Just got nailed doing 110mph in a 55mph

u may not be just so lucky a DUI could be a good thing for what could potentially be comming to u
an automatic summons to court is never a good thing
except a heavy fine no matter the situation and at least that
good luck
doing 110 mph.....20 cents of fuel
being spanked by a judge for a serial-killer level of speeding... 'bout 500 bucks
crucifying yourself online.... priceless

watch out for those lonely bridges:rolleyes:
tmi smoore, listen to sig:wink:

I got dinged once for 175 in a 55--I even had the privilage of having a road block set up for me by Missouri's finest. My solution: A good attorney that was friends with the proscecuting attorney in the particular court. I am not sure what "favors" these guys do for one another, but I was out $5000 and attended a local rehabilitation facility for individuals who had been injured in MVC's. No points, no record assessment. In the legal system in this country, you can pretty well buy your way out of most anything.

You don't need luck, you need a name.

When I had a similar speeding incident in my younger and more foolish years (reduced to 100mph in a 60mph) I also had an automatic summons and paid a $800+ fine, 6 pts on the drivers license and a 30 day license suspension. My insurance also tripled for 2-3 years. This is in Canada, so your mileage may vary.

I would definitely get someone to represent you -- I regret not doing that.

I think it's important to understand that even a few casual drinks spread out over a period of time can impair your judgement. No amount of money will fix the mistake of killing someone.
beckertb said:
<snip> You don't need luck, you need a name.
big talk, ben.

what you didn't mention was that the judge also restricted you to driving only when supervised by the p.d., limited to mini-mo as photographic evidence indicates on your (profiled) web page :eek:
beckertb said:

I got dinged once for 175 in a 55--I even had the privilage of having a road block set up for me by Missouri's finest. My solution: A good attorney that was friends with the proscecuting attorney in the particular court. I am not sure what "favors" these guys do for one another, but I was out $5000 and attended a local rehabilitation facility for individuals who had been injured in MVC's. No points, no record assessment. In the legal system in this country, you can pretty well buy your way out of most anything.

You don't need luck, you need a name.

You don't even need a name, just MONEY!
fannsx said:
When I was a fellow training at a trauma center, I saw more bystanders killed but drunk drivers than the drunks getting killed. What a sad world we live in.
Absolutely NO EXCUSE. I don't think we punish DUI offenders enough. The innocent lives lost do not return home to their love ones. Those dame DUI offenders get a lawyer, fine a few bucks, lose the liscense for a few months , and take the subway home. How many of them are repeat offenders? I'm glad I am not a lawyer defending them. I won't be able to sleep at night.

YOU MAKE ME MAD!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: REALLY MAD!!

Little harsh don't ya think? You're the MD, it sounds like, so what is the difference in driving reaction times between a high IQ person with a couple beers and:

1. 95 year old grandma
2. The perfectly sober Forrest Gump
(These drivers are functionally impaired every single mile but w/ no career-ending felony convictions, no loss of citizens' rights, etc.)

What matters (and I could be wrong) is how quickly the person processes information -- and that being said -- do you recommend intelligence tests for drivers licenses?

Obviously, I don't advocate drinking and driving AT ALL. But a little context would be nice before you run off and lynch the foolish original poster.
oh no....here we go with the "Grandma is more dangerous than a drunk driver argument again":rolleyes: :biggrin: :biggrin:

While I totally agree that grandma and grandpa are total menaces on the road (not long ago a local woman (82) was arrested in her kitchen while putting her groceries away because there was a child and his bicycle under her car that she had no idea she had run over)

Drinking alcohol and it affecting your ability is totally in your control.

Getting old people off the road is going to require going toe to toe with the AARP and you do not have the lobbying power they do....and you never will.
A quick search of florida speeding violation fines came up with this:

6. I. For exceeding the speed limit from 1 to 9 MPH, the fine is $25. For exceeding the speed limit from 10 to 14 MPH, the fine is $100. For exceeding the speed limit from 15 to 19 MPH, the fine is $125. For exceeding the speed limit from 20 to 29 MPH, the fine is $150. And, for exceeding the speed limit by 30 MPH, the fine is $250. §318.18(3)(b) II. For exceeding the speed limit in a school or construction zone, the assessed fine is double the amount indicated above. §318.18(3)(c)
This past summer i got clocked doing 100 in a 55 in a Lotus Esprit nonetheless. Got banged for 3 tickets: loud exhaust, high rise spoiler (although its factory with a rear brake light), speeding. When i went to court i showed the judge the evidence of a factory exhaust, & factory high rise spoiler. I asked the cop in the courtroom if he has ever seen a Lotus therefore slapping me with the two citations beyond the speeding ticket. He stated no and started cursing in an angry manner in the courtroom that the judge dismissed all my tickets. :smile: When i spoke to a lawyer who was outside laughing he told me i just saved myself $400 in fines and a liscense suspension. Double the speed limit they have the right to take your car away. Consider yourself lucky. Do yourself a favor and stay off the booze while driving, if you need to drink just dont drive, who knows when anyone can appear on the road at any given time.
You are correct, and I agree - conscious decision to drink/drive. But the penalties for DUI are pretty darn stiff already, IMO. And if an accident actually does occur, then all the hurt in the world will be felt by the driver (just like if it were Grandma or Forrest).

Never had a DUI, by the way. George W. Bush has though. :biggrin:
I got a 128 in a 55 awhile back. I got a lawyer, went to court and received a $530 fine and 5 points on my license. I was also followed and harrassed by the local authorities for about 6 months afterwards. Good luck, the lawyer makes all the difference.
Ski_Banker said:
Never had a DUI, by the way. George W. Bush has though. :biggrin:

Sweet! All I need to do is drink and drive, do some coke - and I can be president too!

now... who do I wanna attack for no reason??? :biggrin:
You know those silly things you might have done or said while having a drink that you might regret when you wake?

Don't let that be taking someones life. You can't really apologize for that. :redface:

I love to go out for drinks, and sometimes when I drink I have a tendency to do things I shouldn't (like go out on a dance floor :eek: ). Because I am aware of this type of judgement lapse, I have learned to love taking public transportation to get home. :biggrin:

I wish you luck with your speeding ticket, but please take away the lesson that even just a "few" drinks is too many to drive, especially at the rate you were driving.

I am sincerely glad you didn't hurt yourself or others. Please don't take that kind of risk again.

smoore said:
Thank you!!!!!!!!! no one is saying im right but please stop the preachting..... i was not guilty of a dui at the time just speeding nothing else!!!!!!!! so according to the court thats it. so what is the most likely punishment???
i'm glad everyone gets a laugh at my misfurtune i thing that is deffently kicking someone while there down..... so what do you think the judge will do to me? honestly???

Actually, you were guilty of DUI at the time, by your own admission - you just didn't get arrested for it.

No one on their right mind should defend what you did or rationalize it away. Going 110 mph is already increasing the odds substantially that something bad will happen. Mix in some alcohol and that increased risk is exponential.

I'm all for kicking someone when they are down if it's due to their own stupidity and then they seek a way out of it, as if it wasn't really their fault. The worst part about this episode is that since you weren't arrested for DUI, you're free to make the same stupid mistake again next weekend.

Very few of us are laughing. Those that think it's no big deal are living in a fantasy land and they need to come back to reality. Add the fact that almost all of us here have been affected by a stupid drunk driver on some level, and you really should feel pretty ashamed for even posting this thread.

My suggestion is for you to tell the judge that you were going that fast because you had a few drinks and you couldn't quite make out the speedometer. You thought it felt like you were only going 55 mph, but you coudln't be sure because of the booze. Let's see how seriously he takes it.
Sig said:
LOL! :biggrin: Funniest line in the thread so far.

I felt we needed an escape from the "Holy Roller" mentality. I wanted to present my thoughts about the OP's actions in a way that could be appreciated rather than restating a bunch of obvious points as so many before me had done. Some even going so far as to admit as much with a whole "justification for kicking a man when he is down" diatribe...

That kind of "Dog Pile" post is just useless IMO.

Everyone is a saint when criticizing someone else's mistake, yet there probably isn't even one of us who hasn't done something that was potentially destructive to others. Maybe it wasn't a DUI, or wreckless speed, but at some point we have all been that redneck screaming from the roof of the trailer "HEY YALL! WATCH THIS!" It's pointless to deny it.

I know that when people yell at me, or criticize me in the way Smoore is being criticized, it gets about as far as the third "you're stupid" before I start seeing red, and go into defensive mode. At that point I am no longer paying attention to the message about my mistake. I am spending all my thought process on

1. What a dick you are
2. whether or not I can take you down in a fight
3. All the ways I can justify stomping your self-righteous guts out.

I am NOT thinking about how what I did was wrong until I am cleaning said guts off my boots...

The overall theme of my message wasn't only to be funny, but to let the OP know that even though no one was hurt in this incident he should learn from his mistakes. I just prefer to present my message as a function of something positive rather than jumping on the bandwagon of self-righteousness.

Maybe he will pay more attention.

IMO this is the difference between effective, and ineffective message design. Isn't the whole point of posting a message for it to be effective?

Sometimes I wonder if all the self-righteousness you find on the boards isn't really just about a bunch of fragile ego's trying to make themselves look good rather than introduce an effective resolution.

I pose a question: If the sentiment is lost in the composition of a post because it is corrupted by the narcissism of it's author, and that post is rendered totally worthless because the recipient of the criticizm won't take away any corrective value, doesn't that post then become a sort of HTML Diarrhea of the mouth?

The point?

Good job to those kicking this man while he is down. Hopefully in this critique of your behavior you will find direction, and ultimately correct your actions. I'm not naming names, you know who you are if this post refers to you.

Enough is enough.

and now... The Lovely Cameron Diaz...

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smoore, you're a brave man for being honest on here. Of course no one condones what you did but I won't condemn you any further.

I know a guy who got a ticket for doing 175 on the 101 freeway around Calabasas. He found an attorney that has connections and ended up just paying around 3-4k and nothing stuck on his record. So if you get lucky, you can find the right attorney and basically buy your way out.
i got nailed 85 in a 55 and i thought it was bad.. =D.. i just paid for the fine which was 115 i think.. can't remember.. didn't lose my license..

o'yeah.. forgot to meantion the cop wrote down 75 instead of 85 so i won't lose my license.. anything over 25 is automatic suspended license in the state of GEORGIA.. lucky me.. :biggrin:
deedubb said:
You think that it's a problem that the law is set that way?? :confused:

I think its a wonderful law and should be even more strictly enforced.

We already know what you think, and we knew it when you quoted smoores post for "evidence" back in post 25, when you were the 7TH person to jump on the self righteous band wagon. You just couldn't resist one last kick could you?

H-carWizKid said:
We already know what you think, and we knew it when you quoted smoores post for "evidence" back in post 24, when you were the 7TH person to jump on the self righteous band wagon, but you just couldn't resist one last kick could you?

Thats pretty pathetic.


Im not kicking him or anyone. Simply stating my thoughts on the law. Also, FYI, my quote of his statement was made as a joke hence the :biggrin:

Apparently, you know my intentions better than I do :rolleyes: