Kid's Day 2019 - July 15 & 16

9 February 2000
Warwick, NY, USA
Hi Folks,

KIDS DAY IS ON for 2019!!!!!!!!!
We will be holding Kid's Day July 15th-16th, at Camp Good Days as we have in the past.

The Kids will be so happy to see us back again!!!!

We will go to the camp on Monday July 15th, mid-day, have a car show at the camp. The camp is located on the finger lakes, 643 West Lake Road, Branchport, NY 14418 near Watkins Glen, I will provide details/schedule soon. On Tuesday July 16th, we will head to Watkins Glen to take the kids out on the track for a few laps!!! I will update this thread with details as they unfold.

This will be our host hotel. Please book early to get a room since it will fill fast with SCDA members. Our discount rate is $104 and the group is under “SCDA”

The Falls Motel
239 N. Genesee Street
Montour Falls, NY 14865

We would like as many NSX's as we can get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I am waiting to hear back from the Falls Motel which we are hoping to make our base for the evening of July 15th. Will let everyone know when then get back to me.
Already on my calendar. As those of you that have done this before will tell you, this is a most worthy and enjoyable annual tradition. Block it out on your calendar now, and plan to join us!!!
Have a great time

Sorry but I'm going to miss this one we will be away during that week wearing "winter gear" way down South.
Bob your turn to test your drone skills at the camp :smile:
This will be our host hotel. Please book early to get a room since it will fill fast with SCDA members. Our discount rate is $104 and the group is under “SCDA”

The Falls Motel
239 N. Genesee Street
Montour Falls, NY 14865
This will be our host hotel. Please book early to get a room since it will fill fast with SCDA members. Our discount rate is $104 and the group is under “SCDA”

The Falls Motel
239 N. Genesee Street
Montour Falls, NY 14865
Room booked! I sure hope that the weather gods cooperate again, and that we have more participants this year, than last!!! Come on everyone, this is one of the best things you can do with your car!!!
Hate to miss this one, but I cannot leave Jeanne and she is in no condition to go anywhere at the moment. I know ........... "it sucks"
However, the rest of you Noreasters and Canadiens should try and make this event. Take a personal or sick day from work. You will not regret it and you probably will return every year after this. What great kids! :love_heart:

Hate to miss this one, but I cannot leave Jeanne and she is in no condition to go anywhere at the moment. I know ........... "it sucks"
However, the rest of you Noreasters and Canadiens should try and make this event. Take a personal or sick day from work. You will not regret it and you probably will return every year after this. What great kids! :love_heart:

Rich, please send our very best to Jeanne. You're doing the right thing!!
I'm in! Room booked. I will be driving with SCDA on the 15th & the 16th so I won't see you folks until you get to the hotel... ;>)
How many have signed up so far?
Do you have a list of names?
registration is open on the scda site

all drivers must register with scda at the link above
Remember everyone, this is a fantastic opportunity to give back, and in return, the feeling you get in return, is priceless!!! We need a huge turnout!!
Come on everyone, we've always had a great turnout for this event. If you've done it before, you know how much good it does these kids, and the feeling you get from doing it, is worth any "inconvenience". If you are a new owner, or have never attended, you owe it to yourself. You get to drive the historic track (parade laps, not a full tilt, no passing, but you'll have a blast anyway), have a car show, where the NSX is loved, adored, and yes, climbed in and out of by about 100 eager kids, and then share dinner with them. After giving them rides around the track, for about an hour, we'll serve them lunch, and then head on home, feeling good about the smiles we put on these kids faces!!!
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SMasha and I just registered with SCDA. Staying at the Falls Hotel like usual. Can't wait to see everyone. Best event of the year
SMasha and I just registered with SCDA. Staying at the Falls Hotel like usual. Can't wait to see everyone. Best event of the year

Frankie's not coming, do you want me to bring Cheetos?
in for pics..............