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Android 2.2 Froyo


Can you tether using this phone with your current plan or do you have to pay an additional $29/month to be able to tether?


Any phone can tether if you root (unlock admin access) the phone. The program is free and it works great.

You can also tether with an app on the market. It's not a 100% tether. Only web browsing works.

Or you can get a Nexus One. That will have Froyo (Android 2.2) and have the tethering software built-in.

Any phone can tether if you root (unlock admin access) the phone. The program is free and it works great.

You can also tether with an app on the market. It's not a 100% tether. Only web browsing works.

Or you can get a Nexus One. That will have Froyo (Android 2.2) and have the tethering software built-in.

And pay the extra data fee :(
After i did the update and went through a few charge cycles, mine is not bad. You can't expect to watch movie, use 4g and wifi when you can, use the gps for maps and directions AND talk/text all day and have the battery last that long. I bought the mugen 1800 mAh because it was slim and i didnt want the bulk. Try a few more charge cycles, my battery life is improving and i try to run the hell out of it whenever i can.

By 'not bad', how many hours are you talking?
When I say I turn off everything, I mean EVERYTHING. No anything.
No background data, no syncing, no gps, no 4g, no wifi, no running tasks(ATK). I don't even touch it and it only last 10 hours.
If I used my phone moderately it would last maybe 8 hours. In contrast my old blackberry with the same usage would last ~48 hours.

Are your awake and active times close or extremely different?

I noticed my phone isn't sleeping correctly which is probably a big part of the issue.
My guess is some apps aren't following the rules. Last night I uninstalled EVERYTHING. Not 1 aftermarket app.
Only thing running is gmail since it's required. And now it's sleeping.
My awake time is 10 hours and my active time is only 20 minutes. The last week they've been almost identical.
So today I'm going to test battery life with sleeping working. My bet is it gets 2x the life. We'll see.....

Edit 071110:
Battery life with sleep working is MUCH better. Around 26 hours.
I also found one rouge app. 'Good mobile messaging'. It's the app that syncs to my exchange server.
It doesn't let the phone sleep at all. Even when I turn off background syncing!
Next I'm testing leaving GPS, and Wifi on with sleep working(Good mobile is uninstalled).


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By 'not bad', how many hours are you talking?
When I say I turn off everything, I mean EVERYTHING. No anything.
No background data, no syncing, no gps, no 4g, no wifi, no running tasks(ATK). I don't even touch it and it only last 10 hours.
If I used my phone moderately it would last maybe 8 hours. In contrast my old blackberry with the same usage would last ~48 hours.

Are your awake and active times close or extremely different?

I noticed my phone isn't sleeping correctly which is probably a big part of the issue.
My guess is some apps aren't following the rules. Last night I uninstalled EVERYTHING. Not 1 aftermarket app.
Only thing running is gmail since it's required. And now it's sleeping.
My awake time is 10 hours and my active time is only 20 minutes. The last week they've been almost identical.
So today I'm going to test battery life with sleeping working. My bet is it gets 2x the life. We'll see.....

Edit 071110:
Battery life with sleep working is MUCH better. Around 26 hours.
I also found one rouge app. 'Good mobile messaging'. It's the app that syncs to my exchange server.
It doesn't let the phone sleep at all. Even when I turn off background syncing!
Next I'm testing leaving GPS, and Wifi on with sleep working(Good mobile is uninstalled).



what phone do you have? why not just get a bigger battery and leave the services on? Thats the whole point to have the phone... why get a phone like this if you're not going to use the extra features? :confused:
what phone do you have? why not just get a bigger battery and leave the services on? Thats the whole point to have the phone... why get a phone like this if you're not going to use the extra features? :confused:

HTC EVO. I did upgrade batteries already from 1500 to 1700. The next step is to 3500 which means replacing the back cover and making the phone a lot thicker and goofy looking. I may still do it though if I decide to keep the phone.

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HTC EVO. I did upgrade batteries already from 1500 to 1700. The next step is to 3500 which means replacing the back cover and making the phone a lot thicker and goofy looking. I may still do it though if I decide to keep the phone.


I got the 3500 mAh for my phone and it doesn't make it that much thicker - its actually more comfortable in my hands..... only puts 4 mm - 6 mm thickness to the phone :) and lasts 2-3 days!
First two options listed... rooting and app do not require tethering monthly fee.

Can't say the same about Nexus Froyo tethering :( I have no experience so can't say for sure.

I'm talking about AT&T and Verizon - they will start charging more for bandwidth usage... no more unlimited data plans (for AT&T anyways) we'll see what Verizon does......
I'm talking about AT&T and Verizon - they will start charging more for bandwidth usage... no more unlimited data plans (for AT&T anyways) we'll see what Verizon does......

There's already talk for the Droid X on how you have to get the 29.99 data pkg (2GB) at minimum in order to get the phone for 199.99
There's already talk for the Droid X on how you have to get the 29.99 data pkg (2GB) at minimum in order to get the phone for 199.99

Right - with Verizon you have to get the unlimited data plan $25 / month
I got the 3500 mAh for my phone and it doesn't make it that much thicker - its actually more comfortable in my hands..... only puts 4 mm - 6 mm thickness to the phone :) and lasts 2-3 days!

Do you mind posting pics of it? I've googled left and right and I can't find too many pics of how it looks. That might be what I do. I really do like this phone outside of the battery.

I just installed a webserver. Works over 3G, just change the default directory from \sdcard to something more secure, turn it on, and hit the IP.
Wicked :)
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Where do you buy that case with the larger battery?

and where are you guys getting the phones? I can't find an EVO anywhere!
it's not unlimited data. it's 2GB a month.

Its unlimited for me.... they have not changed over to the AT&T style yet.... Only when 2.2 is out for everyone will they start limiting ppl when they use the wifi tethering feature..... I just checked my bill and it says 3GB used out of 99999GB available.... so thats unlimited. :)

Where do you buy that case with the larger battery?

and where are you guys getting the phones? I can't find an EVO anywhere!

I had to wait a month for my incredible... buy it at www.htc.com - its faster than verizon or sprint! also, when you buy the bigger battery it comes with the larger back panel to accommodate the larger battery. :)
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Amazing. I got my EVO last night. I love this thing!
Anyone on here avid Pandora users? I chucked my ipod long ago and would like to hear some of your experiences with Pandora on Android. Thanks!

Yep! It was the first app I installed. I've been using it on my computer for awihile. Used it in my car this morning. It sure drains the battery but that's ok.
How is the bitrate (i.e. sound quality)? I upgraded to 2.2 on my Nexus One and the lower bitrate makes it sound like i'm listen AM radio :mad:

Didn't sound great, but not terrible. It was the free version. I wasn't expecting too much.
I just got done flashing my T-Mob G1 to Cyanogens Froyo 2.2, some bugs here and there, but for the oldest and original android phone, it still runs pretty smooth, ran an overclocker to put the cpu up to 598mghz (chip supports it, but was down graded to 260mghz from the factory for longer battery life).

Very impressed with Froyo, its pretty amazing how far Google has come since 1.5 donut
Last update on my EVO battery.
It's awesome now. I'm probably getting 36 hours or so with decent usage.
Couldn't be happier.
I just rooted my Samsung Captivate. Picked it up earlier today from AndyH's shop (thanks Andy). You cannot buy the unlimited data package anymore, that stopped sometime around a month ago.

Here's a really good guide on rooting and removing the AT&T crap. Also shows how to uncensor the Android Market and enable app sideloading.

It was all so logical and well done. Good God this thing is sweet. :) Anyone here still want an iPhone?

Oh, on bluetooth pairing with my Kenwood DDX-812 I had to update to the latest firmware which you can find in their support section. It would pair before but the address book didn't work. Now it works super good. Gotta try the BMW tomorrow.