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The NSX Wanted forum

24 April 2000
Gilbert, AZ, United States
At some point I MIGHT..and I stress MIGHT end up making a post there. But it seems like many of the requests being made are very "non specific" in that the person only needs to take 5 seconds to look in our market or online and they will find the vehicle they say they are looking to buy in the "NSX Wanted" forum.

But instead, I read many of those as "Okay, I know nothing, here's what I want..someone go find it for me and get back to me." :mad:

Maybe I'm just not grasping things well. When and if I post there, my intention will be more for the NSX primer that might be looking to sell his/her vehicle and has not yet posted it anywhere for sale yet, or they know someone that has not posted their vehicle for sale on the internet and the vehicle is a fit for what I am looking for exactly. I wont be saying "Looking for a '91 to '05 NSX, mileage not as important but preferably under 140k, no color preference, manual transmission, willing to pay up to $65k." :biggrin:
My first NSX was posted in the for sale section here, BUT i was contacted by more than one person with my "wanted" ad in the section for what i was looking for.

my Second I was "tipped" off through a PM from my "wanted" ad. That is how i found my 05 IOP/Onyx that I thought would never be attainable.

I think if youre specific in your "want" ad then you will definitely have a better shot. There are a lot of nice members here that see things locally for sale but dont share it since they are not selling it.

either way good luck
My first NSX was posted in the for sale section here, BUT i was contacted by more than one person with my "wanted" ad in the section for what i was looking for.

my Second I was "tipped" off through a PM from my "wanted" ad. That is how i found my 05 IOP/Onyx that I thought would never be attainable.

I think if youre specific in your "want" ad then you will definitely have a better shot. There are a lot of nice members here that see things locally for sale but dont share it since they are not selling it.

either way good luck
Yeah, I remember your exact post for your Imola, then like a week later, blammo. But it was specific enough, not overly vague like the ridiculousness of my sample post.
willing to pay up to $65k." :biggrin:

As much as I love my 91 Formula Red NSX I would be hard pressed not to sell it for that price.

Ooops. The Quote above is a good example as to what happens when somebody takes something out of context :smile:

I also believe that if & when you post looking for a NSX, that if you are specific enough, you could find somebody on prime who has been sitting on the fence with a nice maintained NSX.
its funny to see them post example:
" looking for MINT 2002 red 12K miles or less with chrome rims and and aftermarket radio. Bone stock will pay $29K must be exactly what I am looking for or I will not buy it"

LOL like finding a needle in a haystack and their suggested prices are laughable


" Im looking for an 2002-2005 Imola/Imola with 4K miles or less with Zanardi Rims
willing to pay up to 22K " LOL

its so funny.
I found mine using a very specific WTB post, and ended up with a car that had not been listed on Prime (or anywhere else).

To me, a good WTB post will capture someone who is passively thinking of selling, but has not brought themselves to make a for sale post yet for whatever reason.
I posted an ad in the Wanted section and I thought it was pretty specific but still no luck. Maybe what i'm asking for is a little unrealistic? I didn't think it was at first but now i'm not sure:frown:. Oh well if it happens that's great if not I will have to wait a while to afford an NA2 maybe:smile:.
I found mine using a very specific WTB post, and ended up with a car that had not been listed on Prime (or anywhere else).

To me, a good WTB post will capture someone who is passively thinking of selling, but has not brought themselves to make a for sale post yet for whatever reason.

That's what I want!:frown:
That's what I want!:frown:

Patience! I also live in CA, which is god's country as far as NSX density is concerned - I see one somewhere every couple of days while out and about.

One thing I did was make sure that the most important part of what I was looking for (Midnight Pearl) fit in the title of the post. After all, that's what's visible from the front page of the forum, so I would want to catch the eye of someone who was just scrolling around the index.
It might be good if we had statistics on how many owners found their car as a (direct and indirect) result of their want ad. Then we can try to determine what characteristics of their ads drew their sellers' attention, and maybe come up with a template for new listings. I know that when I placed my ad, I got a couple of leads via PMs, but neither panned out because they were not exactly what I wanted (and I wasn't quite desperate enough to pull the trigger on them). My ad wasn't too specific because I didn't want to rule anything out in case I could not find exactly what I wanted, but I did state my must haves (97-01 NA2, non-black, etc.), and perhaps that's what some other users (not the obviously lazy ones) are feeling as well when they make seemingly generic posts.

Now I don't get the ads that just say "find me my perfect NSX!" I might do that for a long standing forum member that I've interacted with, but why would I bother spending my time doing that for an unknown noob that doesn't participate in this community? We have so many new owners who post an introductory thread and then disappear. Thankfully we also have quite a few that stick around and contribute to this forum, as well as non-owners who are enthusiasts that post on here, and that's what makes my time here rewarding.

P.S., Teej - when you are ready to buy, you can bet I will be keeping my eyes and ears peeled for you. And if for some ungodly reason I ever decide to put one of my NSXs up for sale, I would offer it to members like you first--because the only reason I can ever envision selling would be due to a financial hardship, and I would prefer that it end up in the hands of someone who I feel may be willing to sell it back to me once my circumstances improve, rather than a total stranger.
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" Im looking for an 2002-2005 Imola/Imola with 4K miles or less with Zanardi Rims
willing to pay up to 22K "

Hey that is exactly what I am looking for. Although the price is about 10k to high! :tongue: