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Windows 8

14 November 2003
At the epicenter of the Zombie Apocalypse
Anyone download the Windows 8 Release Preview?

Share your thoughts in this thread.

I installed it on a spare laptop a couple of days ago and the new "Metro" layout is interesting but I consider myself a "power user" and prefer the traditional Win 7 desktop mode.

The sucker does boot up super fast and hasn't crashed yet which is encouraging for a preview release.
Anyone download the Windows 8 Release Preview?

Share your thoughts in this thread.

I installed it on a spare laptop a couple of days ago and the new "Metro" layout is interesting but I consider myself a "power user" and prefer the traditional Win 7 desktop mode.

The sucker does boot up super fast and hasn't crashed yet which is encouraging for a preview release.

Can't stand Metro. I really don't like the interface decisions MS has been making (like the ribbon). Much like XP, I have no reason to move from Win7. It does everything I need it to do, and it is super stable. I leave my machine on for weeks to months at a time. And further, Win7 comes with a DLNA server in Media Center which I would have to buy separately if I upgraded to Win8. No thank you. Keep Metro on tablets and phones, and as an option for desktops. Computers are about choice, don't force it on us.
I loaded the pre-beta whatever a few months ago.
Hated it. I usually run the betas from day one until they kick me off after the full release. Couldn't do it this time. Sucks too much.
I am running it on my laptop. I don't like it either. Its very hard to find things. It is not near as easy to use as win7. It is clearly made for tablets or touch interfaces.

Mine doesn't update correctly, so it just sits there and never updates.

I have always gotten the new version of windows on my PC asap, but I don't think I will be upgrading for a long time.
People who prefer the traditional desktop view have apparently been begging Microsoft to give them the good old Start Button but so far the pleas have fallen on deaf ears.
People who prefer the traditional desktop view have apparently been begging Microsoft to give them the good old Start Button but so far the pleas have fallen on deaf ears.

I hope they bring it back. I see no reason not too. It would make me happy.
People who prefer the traditional desktop view have apparently been begging Microsoft to give them the good old Start Button but so far the pleas have fallen on deaf ears.

If they don't make Windows 8 not suck, I'm switching to a Mac.
I HATE macs. But I hate windows 8 more.
Give me my #@$ #$@$ start button!

Side note, the new Ubuntu is really nice. I use it to surf the web inside a VM.

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If they don't make Windows 8 not suck, I'm switching to a Mac.
I HATE macs. But I hate windows 8 more.
Give me my #@$ #$@$ start button!

Side note, the new Ubuntu is really nice. I use it to surf the web inside a VM.


I don't think I can go that far to get a Mac. Just keep Win7.
I don't think I can go that far to get a Mac. Just keep Win7.

True. As of right now, it look like Windows 8 is another 'Windows ME' or 'Vista'.
The in-between stepchildren that no one uses.
Shoot, my company just finished rolling out Win7.
can't stand metro. I really don't like the interface decisions ms has been making (like the ribbon). Much like xp, i have no reason to move from win7. It does everything i need it to do, and it is super stable. I leave my machine on for weeks to months at a time. And further, win7 comes with a dlna server in media center which i would have to buy separately if i upgraded to win8. No thank you. Keep metro on tablets and phones, and as an option for desktops. Computers are about choice, don't force it on us.

Watching some videos of Win8 Touch on tablets, it looks like it will be great for both tablets and ultrabooks... just not desktops.
You can bring back the start button through setting changes.

Most people are too computer illiterate to bother with that. This is how a lot of existing users are going to experience Windows 8 for the first time unless Microsoft does some extensive product education:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/v4boTbv9_nU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/hxmIsv88xO4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/gIq_wl-KBjk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

These are painful to watch. Why Microsoft chose to make the desktop UI so non-intuitive is beyond me. :confused:
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Watching some videos of Win8 Touch on tablets, it looks like it will be great for both tablets and ultrabooks... just not desktops.

I'm skeptical anyone can take the spotlight away from Apple for tablets.
The iPad is just so dominate.
I just jailbroke mine and found this:

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/7cYWha8YFi8?version=3&feature=player_detailpage"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/7cYWha8YFi8?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>
These are painful to watch. Why Microsoft chose to make the desktop UI so non-intuitive is beyond me. :confused:

Those are great. Just how I felt and still feel using it. I have no idea what I am doing half the time. Its really poorly done.

Stupid thing is that if they would just bring back the start button it would solve all this.
the Metro interface belongs on certain form factors, not traditional PCs

There are a few nice geek features (boot from USB stick, etc)

otherwise, don't see much compelling reason to upgrade from Win 7


Windows 8 server on the other hand has some significant improvements, pooling, etc
Windows 8 server on the other hand has some significant improvements, pooling, etc

They're calling it 'Server 2012' right?
I actually haven't played with it yet. I'll have to check it out asap.
I LOVE Server 2008. I keep finding new cool things.
Like in IIS, there's string filtering where instead of the old urlscan, you can create really granular strings to block on. Like if "../../" is in the url, drop it.
I have an older build of Win8 running in a VM on Win2K8R2. Can't STAND that Metro interface. Maybe it works for touchscreens, but not for desktops. As everyone else points out here, likely Win8 will bomb. Maybe there is enough under the hood that it can be rescued if they get rid of Metro and go back to something like what they currently have (or provide choice during install of Metro or Classic interface).

There is absolutely no way Metro will succeed on desktops. I can't imagine any user studies they've done where they come away with a positive response.
I was sad to hear that Microsoft is getting rid of Aero in Windows 8. I think the Metro interface is plain ugly with its monochromatic tiles, and reminiscent of 70s color schemes. I bet once mobile processors become more powerful and energy efficient, Microsoft will start adding shading and gradients to their OS again.
I was sad to hear that Microsoft is getting rid of Aero in Windows 8. I think the Metro interface is plain ugly with its monochromatic tiles, and reminiscent of 70s color schemes. I bet once mobile processors become more powerful and energy efficient, Microsoft will start adding shading and gradients to their OS again.

I don't think anyone has been wowed by Windows UI eye candy, but Aero is pretty nice. I really enjoy using it, and am sad to see it go as well.
I don't think anyone has been wowed by Windows UI eye candy
