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Why dont people drive thier nsx everyday?


21 October 2005
Home of the Free
Why dont people drive thier nsx everyday? When I ask somone if they use thier nsx as a daily driver they look at me like I am crazy. lol
I would never pay alot for something that I can't use all the time. Ofcourse if its raining real hard or if you need more room for passengers, don't want other people to scratch it, etc. But EVERYONE here knew before buying this car that these problems can arise and at that time I decided I can afford to take these chances meaning I can buy this car. Why would you buy something you can't fully use or are scared to lose? Its just a car and it doesnt cost over 50K (most of our nsx's) Just wondering how other feel about this. Lot of nsx owner are so anal about thier cars its so funny to person like me to see.
as long as the weather is good i drive my nsx daily. Not in the winter of course, but hell my eclipse can barely handle the kansas roads during the winter.
Why dont people drive thier nsx everyday?

Because I don't have to?

Mostly because I work in a somewhat sketchy area and I'd like to keep my car for a bit longer. :smile:

(I did drive it daily for about a year when I used to work somewhere else...but honestly, it's not super practical especially when you're starting a family)
I drive mine every day, but I'm at a time/place in my life where that works for me. I'm sure there are more who can't do that for one reason or another than can though.
I drive mine every day, but I'm at a time/place in my life where that works for me. I'm sure there are more who can't do that for one reason or another than can though.

Yeah i'm still single with no kids, i do drive my eclipse to work everyday but tahts cause i work on the base and dont want to put stickers on my windshield of the nsx. But when i'm not working, and the weather is great, the nsx is out.
uhg......but its just so clean.....and its so beautiful.....and its its......so pristine.........and and.........ahhhhh..........
It's the Worry factor also and what you classify as a daily driver.

For Instance I'll daily drive my car but only to places that I'm reasonably sure are safe...Some City in nice area's...Some buisness...Golf courses..date, etc.

What I really live for though is My L.A. to Palm Desert run I must take once or twice a month to see me Old Man.... take off at midnight, no traffic, normally a solid 2 hours of uninterupted cruising at pleasurable speeds.

But...Everyday commuting with some rush hour mixed in and all the fools, Not worth it.
Alot of wear and tear and dodging trucks.

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I bought this NSX so I can enjoy driving it , I love driving except in traffic of course but yup i drive my NSX every single day and I love every minute of it, I wash the car anyway almost every day and it looks as good as it was when I got it, this is is soooo reliable unbelivable for a car classified as an exotic to be this worry free.
I just got home from 818 and it took me almost 3 hours today......that is one reason why I don't drive the car daily. Also it is not a car you can just leave anywhere unsupervised. You also forget that there are not a lot of NSX's out there left. So if you get you car stolen or wrecked.....then you may not find another one to your liking to replace it for a whiles. There are less and less of them floating around. It is not worth the worry and hassle to drive everyday.....but to each their own......if you want to drive it every day then go for it.....but as for me I will take it out on the weekends or whenever I feel like taking it out.
Why am I not surprised this question comes from someone that lives in the bay area... I'd drive it everyday but the NSX doesn't do well in a foot of snow.
There is no reward/return on the cost. In-town rush hour traffic for 14mi/50min (round trip) is not fun driving (no reward) and I'm not going to get there any faster in the NSX than I do in a 15-year-old accord. For that non-privilage I'd be putting extra mechanical wear on the car, exposing it to UV, etc for 10 hours/day, increasing exposure to stupid drivers, would spend half my free time washing the NSX, etc.

I'll save the NSX for more-enjoyable routes and when it doesn't matter that UV/weather are taking their toll because it's actually being USED and thus enjoyed.
As a S2000 driver and future nsx owner i might ad my 2 cents, NSX's are not mundane cars, yes a 91 with 150K miles it's not "that expensive" but honestly, thumbs up for those who drive their nsx's every day but the day i get mine i'll keep for maybe 1 drive during the week and definatelly for weekends, i'll keep using my S2k as it is, my DD car that brings me a smile everytime i reach 9K :D .... but NSX's are rare, exotic and so beautiful that don't deserve to be stuck on traffic on I-95 8:30 am behind trucks and behind a bunch of morons that keep slowing down on every curve b/c they are too busy "transporting" themselves to work while eating etc etc ,,, sorry too long

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Why don't a lot of people? Probably because they paid $90-$100,000 for it and they don't want to mess it up.

Personally, I can't wait to hit 100,000 miles.
Why don't a lot of people? Probably because they paid $90-$100,000 for it and they don't want to mess it up.

Personally, I can't wait to hit 100,000 miles.

Name one person here who paid that much for thier nsx?????

Like I said most of us paid less than $50K for it. I am getting another nsx this year and I will use that for track and this one for everday car. Both will have under 50K miles and still cost me less than $60k.
Snow, ofcourse, Dave (TURBO2GO)that is a good reason but if I can get there in a car, I ll take the nsx. Unless its offroading, snowing (done that kinda scary), or if more room is needed. Rain doesn't stop me nor does the scare of what another person might do and defenitly not because of the UV(thats crazy to me).
3 reasons:
1) Can't hold big boxes in the trunk. (My side business requires me to go to the post office or FedEx about 4 times a week)
2) I'll scrape at the FedEx parking lot.
3) Can't pick up more than 1 child at a time after work.
Why dont people drive thier nsx everyday? When I ask somone if they use thier nsx as a daily driver they look at me like I am crazy. lol
I would never pay alot for something that I can't use all the time. Ofcourse if its raining real hard or if you need more room for passengers, don't want other people to scratch it, etc. But EVERYONE here knew before buying this car that these problems can arise and at that time I decided I can afford to take these chances meaning I can buy this car. Why would you buy something you can't fully use or are scared to lose? Its just a car and it doesnt cost over 50K (most of our nsx's) Just wondering how other feel about this. Lot of nsx owner are so anal about thier cars its so funny to person like me to see.

i try and drive mine around everyday.

the only problem with mine is...

well there are a few problems.

its too loud.
its too flashy.
cops pull me over to check out my car.
i get too excited and get too many tickets.
the clutch is 6 puck and hard to drive.
ride is stiff due to JIC MAGIC 2.
its stressful to drive and park since i feel like everyone is going to hit my car.
any stock evo and take me and it always leaves me wanting somthing faster.
gas milage sucks.

its so much easier to just drive my beater civic.:wink:

hey when i do take it out, i feel like a million bucks.
Because, here's the NSX daily driver's routine: Drive...oil...oil...oil/rear tires...oil...oil...oil/rear tires... Stock NSX, just normal daily driving (with a little cro-magn'n adrenal flashback every now and then). Trust me. :cool:

Funny thing though, wouldn't trade it for anything. :biggrin:
We allready covered these reasons:
- Too many passenger or not enough room. ( this is the only reason that stops me from driving my nsx)
- Bad Weather, Snow, For some people rain, and for some real anal ones UV lol j/k
- Few of you said " I don't have to". (Me either but I do anyways because I can:smile: )
-Police attention (c'mon its not a ferarri, but it does get it share of attention; I guess:wink: )
-Rush hour traffic ( wussies lol J/K unless its an hr or more a day)
- Other people hating on your car because they are losers and trying to damage it.
I don't let others decide how I live my life and what I do and don't do. I do what I want when I want how I want to. Otherwise where the fun in life?
All I am trying to get across is take it easy its just a car, enjoy it to its fullest. Are you paying to admire it and collect it or drive it?
I pay to drive mine..
... besides, it gives you an entirely new appreciation of the many types door handles and creative license plates there are on other cars!! I'd hate to lose that by driving something, say, a bit taller in the saddle...
I don't let others decide how I live my life and what I do and don't do. I do what I want when I want how I want to. Otherwise where the fun in life?
All I am trying to get across is take it easy its just a car, enjoy it to its fullest. Are you paying to admire it and collect it or drive it?
I pay to drive mine..

I don't think anyone choosing not to drive their car to work everyday isn't living their lives to the fullest....if I wanted a daily driver NSX, I'd buy another one. I don't know how to explain it any better than that.

At some point you may make a decision where you want to keep it in a little better shape, save it for fun occasions, enjoy it a little longer...I know my chances of keeping her around longer go up quite a bit if I don't park it outside at work everyday.

I can honestly say that my car would be stolen if I drove it everyday to the same location. I drive it randomly in the summer when it's daylight till I get done and that's about it when it comes to work. I don't feel that I'm missing out too much....in fact I never get sick of it!
There is no reward/return on the cost. In-town rush hour traffic for 14mi/50min (round trip) is not fun driving (no reward) and I'm not going to get there any faster in the NSX than I do in a 15-year-old accord. For that non-privilage I'd be putting extra mechanical wear on the car, exposing it to UV, etc for 10 hours/day, increasing exposure to stupid drivers, would spend half my free time washing the NSX, etc.

I'll save the NSX for more-enjoyable routes and when it doesn't matter that UV/weather are taking their toll because it's actually being USED and thus enjoyed.

Plus one. that is what I wanted to say but you said it better.

I don't let others decide how I live my life and what I do and don't do. I do what I want when I want how I want to. Otherwise where the fun in life?
You answered your own question there:smile:. Good for you. Those who don't daily drive it are not going to daily drive if just because you said so.

NSX is not a practical daily driver, what else is there to argue? what else is there to prove? Everyone's situation is different.
You answered your own question there:smile:. Good for you. Those who don't daily drive it are not going to daily drive if just because you said so.

NSX is not a practical daily driver, what else is there to argue? what else is there to prove? Everyone's situation is different.

Who is telling others what to do ?? I said many times to each thier own, just want to see how people feel about the situation nothing more or less.
Just because you say nsx is not practical daily driver doesnt mean the people who think it is will change thier minds either.
Like you said everyone situation is different so for alot of people it is a practical daily driver.