"Man" Gives Birth to a Child....

27 June 2003

Ok this story is a bit over the top.

If you're a woman and you decide to remove your breasts and give yourself testosterone to make you look like a man, and you have the female reproductive system, YOU ARE STILL A WOMAN! Well even if you do get the sex change too. :rolleyes:

And you're "Wife" is a lesbian because she knows she's married to a woman!

All this talk of "He" is just patently false.

Ok /endrant - just had to get that out of my system. What a strange world we live in. I have nothing against gays but at least be honest about what you're doing. :wink:

Anyways not trying to offend just wanted to share this fk'd up story. :smile:

Ok this story is a bit over the top.

If you're a woman and you decide to remove your breasts and give yourself testosterone to make you look like a man, and you have the female reproductive system, YOU ARE STILL A WOMAN! Well even if you do get the sex change too. :rolleyes:

And you're "Wife" is a lesbian because she knows she's married to a woman!

All this talk of "He" is just patently false.

Ok /endrant - just had to get that out of my system. What a strange world we live in. I have nothing against gays but at least be honest about what you're doing. :wink:

Anyways not trying to offend just wanted to share this fk'd up story. :smile:
I have hated this whole
pregnancy fiasco. Who really cares anyway?
Typical media spin on a "controversial" issue to play on people's stupidity and willingness to follow the herd.

A woman get's a breast reduction and that makes her a "man"? What about flat chested women? Any woman with A cups or smaller should be able to just walk into a courthouse and change her status to male, right?

What about men with man boobs? Can they just choose to be a woman one day?

I know! They can switch back and forth according to their moods! On days where they feel like wearing a dress, it's Womanday! Tired of hearing cheesey pick up lines? Throw on some jeans and a flannel, and it's Manday!!! Woohoo!!!

Says her/his mom committed suicide... I'm certain that is a MAJOR factor in the decision to change gender roles...
Typical media spin on a "controversial" issue to play on people's stupidity and willingness to follow the herd.

A woman get's a breast reduction and that makes her a "man"? What about flat chested women? Any woman with A cups or smaller should be able to just walk into a courthouse and change her status to male, right?

What about men with man boobs? Can they just choose to be a woman one day?

I know! They can switch back and forth according to their moods! On days where they feel like wearing a dress, it's Womanday! Tired of hearing cheesey pick up lines? Throw on some jeans and a flannel, and it's Manday!!! Woohoo!!!

Says her/his mom committed suicide... I'm certain that is a MAJOR factor in the decision to change gender roles...

whoa - that's like the "if you marry a woman that looks like a dude, why the f are you against gay marriage" conundrum :eek:
its disgusting, shouldnt the "bitch tits" (pun intended) be censored out by the media? because those are a womans breasts, no matter how disgusting they are.

i really hope i dont ever see that thing, sorry world, its just another worthless thing to come from the hippy northwest:rolleyes:
"That's a man baby!"

Just kidding. No, no it's not. It's just a chick taking male hormones to "look" like a man. Still a woman. Even if she had all the female organs removed and a pseudo penis installed, if she had a DNA test guess what gender it would classify her as? I feel bad for the baby. How do you explain that situation to a child and what psychological effect will it have on it?