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One night in the NSX...one night in living my life.

1 May 2001
Point of No Return
Tonight I was home washing my car and thinking about how much I truly enjoy the NSX. Not only the driving and owning it, but also the cleaning and maintaining of the cars beauty. It is kind of funny how the car gets under your skin in such a positive way where it almost knows how to heal you. By this I mean that the NSX, and least for me, seems to know when I am hurting or stressed and it says to me, 'Hop in...lets go for a little drive.'

Tonight was one of those night, those wonderful spring and summer nights that I dream about all year long. The weather was warm, slightly humid, but not enough to be uncomfortable. A slight breeze rustled through some freshly trimmed pine and oak trees in the yard, and my gleaming white NSX sat silently and patiently in the driveway. Lately things have been a little crazy for my family and I with schedules seeming to be filled beyond our capacity to complete all that we need done, yet at the end of the day everything seems to have settled in to an organized chaos.

Most of these days I just try and breathe and feel lucky for the gifts that I have been blessed with, like a wonderful wife, a loving family, and the good fortune to own one of the most wonderful cars in the entire world....my baby NSX. Today was a bit different though, as it seemed that my stress level was a bit higher than normal, and I had even more of a need to want to run out into an open wheat field and yell at the top of my lungs as the world around me just went its own way....you know, the times when you just want to be alone to blow off the steam that has built up inside.

Well, with the absence of a wheat field (hey, just because I am in Indiana does not mean I have my own field) I found myself milling around the house eating Oreo Double Stuf cookies and generally feeling like I could not breathe. Sitting there in front of the television I decided that something needed to be done to shake this almost magnetic funk that I was in, and that was when I heard it. 'Hey, Mitch....I am out here in the driveway, lets go for a little spin just you and I,' the voice rang out. Looking around to see if anyone else heard it it appeared that it was a voice from my head, but it was a familiar one. Almost without thought I found myself strolling to the kitchen and grabbing the shiny silver NSX key off of the counter and walking towards the garage door leading to the driveway. My wife being the wonderfully sweet and understanding person that she is knew that the look in my eye meant I was going to the NSX....without me saying anything she just rubbed my back and said, 'Have a good drive....do not stay out too late,' and I was off.

Opening the drivers side door and sliding into the Sparco racing seats it was like the car was giving me a hug and saying, ' Do not worry. Everything will be okay, just leave it to me,' and I instantly felt at ease. Before long I had fired up the engine and the Taitec ehxaust was humming along smoothly letting out a subtle, deep, throaty, burble as I shifted through the jewl of a gearbox. With the windows down and a warm spring breeze coming through it was like life was back in balance again. Zipping along the expressway and through town I was on top of the world knowing that nothing could ruin my mood now. Even when I pulled up to a stoplight and some kids in a local parking lot yelled, 'Do a smoky burn out or something cool!! Drift or something, we like your car,' I just smiled and said, 'Nope. Just because my car is Japanese does not mean I am a ricer,' and smiled to myself. They continued to chide with, 'Come on..we like your car, you have to do something,' to which I said, 'Actually...the beauty of this is that I do not have to do anything,' and I motored off sedately as the light turned green.

Glancing down at my odometer I noticed that what was going to be a short 10 mile drive was now getting ready to eclipse 50 miles and I was happy for every bit of it. I did not have a care in the world....it was just my car and I....the wonderful machine and friend that is my NSX. I do not think I ever went over 75-80 mph but I felt refreshed. I love my car and the fact that it can heal my soul in such a way. No other car that I have owned has been able to do what the NSX can. Thank you Acura....thank you Senna....thank you Soichiro Honda for having the dream and going after it....and thank you most of all to whoever it was up there that gave me the wonderful blessings that I have today. Just knowing that every day I get to drive one of the most exotic and finely tuned cars in the world is a gift all its own. Those of you with an NSX just sitting quietly in your garage....quit reading this thread and go for a drive. Your NSX probably misses you by now. ;)
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:tears: :frown: :redface: :cool:
*sniff* *sniff* that brought a tear to my eye :redface:

i couldnt have said it better myself! i feel like that whenever i drive my NSX :wink:

the first night i got her, i couldnt even sleep, so at 5 am i took her for a nice cruise around downtown chicago :smile:
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NCC-1701D said:
I traded my friend my NSX for his G35 for a week to satisfy his calling for the NSX...

ha my friend with a corvette asked for a similar deal :wink:
That was beautiful. The losers who say "the NSX doesn't have soul" appart from being wrong forgot that the owners also give the NSX its true spirit & soul.

btw, you get those voices in your head too? Mine say "if you had an nsx you could go twice as fast around that corner" or "if you had an nsx, you'd be at work by now" when i'm running late. :D
Thank you for all of the positive feedback, gang. I am glad that there are others out there that know how I feel. Have a great day everyone! :)
Awesome read! :)

Meeyatch1 said:
'Actually...the beauty of this is that I do not have to do anything,'

What a great line. I'll have to use that the next time some kids harass me at a stoplight.
Viper Driver said:
Awesome read! :)

What a great line. I'll have to use that the next time some kids harass me at a stoplight.

Thank you....just remember you heard it here first. ;)
Meeyatch1 said:
Those of you with an NSX just sitting quietly in your garage....quit reading this thread and go for a drive. Your NSX probably misses you by now. ;)
mitch, stop... you're killing me...

(as i noted in another post just a few minutes ago):

* just two days ago, my garage door springs broke and the door won't open... and me, ready for my "sunday drive". ack!

on a serious note, that was a nice piece of very thoughtful writing - thanks for sharing. your bride sounds like a keeper, too :)

I know the exact type of weather you are speaking of...hehehe

Grew up in Indiana and was just over in the Purdue / Lafeyette area visiting friends. Although I hate humidity I love the warm summer nights that is just non-existent in the bay area *sighs...

What part of Indiana are you from?

Nice writeup btw, I feel the same way about all my cars....hehe - except when I lug around the ML320 boat!

Great posting....but for some reason...i'm bored of the NSX now :(

I need a Ferarri now and then the CGT :)
Meeyatch1 - *sigh* *sniff* That was a great read! Thanks!

Meeyatch1 said:
Well, with the absence of a wheat field (hey, just because I am in Indiana does not mean I have my own field)
:biggrin: :tongue: :biggrin: :tongue:

I find myself in a similar situation, especially with the stress of my everyday job and finding time to do all the things needed in the planning of NSXPO. I think I will go for a nice drive tonight and enjoy the warm summer nights of Tucson! :smile:

Is it time to go home yet? :biggrin:
I believe most of us are enjoying the NSX more so than any other cars we own. We are in the "cult". Many outsiders will never understand the "feeing" we have for the NSX. They will always comment on fast tire wear issue, expensive repair cost, outdated design. but most of them never even driven a NSX. They just don't understand once you drive one, NOTHING else will do. I enjoy many drives alone with no place to go. My wife can't believe me when she ask me" where did you go?" I replyed " no where, just driving around. " She finally understand the "feel" after many drives later. We are truly blessed with a great car and understanding spouse. :smile: :smile:
EIFFEL said:
Many outsiders will never understand the "feeing" we have for the NSX.
I agree. For me, the "feeling" came during my first glance at the car ~13 years ago. It stayed with me all this time, and it rang true upon receiving my own NSX 2 years ago. :smile:
Anyone who ever thinks about selling their NSX should read this thread. There will always be a spot in my garage for the NSX. It has tenure. It is never leaving.
s4play said:
I know the exact type of weather you are speaking of...hehehe

Grew up in Indiana and was just over in the Purdue / Lafeyette area visiting friends. Although I hate humidity I love the warm summer nights that is just non-existent in the bay area *sighs...

What part of Indiana are you from?

Nice writeup btw, I feel the same way about all my cars....hehe - except when I lug around the ML320 boat!


I'm from West Lafayette......BOILERS!......although now I live in Columbus.

Meeyatch - Very nice write up. See ya guys, I'll be back from my drive in an hour or so!!!! :wink:
Truly awesome post mitch. I know exactly how you feel on those crazy married with kids days. The organized chaos is almost a daily thing in my house. My only problem is I am not in a position to have an NSX yet. You described the entire experience very eloquently and I felt like I was on the ride with you. I remember about ten years ago when I had a moded white integra and I used to just go for a ride and truly enjoy going absolutel no where or making excuses to drive. I have not experienced that since I sold that car and I long for the car that makes me look forward to washing and caring for it, and especially driving it. I fell in love with the NSX the first time I saw it and I have friends who laugh that I still want one so bad. They are moving up and want BMW's and Mercedes for the yuppie factor. Some people will never understand the true passion that you able to put in a rather short post. Thanks for making my night!