NSXPrime mentioned in magazine

18 July 2000
gurnee, il, us
A friend of mine gave me a copy of the November issue of Classics & Sportscars (I believe it's a British magazine). There is a good article on how used NSXs are great "supercar bargains."

In one of the paragraphs, NSXPrime was mentioned!!!

Great job Lud! Thanks for keeping such a great site.
we're all famous now WOOOHOOO

me want NSX, me 15, me no have NSX =( but me do 3d art http://members.home.com/mcudich
The website was also mentioned in the 2000 Road & Track "Sports & GT Cars" special issue from this spring. That issue featured a 3-4 page article on the NSX and it's future which quotes several bits of information they found on the site.
And this site was mentioned in the last issue of the NSXCA club newsletter