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Nice Corvette

2 August 2003
new jersey
Went to a body shop this morning to get my NSX a photo inspection for the insurance company and the guy behind the counter says "nice corvette". I said "thanks, but its not a corvette". I said it's a NSX. he said " It looks like a mini vette and probably alot cheaper". I said that the car new is 89K, he was totally confused and clueless! Just thought I'd share ! Mike
I feel sorry for that guy, wonder what its like living with your head up your ass like that, lol :biggrin: :tongue: :rolleyes:
haha, in those situations its better to just smile and say yeah, its the V6 DOHC high revving edition thats made out of aluminum :biggrin:

although i do agree, when people say that it gives me shivers down my spine lol....
I feel sorry for that guy, wonder what its like living with your head up your ass like that, lol :biggrin: :tongue: :rolleyes:

Usually it is pretty dark. That is what I hear, err uhm, is the vette prime? My bad. :tongue:
I get the same from folks that have never seen an NSX, followed by "a what?" It is not that an NSX looks like a corvette more so that the corvette has slowley copied the style of the NSX. Ever seen a '91 corvette? The NSX styling, for the most part, has stayed the same beautiful car since '91
haha you know what, i think for the next month when people ask me wtf type of car that is... i'm gonna tell them its the 07 Accord LOL!!

i think it might be worth some laughs
ceeya32 said:
Went to a body shop this morning to get my NSX a photo inspection for the insurance company and the guy behind the counter says "nice corvette". I said "thanks, but its not a corvette". I said it's a NSX. he said " It looks like a mini vette and probably alot cheaper". I said that the car new is 89K, he was totally confused and clueless!
You should have added: "For someone who works in a body shop, you sure don't know much about cars."
nsxtasy said:
You should have added: "For someone who works in a body shop, you sure don't know much about cars."

That is exactly what I was thinking. When I was preparing to get my timing belt changed, I went to a local shop down the road that suposedly specializes in imports, mainly Hondas and Acuras. I asked the owner if they would be able to do a change on a NSX. He had absolutely no clue what car I was talking about, but his technician just looked over at him with this face of shock and awe and said, "It's Honda's 90K dollar super car. I don't know if I can work on that." Needless to say I took my Corvette elsewhere.

Bob Schmitt Chevrolet was just further down the road. :D
I get the "Nice Corvette" remark all the time. I employ 1 of 2 responses, depending on how I am feeling at the moment. Examples follow:

Option #1 - (This response is used when I am in tune with the universe. You know, those times when you realize that you bought the car because of its perfect personal fit, for its reliability and performance. For those times when you realize that you bought it not to impress others with your style and wealth, but simply for the enjoyment of perfection. When you know that true security and self-worth comes from within, and not from attaining a material object). The response goes simply like this:

"Thank-you, but it's an Acura".

Option #2 - (This is employed for those other worldly moments, which unfortunately occur more frequently than I care for. You know, those times when you know you have shelled out serious dollars for a work of art, and you feel like someone is complimenting you on a nice reproduction). This response goes something like this:

"Actually it's an Acura. I was going to buy a Corvette. So I took the same amount of money I was planning to spend on this Acura, and went to the Chevy dealer. But then I realized I didn't need 2 Corvettes."

But my favorite response to another inquiry, is used 100% of the time. You know the situation. You're at a gas station/restaurant/store etc., and the guy walks up to you without even a hello and says:

"Whadidya pay for that?"

(I really get a kick out of that one. I mean after all, even friends and some members of my family have never asked me that question, because of its personal nature). But I do not hesitate to answer, with the response that someone with this blunt approach deserves. It goes something like this.

"I bought it new. I paid $28,500 out the door. Sure, I know the price was kinda steep, but I liked the way it looked and drove.

Said seriously and with conviction, this shuts the questioner up, and you can revel in the joy of knowing that he is off to his local dealer to place his order. And after he realizes that he can't make the same deal you were able to, perhaps, yes just perhaps, he concludes that his initial price inquiry was not the most effective way to attain accurate information.

'02 sil/sil
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:redface: ohh the stupid people are so fun to watch... somone give him a helmet.
Its one of those limited edition corvettes that dont fall apart.
Tonight while driving my NSX down Route 9, with the top stowed, a SUV pulled along side with a young (20ish) man hanging out the window. He asked if it was a Honda or a Acura.
Now that's a first!
coreyco said:
"Whadya pay for that?"

I gotta admit, I find it a little irritating when perfect strangers ask me that.

If I'm in a bad mood, my reponses are usually something like:

I don't know, my girlfriend bought it for me.
I don't know, my company bought it for me.
I forget already.
as I was leaving today a neigbor was also leaving, she began talking about my newly aquired NSX, she said she thought it was a vette at first, then she realized upon closer inspection, I forgive her..

another neighbor girl asked me how much I paid for that car, lol I said I cant tell you that....
coreyco said:
"Whadidya pay for that?"

I've gotten this one too. My answer is "$200.00.................a week............
for the rest of my life", and smile.
nsxtasy said:
You should have added: "For someone who works in a body shop, you sure don't know much about cars."

LOL!! Ken, I was thinking the exact same thing!! I would be scared to go to a body shop where the guy had no idea what the car was. People who work in that field should be able to know the difference for their sake, and the sake of the customers whose cars they fix.
Last night, an older Italian gentleman approached me at our local car show, and proceeded to comment on my car and ask a few questions. "Is it a 6 or and 8? Is it Turbo? How much are these new etc..." When I told him it was a 6 cylinder 3.0 litre normally aspirated, he proceeded to start saying that it needs a Turbo. I said, well, any extra speed would be nice, but for the most part, it really does not need it and is already extrememly quick. I asked him if he had ever driven an NSX and he said no. Hmmm....interesting how some people automatically think that if a car has a Turbo, it is better. If I recall, didn't the 3 cylinder Sprint have a Turbo? I am sure he would have loved to drive that! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
My wife and I went to one of the local restaurants we frequent the other night. One of the waitress had seen us pulling in the NSX. When we were seated, she asked if I could show her the car. Naturally, I said yes and another waiter joined us as we were walking in the parking lot towards the car. After showing them the car, I was heading back into the restaurant and I heard the waiter say to the waitress.....this is a $200,000 car....needless to say, I did not correct him :biggrin:
When somebody tells you " Nice Corvette!"

You should nod and say..." Yeah...This one was made by Honda".. :wink:
Evil Grin and then walk away.... :biggrin:
Shkrmvr said:
My wife and I went to one of the local restaurants we frequent the other night. One of the waitress had seen us pulling in the NSX. When we were seated, she asked if I could show her the car. Naturally, I said yes and another waiter joined us as we were walking in the parking lot towards the car. After showing them the car, I was heading back into the restaurant and I heard the waiter say to the waitress.....this is a $200,000 car....needless to say, I did not correct him :biggrin:

Here in New Zealand it IS a $200,000 car (NZ$1 = US$0.7):

This one guy approached me at the Gas station and was jumping up and down for joy when he saw it. He said "nice car buddy" and then turned to his mom and said "that's a 100,000 dollar car, I drive it on Gran turismo all the time."

I just smiled and left.