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Kindle vs. Android Tablet vs. iPad ?

Re: ? Kindle vs. Android Tablet vs. iPad ?

In talking about rooting the Nook, you're talking about the color version right? Is there any point flashing the blk/wht nook? Pardon my newbieness but can the color LCD display in blk/wht be just as good as the blk/wht version of the nook? Having an easy to read screen is important to me but so is the quest to consolidate into less devices. :redface:

I'm not an expert on the nook color device but I do frequent androidcentral quit often and the nook color development was always in the headlines on the home page. The device got extremely good reviews from their owners once it has been rooted since the device can almost do it all.

just bought the Ipad 2 a while back ago and i love it...dont think i will ever use my laptop again unless i have to type. I dont read...ok let me rephrase that...i don't read fiction cause i think its a waste of time so i am not sure whether the ipad is friendly as an e-reader...but as a simple web browser its amazing.

Re: ? Kindle vs. Android Tablet vs. iPad ?

In talking about rooting the Nook, you're talking about the color version right? Is there any point flashing the blk/wht nook? Pardon my newbieness but can the color LCD display in blk/wht be just as good as the blk/wht version of the nook? Having an easy to read screen is important to me but so is the quest to consolidate into less devices. :redface:

Yes color only. Rooting is very easy, and most people who have rooted it can buy Amazon books or use other source e-books. Color display is good, but not as easy to read in bright sunlight as e-ink, but still ok. Color gives you a lot more flexibility when browsing the web.
I've got a Kindle and it works fantastically. It seriously is great that you only have to recharge it about once a month.

Also, Amazon service was extremely helpful. I dropped my Kindle from about 6ft up and it broke the ink screen. Fortunately the warranty allows 1 free replacement for any reason. Amazon promptly sent me a replacement - had it in a week - and provided the shipping to mail the broken one back. I have it in a zippered semi-hard case now and it's survived pretty good so far.
Picked up a used iPad for cheap on craigslist. Typing this on it now. Compared to the kindle it weighs a ton. I could never imagine reading a book on this boat anchor.
I just ordered the Kindle 3G version, in white, from Amazon. This thread pushed me off the fence. They have a free $25 Amazon.com Gift Card promotion with it right now. It'll help pay for some "books".

I was at the gym yesterday with two paper backs, on the elliptical. Finished the first book so I had the second. It's a PITA trying to keep the pages flat with a chip bag clip and having to turn them when I'm using the arm dealies. The Kindle should make reading much easier. :smile:
I just ordered the Kindle 3G version, in white, from Amazon. This thread pushed me off the fence. They have a free $25 Amazon.com Gift Card promotion with it right now. It'll help pay for some "books".

like ryu said, thx for the push off the fence - your note about the $25 gift card caused me to order one in white for my bride in time for mother's day.

After my wife handled a Kindle in Target the other day, she remarked how much it would be easier to read on that than her 10" Tablet (even though she has Nook and Kindle Apps on the tablet) I too ordered a Kindle for her.

I had thought about the Nook Color being a good bridge between the tablet and the Kindle, until a friend told me that she gets horrible glare with the Nook Color and trying to read with polarized sunglasses on was a no-go. Well, we already see the glare on the droid tablet and the iPad, and with the $25 giftcard and books being a tad cheaper on Amazon (which my wife noticed with the kindle/nook droid apps the first day looking at book downloads) I just went ahead and ordered the graphite 3G Kindle (I thought the white might get grubby after extended use...especially with kids in the house).
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Do you read at the gym too? I do 7 miles on the elliptical and reading makes it go by much faster.

(sorry for minor hijack) curious how often you do this routine on the elliptical? how long does each session take?
NSX Prime is good for Amazon Kindle business. :biggrin:

I received this info today, about mine, ordered yesterday:
Scheduled Delivery:
Thursday, 05/05/2011, By End of Day.

Last Location:
Phoenix, AZ, United States, Tuesday, 05/03/2011.

queenlives, I require myself to do three days per week of cardio and two days per week, on my home Hoist-gym weights machine. Today, I started riding my bike on my 29 mile route but got a flat at 8 miles. Lucky for me, my honey came and got me, and took my bike and me back to my parked RAV4. So, I went to the local 24 Hour Fitness and did my other option for cardio, 7 miles on the elliptical. I'm close to 11 minutes per mile so it takes me about 77 minutes. I listen to my iPod but have been reading at the same time for the past couple of months. Maybe TMI, but I used to love jogging, until my back had a ruptured disc, and doctors told me to stop, in April 2005. I never set foot in a gym before then, but my back can't take the impact of running. :frown:
After my wife handled a Kindle in Target the other day, she remarked how much it would be easier to read on that than her 10" Tablet (even though she has Nook and Kindle Apps on the tablet) I too ordered a Kindle for her.

I had thought about the Nook Color being a good bridge between the tablet and the Kindle, until a friend told me that she gets horrible glare with the Nook Color and trying to read with polarized sunglasses on was a no-go. Well, we already see the glare on the droid tablet and the iPad, and with the $25 giftcard and books being a tad cheaper on Amazon (which my wife noticed with the kindle/nook droid apps the first day looking at book downloads) I just went ahead and ordered the graphite 3G Kindle (I thought the white might get grubby after extended use...especially with kids in the house).

Good choice. My 22-year old son got his Kindle, the big one, last year to read while he does a stair stepper. My babies are all growed up and on their own.
queenlives, I require myself to do three days per week of cardio and two days per week, on my home Hoist-gym weights machine. Today, I started riding my bike on my 29 mile route but got a flat at 8 miles. Lucky for me, my honey came and got me, and took my bike and me back to my parked RAV4. So, I went to the local 24 Hour Fitness and did my other option for cardio, 7 miles on the elliptical. I'm close to 11 minutes per mile so it takes me about 77 minutes. I listen to my iPod but have been reading at the same time for the past couple of months. Maybe TMI, but I used to love jogging, until my back had a ruptured disc, and doctors told me to stop, in April 2005. I never set foot in a gym before then, but my back can't take the impact of running. :frown:[/SIZE]
gotcha, thx!

like ryu said, thx for the push off the fence - your note about the $25 gift card caused me to order one in white for my bride in time for mother's day.

update: my wife's kindle arrived today < 24 hrs after ordering ... very cool! (she's away from fri - sun eve so i wanted her to have it for mother's day)
update: my wife's kindle arrived today < 24 hrs after ordering ... very cool! (she's away from fri - sun eve so i wanted her to have it for mother's day)

:smile: Does she have any idea that you're giving her one? Will you give it to her tomorrow?
:smile: Does she have any idea that you're giving her one? Will you give it to her tomorrow?
actually, i gave it to her last night because she's got a club meeting tonight immediately after work and then tomorrow she's off for her show. i wanted her to have a bit of time w/it beforehand so she could familiarize herself w/it, etc.

just a few minutes before i gave it to her there was an ad on tv for the b&n nook. we sort of watched the commercial and when it was over i said, "are you interested in an electronic reader for your books?" (she reads at least 1 book a week, sometimes 2) "nope, paperback is fine for me."


when i gave it to her, she laughed and said, "so i guess i gave the wrong answer, huh?" hahahahahaha. this morning she had read through the brief instruction manual and was downloading a new book.

spouses. can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em for sport.
Which books to download might be the hard part for me. I normally cruise Costco and pick my books there to save money. At least I'll have lots more to choose from with Amazon.

What book did you wife download, if you don't mind sharing?
Which books to download might be the hard part for me. I normally cruise Costco and pick my books there to save money. At least I'll have lots more to choose from with Amazon.

What book did you wife download, if you don't mind sharing?
re books to download: decisions, decisions, eh? i'm the house dude so usually do the costco / shopping runs and pick up books that i think may be of interest to her ... some she likes, some she doesn't read to completion. i'm thinking the kindle will eliminate the middleman and we're all better off for it.

not sure what she downloaded, i'll try to remember to ask her when i see her tonight.

My Kindle came today. I've gone through the introduction and am ready to use the $25 gift certificate for books. Don't know what I'll get though. Might go for the new Shania Twain (sp?) book.
My Kindle came today. I've gone through the introduction and am ready to use the $25 gift certificate for books. Don't know what I'll get though. Might go for the new Shania Twain (sp?) book.
cool, congrats! (and good luck w/the decision on book :)

this morning as she was heading to work she asked if i might pick up a cover for the kindle, so i headed out this afternoon and got the amazon cover w/integrated light. i figure next she'll want a ctsc so i'll have to start working on that soon ....
Congrats! I get kobo ebooks for free on my playbook but i think i would want an eink product if i was serious about reading digital books
Buy one of these. I have one and geeks drool over it daily


Asus EEE EP121
its a slate/tablet pc
Core i5 dual core, 4GB ram, 64GB SSD drive
Runs Windows 7
comes with a bluetooth keyboard
has wiifi, 2 usb, hdmi, and SD card slots
weighs about 2.5 lbs
Buy one of these. I have one and geeks drool over it daily


Asus EEE EP121
its a slate/tablet pc
Core i5 dual core, 4GB ram, 64GB SSD drive
Runs Windows 7
comes with a bluetooth keyboard
has wiifi, 2 usb, hdmi, and SD card slots
weighs about 2.5 lbs

Windows 7 is still really not touch ready. There are alot of things that require a mouse, and is really clumsy with hands / fingers.

I love my iPad 2 and my Android tablets.
Buy one of these. I have one and geeks drool over it daily


Asus EEE EP121
its a slate/tablet pc
Core i5 dual core, 4GB ram, 64GB SSD drive
Runs Windows 7
comes with a bluetooth keyboard
has wiifi, 2 usb, hdmi, and SD card slots
weighs about 2.5 lbs

Wow! There's a reason to buy a computer. GeekDrool-worthiness!

Seriously, it's just a tiny laptop or netbook. You really need a mouse and keyboard to use it effectively. Win 7 isn't really comparable to iOS or even Android or PlayBook for that matter.

But hey if you just want a tiny laptop/netbook then I guess it fits the bill.

I just don't see the appeal. I have a 17" laptop that's my workhorse. It runs Win 7 and Mac OS X. My iPad is my portable mobile machine. Of course I can travel with the 17" but it's just not as nice to lug around as the iPad. So, if I'm on a plane, my 17" stays in the overhead and I use the iPad. Works well for me. I create presentations, surf the web, email and basic word proc and spreadsheets on the iPad. It works well for me and I don't ever miss a desktop computer.
