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Kindle vs. Android Tablet vs. iPad ?


Legendary Member
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Tech Expert
1 August 2008
City of Angels
I've been shopping around for an ebook reader and although I think i'm settling on either a Kindle or a Tablet i'd like to hear of any outside opinions. Thanks for your help.

I don't own any of these devices currently since I feel relatively computer savvy and I'm content with combination of laptop/netbook, desktop, and Android smart phone therefore haven't found a need for an "ipad".

Here is the priority list for me.

* Paper Book Consolidation - I'd like to clean up my own personal library of books. I don't like the clutter and was thinking of having them loaded into one device like a Kindle. I buy most of books thru Amazon. Is there a discount to simply get the electronic copy of a book I already own purchased thru them?

* Easy to read - I'd like to have an easy-on-the-eye screen. The thing I like about a Kindle is the e-ink screen. It's very easy on the eyes as opposed to a sharp but vivid LCD screen. I'm not sure if the Tablet/iPad e-book readers are easy on the eyes.

* Web access - I don't think being able to browse the web is all that important to me. I have my laptop for those times. I like to have my reading time separate from my online time. Am I missing out?

* Battery Life - Battery life should at least last a couple of days perhaps through a weekend trip. I hear Kindles can last 2-3 wks.

* Proprietary - I don't like that the Kindle is somewhat proprietary. I believe I can only buy books thru Amazon?

* Other Documents Organization & Storage - In addition to consolidating all my library of books into one device I'd like to also consolidate all of my pdfs like NSX service manuals, tech docs, and perhaps other related business and personal docs into this device. Has anyone ever used Calibre, an eBook Management System? Is it practical and easy to use for this purpose?

* Backup - What if my device crashes? Is there a backup option?

* Security - How's the security on this device?

Thanks for your thoughts on any of these points :smile:
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Re: ? Kindle vs. Android Tablet vs. iPad ?

My fiance just recently got the iPad as a gift from her work and at first we both didn't understand the need for it.

After using it for a while (actually she's the only one that uses it), it's actually pretty handy. Definitely not a necessity. . . more like a cool/useful toy.

The thing I like about it is that it's always on, unlike my PC laptop which takes a while coming out of sleep or hibernation. It's also more portable. Great for entertainment like movies, games and books. It also has some really cool and useful apps that display news, facebook and twitter feeds in a "magazine" like format that's really cool. Speaking of magazines, you can get a lot of them on the iPad as a subscription, and they're in color. :smile:

Also it reads a number of formats. My fiance also has a Kindle, and she has the Kindle app on the iPad so she can read the Amazon format as well as the other eReader formats and PDFs..
Re: ? Kindle vs. Android Tablet vs. iPad ?

Without messing with reading books on any of them, it sounds to me like you're a perfect Kindle candidate. And shoot, for $100, just throw it away if you don't like it.

From my understanding, if you want to read your kindle books on an android phone, tablet, or ipad, you just download the free kindle app. So you're not locked into a technology from that perspective.
Re: ? Kindle vs. Android Tablet vs. iPad ?

I own both an iPad and Kindle.

For reading books, the Kindle wins hands down. Better battery life, better screen. If your primary need is reading books, then go with the Kindle.

I use the iPad for all the other stuff... Facebook, games, simple web browsing.

Neither one is perfect for both, so get the right tool for the primary task.
Re: ? Kindle vs. Android Tablet vs. iPad ?

I own both an iPad and Kindle.

For reading books, the Kindle wins hands down. Better battery life, better screen. If your primary need is reading books, then go with the Kindle.

I use the iPad for all the other stuff... Facebook, games, simple web browsing.

Neither one is perfect for both, so get the right tool for the primary task.

Re: ? Kindle vs. Android Tablet vs. iPad ?

for books ABSOLUTELY a kindle. there is no doubt. cheap. recharge once a month. far lighter. less fatigue from the screen. still easily readable in bright sunlight.
Re: ? Kindle vs. Android Tablet vs. iPad ?

Regan, I'm considering buying a Kindle too. I'm glad you posted your questions. I read in the OC Register yesterday that the price is coming down a bit ($25?) but the drawback is that there will be advertisements at the bottom of the screen. I'd rather pay more than have stinking ads. It pisses me off when they show up on my Garmin nuvi 1490T.
Re: ? Kindle vs. Android Tablet vs. iPad ?

I just looked and found that the $25 off is correct if you get the Kindle with ads at the bottom. That one sells for $114 vs. $139.


^Link to Amazon Kindle.
Hi Patty, I agree with you. Having ads while reading a book will completely mess up the experience for me also but thanks for the link. It's good to know.
Re: ? Kindle vs. Android Tablet vs. iPad ?

Does anyone know how pdfs (or other files) are saved? I'm assuming it is saved on the device as opposed to the cloud/internet. If so, would this mean catastrophe if my device were to crash with no way to access my saved docs?

I know that the books you buy thru Amazon will forever stay in your Amazon account available for download anytime but will it also sync random files you upload into the device? I'm guessing not but it sure would be nice.

Also, does anyone know if hardcopy books already purchased are also available via Kindle at little or no costs? I'm just afraid of having to pay twice for a book I already own.
Re: ? Kindle vs. Android Tablet vs. iPad ?

Does anyone know how pdfs (or other files) are saved? I'm assuming it is saved on the device as opposed to the cloud/internet. If so, would this mean catastrophe if my device were to crash with no way to access my saved docs?

I know that the books you buy thru Amazon will forever stay in your Amazon account available for download anytime but will it also sync random files you upload into the device? I'm guessing not but it sure would be nice.

Also, does anyone know if hardcopy books already purchased are also available via Kindle at little or no costs? I'm just afraid of having to pay twice for a book I already own.

PDFs are loaded via an email push usually. Once on the device they are there, so if you change devices, you'd need to re-push your PDFs. I've found Instapaper and their "feed" function to be the best way to send content to the Kindle. Viewing PDFs on the Kindle isn't that great because the Kindle doesnt handle graphics well. If I need to read some non-text PDFs, I just use the iPad instead.

There is no discount on Kindle books just for having the hardcopy. You'll still pay full price (~$9-10 usually).
Re: ? Kindle vs. Android Tablet vs. iPad ?

For information, I just did a comparison of the prices of three books I have, that I bought at Costco.

The Art of Racing in the Rain (paperback)
Costco: $8.99
Amazon: $7.99
Amazon Kindle: $6.29

A Dog's Purpose (hardcover)
Costco: $13.99
Amazon: $13.79
Amazon Kindle: $10.99

Water For Elephants (paperback)
Costco: $8.99
Amazon: $7.99
Amazon Kindle: $6.29
Re: ? Kindle vs. Android Tablet vs. iPad ?

Nook color rooted, running Android Kindle app, best of all worlds. :biggrin:

+1, it is basically an android tablet that is thin with great battery life and a 7 inch screen, once you root it and flash android 3.0 honeycomb on to it, it becomes an actual android tablet for $250
Re: ? Kindle vs. Android Tablet vs. iPad ?

Interesting... I hadn't even looked at the Nook. Does it have to be rooted to install the Kindle app?
That is actually very interesting and might be the best of both worlds? I hadn't considered the Nook because Barnes is on the verge of BK but if the Kindle app works on it then you can still get books from Amazon. The Nook also has a nice easy to read screen and it's in color ($100 more for color). Probably has great battery life too. Though I think any e-ink black & white kind of screen doesn't do to well with graphics on say a PDF --> thanks for pointing that out Ryan.

Would like to hear more please!
Re: ? Kindle vs. Android Tablet vs. iPad ?

+1, it is basically an android tablet that is thin with great battery life and a 7 inch screen, once you root it and flash android 3.0 honeycomb on to it, it becomes an actual android tablet for $250
In talking about rooting the Nook, you're talking about the color version right? Is there any point flashing the blk/wht nook? Pardon my newbieness but can the color LCD display in blk/wht be just as good as the blk/wht version of the nook? Having an easy to read screen is important to me but so is the quest to consolidate into less devices. :redface:
Re: ? Kindle vs. Android Tablet vs. iPad ?

I don't know the details but a woman with a Nook told me that she could get free "books" at the libraries in Orange County, CA, when a copy was available, as it is with real books.
Re: ? Kindle vs. Android Tablet vs. iPad ?

Here is a review of the Nook Color:

I have a gen1 iPad and am quite satisfied with it. I also have 4 desktop computers and a netbook at home. Ever since I got my iPad, I rarely use the netbook anymore. I use apple's ibook and amazon's kindle app for books, and have several magazine subscriptions through Zinio. Personally, I have no problem reading on the ipad for extended periods. It is a very nice all-around media device, and to me it is better than a single-purpose device such as a Kindle reader. However, since they are pretty cheap, you can always get one first and if you don't like it, get an ipad or other tablet.

Or, see if you can borrow an ipad from a friend for a weekend or something, to see how you like it for a reader.
Re: ? Kindle vs. Android Tablet vs. iPad ?

That is actually very interesting and might be the best of both worlds? I hadn't considered the Nook because Barnes is on the verge of BK but if the Kindle app works on it then you can still get books from Amazon. The Nook also has a nice easy to read screen and it's in color ($100 more for color). Probably has great battery life too. Though I think any e-ink black & white kind of screen doesn't do to well with graphics on say a PDF --> thanks for pointing that out Ryan.

Would like to hear more please!
I wouldn't say B&N isn't on the most solid of footing, but I also wouldn't say they are on the "verge" of bankruptcy either. You sure you aren't thinking of Borders?

And on a side note, my wife loves her nook. Almost too much! :rolleyes:
Re: ? Kindle vs. Android Tablet vs. iPad ?

I wouldn't say B&N isn't on the most solid of footing, but I also wouldn't say they are on the "verge" of bankruptcy either. You sure you aren't thinking of Borders?

And on a side note, my wife loves her nook. Almost too much! :rolleyes:
I was thinking of Borders but mixed it up with B&N. Thanks for clarifying
I'm actually thinking of buying a tablet for simple internet browsing...

Right now, I'm leaning towards an iPad 2 just because the OS is polish and simple and does things right.

I personally have an Android phone and love the OS. However, I played with several Android tablets at CES and feel that Honeycomb isn't as "clean" as a tablet OS. I know HTC, Samsung, Motorola, etc. have several Android tablet coming out this summer and I've been thinking of waiting to test them out before taking a plunge.
I just bought a number of Kindle books and use the Kindle app on my iPad. Very nice. I saved a lot of money over the conventional books. I can't imagine getting a monochrome reader as I enjoy numerous digital magazines from Zinio and others and these are always in color.

I tend to read more in lower light conditions (as opposed to "on the beach") so the iPad screen is well suited for this task.