traffic. When sight lines allow, I'll twist her up to 140, just to hear the engine. It's part of what makes it so good to be alive!
When you can't respond to traffic and control your vehicle. What else? You know what a speed limit creates????? a situation where cars are all around you. Weigh the chances of you crashing with no one around you vs when other cars are around you. Aren't accidents less likely to occur if you don't make contact with others and they don't make contact with you? I have yet to be in an accident where all the traffic was behind me....... and no, I don't know what the center divider feels like.
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I'll remember that next time I am in Kentucky... :) Though I'm not sure if I'm going to be driving the NSX to there anytime soon though.. Your car maybe?:biggrin:
any prime member that comes through ky can drive my car on some sweet back roads. just pm me if coming through louisville or lexington since i live near both. i'll try to keep up in my audi tt. i modded it to get 290hp but it still has a tough time hanging w/ nsx.

here are some shameless audi plugs


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any prime member that comes through ky can drive my car on some sweet back roads. just pm me if coming through louisville or lexington since i live near both. i'll try to keep up in my audi tt. i modded it to get 290hp but it still has a tough time hanging w/ nsx.

here are some shameless audi plugs

Audi? At first glance, I thought it was a Lambo :biggrin:
Ok, I'll tell my wife and see if it motivates her to take a trip to the mid-west...
Owning my NSX for close to 3 years, I have yet to exceed 85mph.
:eek: I had my NSX to 115 the day after it arrived.

I agree with you in that people in America do not know how to drive properly. My biggest pet peeve is that people traveling from city to city use the left lane and camp out there when they should be in the right lane (left lane used for passing only).
Man i hate that. In Memphis, these morons will go from the entrance ramp across 3 lanes to get to the fast lane as soon as they enter the highway. Even if there isn't any other cars on the road. They will cut you off to get there even when there is nobody behind you. But the most annoying thing is the number of people that signal left to turn right and signal right to turn left :confused: . When i first moved here and saw someone do it i thought how "nobody can be that stupid" but after being here for 8+ years i realized lots of people can be that stupid. :mad:

And then there is the guy that enters the highway, cuts you off to cross 3 lanes to get to the fast lane while signaling to the right.
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Am I reading this correctly???:confused:
Your NSX will do 190MPH?:eek: Or are you refering to another car that you didn't say.
Yes, NA2, Stock gearing with a well built, forced induction engined NSX will be able to do 190mph easy. It is geared to do more than 200mph. It does however, take balls of steal and a good stretch smooth road to achieve that.