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Obama is declared the president elect of the USA!

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I didn't vote for either McCain or Obama but I would be remiss if I didn't comment that this post lacks any class at all. Shame on you.

President-elect Obama is going to have a very tough road ahead. He's facing some serious challenges. I would hope we'd all be patriotic enough to wish him well and pray for his success no matter how we voted. You don't have to support the man to hope that he leads the nation into better times.
You don't have to support the man to hope that he leads the nation into better times.

I have a feeling that if he dose not follow up with everything he said to get elected. He will end up being another holiday on the calendar.
I felt bad for McCain when he gave is speech last night. I didn't vote for him, but if he hadn't added Palin to his team, I might have (not b/c she is a woman - hell, I'd love to see a woman in office - but b/c she isn't much of a politician).

When McCain mentioned Obama's name, his crowd yelled "boo". It's sad to see that his supporters couldn't show enough respect for him to let him give his speech without injecting negativity. He truly looked like he was embarrassed by his crowd at that moment.
he took it by a huge margin also, I honor John Mccain for his efforts and patriotism, wish some of these STILL Obama haters could do the same.

I have a feeling that if he dose not follow up with everything he said to get elected. He will end up being another holiday on the calendar.

Come on.. which politician do you know that got elected did even did half the things he said he would once in office?? He is allready in office only thing he is worried about now is re-election..
You gotta respect a guy who walks out from behind the bullet proof glass.

I still don't like the tax plan though.

That looked like sound proofing to me like you see around a drum kit. The top and the front were wide open and it also looked like BO was taller than the glass. I think they were just blocking the crowd noise away from his mic.

I'm not a fan of any tax plan. IF the government could GUARANTEE that the money I am taxed will go to a good, social cause, I will not mind paying a little more. But that's a big "IF".
Almost seems like we have two governments (rep/dem), that only get together to get anything done during times of crisis. Then, when the crisis hits, we hear screams of unity, if only to get the people to go along with bad judgements that must be rushed through into law.
I strongly believe in separation of church and state, so I'm glad Obama won, and although I don't feel race should be an issue, I'm surprised that nobody has pointed out the coincidence of the first Formula One champion of color happening within days of the 1st U.S. President of color.......
What are you talking about? I thought racism disappeared tonight?

Then I hate to be the ignorant one to bring it back up this morning, but perhaps you've been too focused on CNN's mainstream PC election coverage. I prefer to get mine from saturday night live or sheeple people dot com.

See, apparently I wasn't the only one that was simply amazed that their was a wide angle lens big enough to capture all of his ears on my TV screen. In hi-def they really are bigger than their party mascot! :eek:


Yeah affirmative action-mission accomplished right?

Right. As color wasn't an issue before the election, but now being the first "black" president is some kind of ground breaking historic civil victory the day after. So, I guess it apparently does matter...... ???

See, little surprise as in America it doesn't matter if it's a college entry exam, fireman position, postal clerk, or presidency... everything else being equal.... being in the minority has been worth more points than being qualified for some time now.

Hopefully the trend will continue, and we can replace the old wrongs with all new ones.... because in the next 40 years state-side born white caucasians will be the new minority in America.
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I see where Hugo Chavez, Fidel and Hamas have sent Obama congratulations.

I'm serious. Check it out.

Who's next? Kim Jong Il?

That looked like sound proofing to me like you see around a drum kit. The top and the front were wide open and it also looked like BO was taller than the glass. I think they were just blocking the crowd noise away from his mic.

Hmmmm. They didn't have it at the McCain camp. :confused:
I felt bad for McCain when he gave is speech last night. I didn't vote for him, but if he hadn't added Palin to his team, I might have (not b/c she is a woman - hell, I'd love to see a woman in office - but b/c she isn't much of a politician).

When McCain mentioned Obama's name, his crowd yelled "boo". It's sad to see that his supporters couldn't show enough respect for him to let him give his speech without injecting negativity. He truly looked like he was embarrassed by his crowd at that moment.

At least his crowd didn't riot. If the shoe were on the other foot, what would Chicago be like this morning? :smile:
I stand by my post as being a celebration post in light of Obama's victory.

Then I stand by my public statement of shame on you and that at least in the instance of the post in question, you lack any class.

There's nothing wrong with celebrating. There's something inherently tasteless in celebrating by spitting in someone else's eye.

"Yes we can" will become "not so much" if we can't work together to put this country back on the right path.
When McCain mentioned Obama's name, his crowd yelled "boo". It's sad to see that his supporters couldn't show enough respect for him to let him give his speech without injecting negativity. He truly looked like he was embarrassed by his crowd at that moment.

I think he was embarressed by the behavior of the members of the crowd that behaved like that. Shame on them. But to be fair, it seemed to me that it was only a small number of people in the crowd that behaved that way. I don't think it would be fair to paint everyone in that crowd with the same brush.

BTW - I actually thought that McCain's speech last night was his best public moment of the last 24 months. For the first time in a long time, he actually displayed some charisma last night. At least in my eyes.
I believe that Barack Obama realizes his opportunity and will try his very best to leave a positive, lasting, influence on the future of our country and the world. I can't see him being satisfied with just being known to future generations because of his skin color. He'll want to leave a legacy that will be perceived by those both in the present and the future as great and full of foresight. He'll want to be given a historical status that lasts hundreds maybe thousands of years because of the things he did during his tenure.

Now will he be able to actually deliver? Will his party and constituents let him? Does he have the know how and the sustained focus to do great things? I hope so. Why not? We will see...
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I agree with you about Obama wanting a legacy. I think all Presidents what that. The question is what does he REALLY want to do and what does he believe in?

Will he be a moderate-centrist as how he portrayed himself or will be a radical leftist as his record seems to indicate.

Only time will tell.

Right. As color wasn't an issue before the election, but now being the first "black" president is some kind of ground breaking historic civil victory the day after. So, I guess it apparently does matter...... ???

See, little surprise as in America it doesn't matter if it's a college entry exam, fireman position, postal clerk, or presidency... everything else being equal.... being in the minority has been worth more points than being qualified for some time now.

Hopefully the trend will continue, and we can replace the old wrongs with all new ones.... because in the next 40 years state-side born white caucasians will be the new minority in America.

John, I'm a ignorant person because this is what I got out of the election - In the future, all we need is another black man run for the presidency using the slogan "hope, share the wealth, and I will give you a free check by taking money from people who figured out how to make more money than you," he will be elected every time because the black voters, including "fair-minded" Operah will gear up for him.

It's not matter of race, it is matter of who played the race card to get himself into the office.

When you have the liberal media, state of California/NY plus 96% of black voters vote for "a" candidate, even if the candidate is none-black, he's going to win. We now have a brand new formula of winning the White House. If you think about it, it is bullet proof. For the first time EVER in the history of US, people voted for a candidate through emotion instead of logic. BTW, I forgot about the two recessions and the worse attack on the US soil the Bush administration inherited, but created by the Clinton administration.
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Come on.. which politician do you know that got elected did even did half the things he said he would once in office?? He is allready in office only thing he is worried about now is re-election..

Bush said he would unite, great uniter, guess he did not quite make that happen. His way or the highway, including the world.
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congrats to obama on his victory.

mccain was gracious in his public concession speech last night.

let's see where we, as a nation, go from here.

Don't be so pompous. Since you obviously didn't realize it was a joke the first time around, I guess you also missed the post soon after saying it wasn't supposed to be serious.
For the first time EVER in the history of US, people voted for a candidate through emotion instead of logic.

Ok, Vance- I am going to have to go out on a limb here and disagree. I don't think this is like the first time ever in the course of US history American voters have demonstrated poor decision making skills in an election.

We now have a brand new formula of winning the White House.

No, I think we have the same one. It just has a new face on it, and this time it has huge ears... but the underlying equation is still pretty much the same:

Stupid Impressionable Voters + Special Interest Media + Democracy = Large Cesspool

When you have the liberal media, state of California/NY plus 96% of black voters vote for "a" candidate, even if the candidate is none-black, he's going to win

Weak minded people tend to be very impressionable. For example, idiots listen to radio talk show hosts whom are also idiots, as they were hired because idiots could relate to them. Why are presidential campaigns rittled with BS TV ads, pundits, editorials, and spin?

Because it works.

The symptoms are that many will only vote along party lines as it makes it nice and easy for them- no different than touting their favorite commercial brand. Yet others vote for all of the wrong reasons like the "economy".... because they slept during history class and think that the position of Chief Commanding officer and Chief Wall Street Treasurer & Futurist are some how synonymous. Etc... Etc...

Look. Statistics prove that most voters don't even do any research for the people that will affect them the most: local leaders, justices, auditors, state commissioners, etc... so why on earth would anyone be surprised that a bunch of idiots voted Gregoir in again... let alone Obama? Let's look at history. What does it say that so many people really believed that career politicians like Hillary Clinton were out to do them a favor? I'm thinking that Paris Hilton, kinda has a real shot as the new NASA administrator now? As he said, in America anything is possible.

To my point? !@#$ people are morons. If a glimmer of logic prevailed... the very best thing the idiots which comprise the "general public" could do is to acknowledge that they have no idea WTF they are talking about, have not one clue as to what the day to day duties many of these positions entail, shut up, and defer the hire to someone that is truly qualified to evaluate someone for the given position.

Unfortunately, most simply do the complete opposite.

Most people are ignorant to the point whereas they *think* they know what is best for society: and instead put similar minded idiots routinely in positions of extreme, if not absolute authority- where they often do a lot of damage to innocent people.

I project that this will continue for several hundred more years, until the human brain crosses some significant critical evolutionary threshold. In the meantime, we will all live to marvel in the consequences of stupid voters decisions...

..... universal health care, ever increasing taxes, larger government at every level, loss of privacy, lower quality of life, etc... that is the hall mark not of our brilliant democracy.. but the legacy of socialism- the inevitable full circle outcome of a one/two party system that has taken our country completely down the drain inside of a few decades.

If there is one thing I've learned... what is popular is seldom what is right. Your post suggests that your genuine underlying complaint is against American democracy... and believe me there is nothing wrong with that.
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Ok, Vance- I am going to have to go out on a limb here and disagree. I don't think this is like the first time ever in the course of US history American voters have demonstrated poor decision making skills in an election.

No, I think we have the same one. It just has a new face on it, and this time it has huge ears... but the underlying equation is still pretty much the same:

Stupid Impressionable Voters + Special Interest Media + Democracy = Large Cesspool

Weak minded people tend to be very impressionable. For example, idiots listen to radio talk show hosts whom are also idiots, as they were hired because idiots could relate to them. Why are presidential campaigns rittled with BS TV ads, pundits, editorials, and spin?

Because it works.

The symptoms are that many will only vote along party lines as it makes it nice and easy for them- no different than touting their favorite commercial brand. Yet others vote for all of the wrong reasons like the "economy".... because they slept during history class and think that the position of Chief Commanding officer and Chief Wall Street Treasurer & Futurist are some how synonymous. Etc... Etc...

Look. Statistics prove that most voters don't even do any research for the people that will affect them the most: local leaders, justices, auditors, state commissioners, etc... so why on earth would anyone be surprised that a bunch of idiots voted Gregoir in again... let alone Obama? Let's look at history. What does it say that so many people really believed that career politicians like Hillary Clinton were out to do them a favor? I'm thinking that Paris Hilton, kinda has a real shot as the new NASA administrator now? As he said, in America anything is possible.

To my point? !@#$ people are morons. If a glimmer of logic prevailed... the very best thing the idiots which comprise the "general public" could do is to acknowledge that they have no idea WTF they are talking about, have not one clue as to what the day to day duties many of these positions entail, shut up, and defer the hire to someone that is truly qualified to evaluate someone for the given position.

Unfortunately, most simply do the complete opposite.

Most people are ignorant to the point whereas they *think* they know what is best for society: and instead put similar minded idiots routinely in positions of extreme, if not absolute authority- where they often do a lot of damage to innocent people.

I project that this will continue for several hundred more years, until the human brain crosses some significant critical evolutionary threshold. In the meantime, we will all live to marvel in the consequences of stupid voters decisions...

..... universal health care, ever increasing taxes, larger government at every level, loss of privacy, lower quality of life, etc... that is the hall mark not of our brilliant democracy.. but the legacy of socialism- the inevitable full circle outcome of a one/two party system that has taken our country completely down the drain inside of a few decades.

If there is one thing I've learned... what is popular is seldom what is right. Your post suggests that your genuine underlying complaint is against American democracy... and believe me there is nothing wrong with that.

JOHN, did you vote my friend? :smile:
PS: I just spoke to my gun broker and he says that demand has shot up so fast that suppliers can't meet demand and have no eta on availability of some rifles and guns.

Here are just SOME bills on the table for Congress:

1 . Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2007 (Introduced in House)[H.R.1022.IH]
2 . Anti-Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act of 2007 (Introduced in House)[H.R.1859.IH]
3 . Child Gun Safety and Gun Access Prevention Act of 2007 (Introduced in House)[H.R.256.IH]
4 . Assault Weapons Ban Reauthorization Act of 2008 (Introduced in House)[H.R.6257.IH]
5 . Crime Control and Prevention Act of 2007 (Introduced in Senate)[S.2237.IS]
6 . Criminal Code Modernization and Simplification Act of 2007 (Introduced in House)[H.R.4128.IH]
7 . Anti-Gang Enforcement Act of 2007 (Introduced in House)[H.R.3150.IH]
8 . Citizens' Self-Defense Act of 2007 (Introduced in House)[H.R.73.IH]
9 . Fighting Gangs and Empowering Youth Act of 2007 (Introduced in Senate)[S.990.IS]
10 . Fighting Gangs and Empowering Youth Act of 2007 (Introduced in House)[H.R.1692.IH]

Think you're safe b/c of Hellen V Keller? Ha! The language of SCALIA used in the majority opinion..... not the dissenting view

"[l]ike most rights, the Second Amendment is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose." The Court's opinion, although refraining from an exhaustive analysis of the full scope of the right, "should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms."

Partial groundwork for preventing the manufacture and sale of new weapons of certain types.

We also recognize another important limitation on the right to keep and carry arms. Miller said, as we have explained, that the sorts of weapons protected were those “in common use at the time.” 307 U. S., at 179. We think that limitation is fairly supported by the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of “dangerous and unusual weapons.” See 4 Blackstone 148–149 (1769); 3 B. Wilson,Works of the Honourable James Wilson 79 (1804); J.Dunlap, The New-York Justice 8 (1815); C. Humphreys, A Compendium of the Common Law in Force in Kentucky482 (1822); 1 W. Russell, A Treatise on Crimes and Indictable Misdemeanors 271–272 (1831); H. Stephen, Summary of the Criminal Law 48 (1840); E. Lewis, An Abridgmentof the Criminal Law of the United States 64 (1847); F.Wharton, A Treatise on the Criminal Law of the United States 726 (1852). See also State v. Langford, 10 N. C. 381, 383–384 (1824); O’Neill v. State, 16 Ala. 65, 67 (1849); English v. State, 35 Tex. 473, 476 (1871); State v. Lanier, 71 N. C. 288, 289 (1874).
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