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Ownership is stressfull.

yes, i agree with you also. sometimes i think it was better chasing after sports cars and looking at them then it is to own them! but then I drive it and remember how much i love it!! just stressful parking, the wear n'tear from hw driving and etc...
dlynes said:
yes, i agree with you also. sometimes i think it was better chasing after sports cars and looking at them then it is to own them! but then I drive it and remember how much i love it!! just stressful parking, the wear n'tear from hw driving and etc...

That is exactely how i feel, i get way to stressed out and wish i was still chasing them around to get glance at it. Then i realise i can go home and drive it and when i do its a whole different stress. The one with the flashing blue lights. :tongue:
Synthesis said:
... sooo.... what do you guys that drive yours all the time do to stay away from dents? and how effective is it?

Try paintless dent repair. This process can take care of a lot of those small dents. Unfortunately, I have a very slight crease near my drivers side inlet, and it's in the bend. The PDR guy couldn't do anything with it. It's not too bad, you just get used to it. I definitely sweat the parking issue as well.
Hey guys please reread all these posts. Your NSX should be the furthest thing to a stressful situation period!
This is my 3rd NSX in the past 10 years and the best thing to do is to put on a clear bra and that helps your piece of mind.
These posts remind me of my 1st brand new car. I had a VW Scirocco and I was so paranoid when parking it. One time I was at some tennis courts and I parked at least 100 to 150 ft. away from the fences where no cars were. I came back to see some POS parked right next to me and my first door ding on the pass. side! I was pissed!
Now, we have paintless dent repair and I have used their services on a number of cars with great success.
Go out, drive and enjoy your rides!!! Life is short and we should all feel great knowing we own one of the best cars ever made!!!!!
steveny said:
Just think about how much it will matter in 50-75 years. Enjoy being alive.
Amen !!! I was extremely anal about my car when I first got it. I'm better now. I just try to keep it running/looking nice and I'm also careful about parking. If something happens, I'll freak for sure, but I pay a lot for insurance, so I'll be taken care of .............DRive the thing !!! That's why it was built (Would you worry about a certain bodypart getting too many miles ? )
I completely understand the stress thing, I was the exact same way when I first got the car. I probably washed it twice a week. I don't use it as a daily driver anymore though, and I think that removes a lot of the anxiety. I simply want my car to look like new forever, but unfortunately I've taken on a lot of rock chips and 2 :eek: door dings (one was given to me in my own garage). Somehow I've gotten over all of my worrying, my solution is this:
- I don't worry about rock chips. I'll just get it resprayed and put a clear bra on it when I get enough of those little bastards.

- I don't worry about door dings. Paintless dent repair is inexpensive (~$25/ding) and effective.

- I don't worry about miles. I would be NO FUN if I didn't drive it.

- I don't worry about vandalism. :confused: I'm not sure why??

Whatever you do, don't lose sleep over it! If I got to that point, I'd sell it.
Mike-san said:
Amen !!! I was extremely anal about my car when I first got it. I'm better now. I just try to keep it running/looking nice and I'm also careful about parking. If something happens, I'll freak for sure, but I pay a lot for insurance, so I'll be taken care of .............DRive the thing !!! That's why it was built (Would you worry about a certain bodypart getting too many miles ? )

Can I get an Amen.......Amen!!!!!!!. But I must admit, I am going to put a clear bra on it since I am on the highway so much. I have already picked up some good scuffs and scrapes from road debree. Otherwise. this thing is too much fun not to drive.

that's stress.
nsx on stands.jpg
my car got hit from the side only a month after owning it, wasnt a high speed accident , some idiot left a stop sign and wasnt looking and I was turning right in front of him. After I got my car back you bet I was paranoid as ever! It used to be my daily driver until I got a civic dx hatch, now she is a garage queen, I am even more paranoid about parking it and taking it out after I got my new wheels and lowered it. It attracts a lot more attention now. I am getting better!
Sinisfun said:
I guess if this is the biggest problem in my life I'm doing good, but I'm seriously going to have a nervous breakdown, :smile: .

Considering the number of people whom endure tragic down-turns in their health, natural disasters, become victimized, etc... among other things you might find yourself coming up short on empathy within the bounds of the real world, but luckily your at home here on nsxprime, and we will all sympathize with your daily plight of enduring rock chips on your 35G sports car. :smile:
i understand the logic of just driving the thing and parking it and whatever, cause who knows when you'll get in an accident.... at that point a door ding will not matter. but still..... hehe, i guess i just have to drive it more, and make myself park it. hopefully people will be more courteous toward a nice car (eventhough some people are complete douches and will target it for no reason). but that's why they make glock 18s. :smile:

i need to win the lotto so i can not care if something happens..... and if it does, get rid of it and get another one :cool:
i'm sure i sound retarded.... but can somebody give me some more info on this paintless dent repair stuff? what it is, who does it, how effective it is..... maybe i don't have to worry about my car afterall....
i feel your pain.

i'm on my 2nd nsx, a garage queen, and every time i take it out i try to minimize my parking requirements.

if it's a "speed run", i'll take it out very early on a sunday morning, fire up the bearcat and v1, and do a quick non-stop lap around the bay area (or local twisties-coast-run), then bring it home and tuck it away. if it's a local drive, i'll do my very best to minimize parking lot moron dings/dents/scrapes.

i've thought about buying a pos track rat nsx for real driving, but am not quite *there* with that yet.
Sold my stress last week. The car felt like a time bomb waiting for the first ding. On one hand it was a relief to see it go but know I havent stopped thinking about replacing it with another one:frown: I admire people (like Mitch) who daily drive and enjoy there NSX to the fullest.
John@Microsoft said:
Considering the number of people whom endure tragic down-turns in their health, natural disasters, become victimized, etc... among other things you might find yourself coming up short on empathy within the bounds of the real world, but luckily your at home here on nsxprime, and we will all sympathize with your daily plight of enduring rock chips on your 35G sports car. :smile:

Haha, thanks.
FramerJohn said:
Sold my stress last week. The car felt like a time bomb waiting for the first ding. On one hand it was a relief to see it go but know I havent stopped thinking about replacing it with another one:frown: I admire people (like Mitch) who daily drive and enjoy there NSX to the fullest.

Thanks!! I try my best!! The way I look at it....if I die tomorrow I want to know I lived to the fullest, and that I enjoyed every second of owning my dream car...my NSX. :smile:
Chromatose said:
Buy a $150,000.00 Ferrari. Then get back to me about stress.

I have found that price is relative to income, and generally not a very good judge of stress level. If someone buys a $150,000 car it probably takes up a comparable, or possibly even lower, portion of income as the kid who saves money and buys a new Integra Type-R for example. Money and stress....like most things...is relative. ;)
nsx#75 said:
I agreed, it is so stressfull driving around town especially during rush hours. Parking is a bum! I refuse to take NSX out where I have to get out more than 2 minutes.

So you would probably have a heart attack if you came out and saw this:


:eek: :eek:
Meeyatch1 said:
So you would probably have a heart attack if you came out and saw this:


:eek: :eek:

Okay Mitch, I stomach'ed the snow pics but thats taking it too far. :eek:
sjones said:
Okay Mitch, I stomach'ed the snow pics but thats taking it too far. :eek:

HAHAHA!! Do not worry...they were not touching the car. But how could I pass up the space? It was a close corner spot!! :biggrin:
FramerJohn said:
Sold my stress last week. The car felt like a time bomb waiting for the first ding. On one hand it was a relief to see it go but know I havent stopped thinking about replacing it with another one:frown: I admire people (like Mitch) who daily drive and enjoy there NSX to the fullest.

I've had my current '93 NSX just over two years and have added 85,000 miles to her existing 70,000. I drive it every day, park it at the supermarket, Wal-Mart, movie theatre, etc....

I'm careful where I park, usually away from other cars and if the parking lot isn't very full I park diagonally taking up 2 spots. If you're worried about door dings to the point that you need a prescription for Xanax then I think you're taking it a bit too far. Why not fabricate a protective barrier out of those long spaghetti like pool floats and rig something with some string that will clip over the top of your window? Sure it will look moronic but you won't have any dings. When I lived in NYC I did just that when my car was parked in it's indoor garage.

Don't let minor things keep you from enjoying your NSX.