I have a pre-existing condition so health insurance is a no go for me.....at any cost. So my choices are COBRA, my wife or my work. My COBRA just ran out and I work 1099 and my wife just graduated school.
ACA is good news for me BUT I hear everyone else in America that buys insurance is going to have to pony up $60.00 per month for people like me that can't qualify.
Truth be told, I am not a taker and actually feel guilty/ashamed that other people are being forced to pay for me.
I have not checked any exchange but my previous coverage under cobra was about 400/mo for me alone bc/bs and 375 for my wife and son with golden rule. I will fool around with the .gov website
and see how much premiums are going to cost Jan 1.
And for those of you that say "I'll just pay the fine" Do you actually think you can avoid the law, perhaps get a Gallstone, Pneumonia, minor surgical procedure for "Free" Are you kidding me??????????????
By the way, the fine doubles next year and the year after.
Can any of our Canadian friends chime in here? Perhaps answer specific questions about how long it takes to see a GP, Chiropractor, ENT, Cancer doc? I know for damn sure if I was diagnosed with some life changing disease like prostate cancer or I needed an MRI I could have an appointment within about 72 hours no question. I hear waiting times in Europe to have prostate surgery can be 2-3 months.
I think some real answers from those overseas will give us a clue as to what we are expecting.