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Little Boy scratches NSX

You really need a garage. You just never know what can happen.

Rent a garage or even self storge if you have to. I am fairly sure self storage will work, as many people with boats usually store it at self storage places. It should not be expensive at all.
6 years old ?

Thats plenty, try him as an adult !!!

Good LORD !! :eek:
Did you all really think he was serious ?
All wound a little too tight this friday?

Its the weekend get out and drive and read this post sunday with a clear head. Its quite funny. :smile: :biggrin:

Have a great weekend !!!

Do it the right way...

hmmm... Interesting series of events, I'm sure everyone can relate (whether as the responsible party, namely the child's mother; the child who was just being a child; or the affected party who seems to be double-minded as to whether to pursue the matter for damages or just let it go while regressing into questionable anti-social behavior.

NSXFreak00, you should familiarize yourself w/ the smilies positioned to the right of the composition box when posting a comment or starting a thread. Often a smilie can provide more of a clue as to the tone of the words than the very letters that make it up. (as you stated that this is all in humour)

On a side note, being 23... if you feel awkward asking for damage(s) from a lady who seems to be living a privileged life as aformentioned by you, ie. 05 LX470, nice residence, & private education for the children... it really makes no sense at all whatsoever. In fact, think the opposite! For you to stand up to an "attractive" older woman, she'll be taken aback somewhat at your assertiveness and principles when it comes to taking charge over matters. It's a dog-eat-dog world, trust me- if the tables were turned, she'd take your arse to small claims court more than likely. A few hundred dollars to remedy a scratch to back perfection on a NSX isn't pocket change, nor should it be over-looked due to someone's physical attributes. Don't get played. Settle this matter properly. Then take her out & post pics... ;)
NsXMas said:
This is why I would never buy an NSX without a garage.

Wait a second! You'd rather drive an inferior car than get a scratch on an NSX. Give up the keys to your garage queen now!
Just curious.. but lets say you have 6" or 8" scratch down to the metal, how would they go about fixing it? And how much would it cost? And would a touch up job like that reduce the value of the car significately?

Also if you car get's keyed, (one of my fears) I'm afraid to ask how much that would cost to get fixed correctly (3k 5k?).
This is one of the funnest threads ever.......

"The kid scratched my car, so I stole his bike."
Wait until he finds out you stole it, your car will be up on blocks! :eek:

Your being a big bully, and not teaching him a thing.
But it is funny. :biggrin:

True story:
My little 3 year old took a cordless drill to my F car and gouged it up good.
So I got even with her and stole her BIG WHEEL!!!!! :tongue: :biggrin: :eek:
Re: What out for NSXFreak00, he runs things on this block.

I thought I was late on an april fools joke or something..... I just had trouble seeing the funny side to this joke...

It wasn't until I got half way through this thread that I realised that you DID actually steel a 6yr olds bike :eek:

I can trully say that no-one I have ever known would find this the least bit funny?

I am sorry, but even though you did eventually intend to give it back to him, can you even start to comprehend what may have been going through that kids mind??? Thinking that someone STOLE his bike???

You are 23 GROW UP!

How would you like to come home to find someone had actually STOLEN your NSX... Oh, they may be intending to give it back to you when they were good and ready but you don't know that... What would you be thinking .... Did you think about how this may affect a very impressionable 6yr old boy.

Now here's another thing which you probably have not thought about... That 6yr old boy has a father... Somewhere.... Now, If she was my ex and that was my son, if I ever found out about it.... You would have a lot more to worry about than a little scratch on you NSX!

Now, I am glad you have returned the bike. I pray it was before he noticed it missing. That kid has enough to deal with without having to deal with some a#@%$%$! next door neighbour stealing his bike! Please THINK before you act in future. Try to put yourself in the other persons shoes when confronted with an emotional situation.

Accept that accidents happen...

Ojas was correct... YOU were responsibel for that scratch. You saw the potential hazard and did nothing to prevent it. In my industry people get prosecuted for doing that!

I pray that you learn something from these responses. Don't flame the people who have shown outrage or even mid dissatisfaction with your actions because one day if you have any kids of your own, you will understand!!!
Re: What out for NSXFreak00, he runs things on this block.

AU_NSX said:
I thought I was late on an april fools joke or something..... I just had trouble seeing the funny side to this joke...

It wasn't until I got half way through this thread that I realised that you DID actually steel a 6yr olds bike :eek:

I can trully say that no-one I have ever known would find this the least bit funny?

I am sorry, but even though you did eventually intend to give it back to him, can you even start to comprehend what may have been going through that kids mind??? Thinking that someone STOLE his bike???

You are 23 GROW UP!

How would you like to come home to find someone had actually STOLEN your NSX... Oh, they may be intending to give it back to you when they were good and ready but you don't know that... What would you be thinking .... Did you think about how this may affect a very impressionable 6yr old boy.

Now here's another thing which you probably have not thought about... That 6yr old boy has a father... Somewhere.... Now, If she was my ex and that was my son, if I ever found out about it.... You would have a lot more to worry about than a little scratch on you NSX!

Now, I am glad you have returned the bike. I pray it was before he noticed it missing. That kid has enough to deal with without having to deal with some a#@%$%$! next door neighbour stealing his bike! Please THINK before you act in future. Try to put yourself in the other persons shoes when confronted with an emotional situation.

Accept that accidents happen...

Ojas was correct... YOU were responsibel for that scratch. You saw the potential hazard and did nothing to prevent it. In my industry people get prosecuted for doing that!

I pray that you learn something from these responses. Don't flame the people who have shown outrage or even mid dissatisfaction with your actions because one day if you have any kids of your own, you will understand!!!

Your way too harsh on him!
Listen to your self..."That kid has enough to deal with without having to deal with some a#@%$%$! next door neighbour stealing his bike!"

What in the world does a 6yr old worry about? Hmm..Food, games, and more games...sounds like a great life to me...
for sooooo many reasons, this is a one of the best threads i've ever read, period:

* nsx-dreamcar, young guy owner
* nsx gets scratched (vandalized) while in apt parking lot
* "vandalizer" is a 6 yr old kid on his bike, doin' what kids in apts do
* "hot mom", with lexus SUV and kids in private school 'fesses up that her child is the perp
* nsx owner steals bike in retaliation
* nsx owner doesn't have a clue why the majority of others think he's lower than pond scum

wow, who could make up this sh*t? i'm cancelling comcast - this is a WHOLE lot better than MTV and it's free.

NSXFREAK00, thanks for reminding me how well my boys turned out.
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okay guys, please read EDIT to original thread start.

I apologize for rambling on, I'm still really hung over.

This thread has got way more attention than I expected. :eek:

I will have to get Natasha and Zavon to take a picture with my NSX, and I will also post a picture of the bicycle, hopefully by Monday.

Have a good weekend people.
Don't apologize to me.
I thought that was hilarious. :biggrin:
Especially the bike/note part.

And being that you feel your successful straight out of college - don't ruin that getting involved with a single mother. As someone mentioned, it's probably the father paying on that Lexus and tuition.
take a picture of the mom too. :biggrin:
Re: Do it the right way...

Osiris_x11 said:
It's a dog-eat-dog world, trust me- if the tables were turned, she'd take your arse to small claims court more than likely. A few hundred dollars to remedy a scratch to back perfection on a NSX isn't pocket change, nor should it be over-looked due to someone's physical attributes. Don't get played. Settle this matter properly. Then take her out & post pics...

well put and the way I would handle it because 99% of the time the above holds true.
WHO would like to get involved with a milf, who has a known terrorist[ like most children...]!! maybe lock the kid in the nsx, whilst yee get thy rocks off...:redface:
drive away very fast...

we'll prolly end up giving this kid a bike thru our toys for tots xmas plan.
jalnjr said:
we'll prolly end up giving this kid a bike thru our toys for tots xmas plan.

Wouldn't that be ironic if the offending bike was a toys for tots bike bought with NSX Prime loot? :mad:
NeoNSX said:
<IMG SRC="http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/happy/popcorn.gif">
Looking for me? :biggrin:
Oddly enough, after reading this thread yesterday and thinking "Geez, it's a 6 year old, give the kid a break", guess what happened to my car today? :D

Yep, a youngster crashed his mountain bike into the back of it. I heard a hard thud and a car alarm going off about an hour ago. Then the car alarm went off. So as I'm walking out to see what happened, I hear a knock on the gate. As I open it, this 12-13 year old kid was standing there apologising that he ran his bike into the car. Here I am asking him if he's hurt and he just goes on and on about hitting this NSX in the street. After repeatedly telling him to calm down, he finally says he's not hurt (smart kid was wearing his helmet). So we walk out and check it out (first thing I do is pick up his bike and walk it to the sidewalk (yep, he left it where it was as to apologise first). And there is was, the rear fender has a couple small dents and deep scratches right on the back near the taillight, as well as a small nick out of the spolier. Something else ran across the spolier and trunk lid, but I don't know if that can be buffed out or if it needs to be repainted too. I don't know if the shop will end up replacing the fender or banging it out because of where the damage is (it's relatively small, but two sharp dents right on the corner and a deep scratch near the gas cap).

So anyways, I call the police to make a report. His Dad came down to help the kid out. Nice guy too. The kid was real shook up. On the phone with his Mom he just kept explaining that he didn't just hit a car, he hit an NSX. One time he even tried explaining it to her by asking if she remembered the car he uses in some video game (need for speed I think). I was thinking it was funny how he went on and on about it, but felt bad for him since he was such an honest kid. Anyways, the Dad is going to find out tomorrow how he's going to cover it (not sure if homeowners insurance covers that sort of thing). He didn't think his auto insurance would since his son isn't on the policy. Either way, he's going to take care of it. He gave me his card and it turns out he's an attorney. Both nice guys, I hope it all works out smoothly.

Bad thing is, the paint on the car is getting old. It's black with small pits in the paint and very very minor white overspray from a Christmas tree flocking gone bad years ago. I just don't want a real nice newly painted black fender making the rest of the body panels appear ugly. As it was, the whole thing blended together and looked really nice. I'm hoping the body shop will fix the damage and buff out the rest of the car so it looks proper. I'll post a couple small pics of the damage once I figure out how to do it.

Main thing though, the kid was OK. Impressive young guy too being as honest as he was.

BTW, I did not even attempt to steal his bike... :tongue: