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Obama is declared the president elect of the USA!

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one difference between mccain and obama is that once obama becomes president mccain will willingly sacrifice his life for him, right or wrong. obama would never do that for a mccain presidency. i think people like mccain are going to be extinct in a few years, and with that extinction the end of the american empire, for better or for worse. obama is actually the establishment choice for president, that is the only way he raised one billion dollars for his campaign. the establishment was frightened by the idea of a mccain presidency as mccain would have cut off the special interests that obama is coddling up to.
mccain wanted to save this country for what it used to represent, obama wants to change this country into something that looks more like france.
i do not mind change, but i think people are going to be very nostalgic someday for what we were before the democrats decided to change everything. i like vacationing in france but i would not want to start a business there. change is inevitable, progress is not. "and that is all i am going to say about that."
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one difference between mccain and obama is that once obama becomes president mccain will willingly sacrifice his life for him, right or wrong. obama would never do that for a mccain presidency. i think people like mccain are going to be extinct in a few years, and with that extinction the end of the american empire, for better or for worse. obama is actually the establishment choice for president, that is the only way he raised one billion dollars for his campaign. the establishment was frightened by the idea of a mccain presidency as mccain would have cut off the special interests that obama is coddling up to.
mccain wanted to save this country for what it used to represent, obama wants to change this country into something that looks more like france.
i do not mind change, but i think people are going to be very nostalgic someday for what we were before the democrats decided to change everything. i like vacationing in france but i would not want to start a business there. change is inevitable, progress is not. "and that is all i am going to say about that."

McCain is absolutely a patriot and has demonstrated his commitment to this country. And to a certain extent, I agree that we as Americans are "softer" than previous generations. I don't think, for example, that Americans today would handle the true horrors and sacrifices of WWII the way the "greatest generation" did. And I think we as a nation will lose something when that generation is finally gone.

But I remain hopeful.

And as much as I respect McCain for his commitment to the nation, I disagree with you that Obama is the establishment and McCain is not.

IMO, both men have and will continue to be influenced by special interests. But that's just one man's opinion.
i like vacationing in france but i would not want to start a business there. change is inevitable, progress is not. "and that is all i am going to say about that."

I barely want to vacation there.
I strongly believe in separation of church and state, so I'm glad Obama won, and although I don't feel race should be an issue, I'm surprised that nobody has pointed out the coincidence of the first Formula One champion of color happening within days of the 1st U.S. President of color.......

I saw the race and it was great and historical indeed. Your right, I haven't seen a lot of press about Hamiltons accomplishment. Obama and Hamilton have both accomplished great things, just a shame people can't give them a nod and say good job. Instead it has to be critiqued and challenged like some other people could have done better. I shed a couple tears in happiness for both victories and respect what they had to do to get their. They have both been subject to really nasty commments and judgements on there roads to victory.
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If there is one thing I've learned... what is popular is seldom what is right. Your post suggests that your genuine underlying complaint is against American democracy... and believe me there is nothing wrong with that.
You started to sound like Bush "Doing the right thing is often unpopular."

There is absolutely nothing wrong with any one getting elected through the legitimate voting process.

My point is simple: I doubt people voted Bush in for two terms is based on emotion "only." That is why the election were so close. The fact that when I hear "Obama is going to help me pay for my gas and mortgage bills" is the reason behind some voters, yeah, he played the game really really well. I can only imagine how these people will look like when they realized their candidate is actually NOT going to do all that for them. Even under Jimmy Carter, one of the most liberal president in our modern history failed to exercise his promised, which lead to one of the highest inflation, interest, and energy problems.

The truth is, you can't play the sympathy game and get elected and successfully implement the plans without addition major social problems.
Hopefully the trend will continue, and we can replace the old wrongs with all new ones.... because in the next 40 years state-side born white caucasians will be the new minority in America.

From vantage point I see the same thing but I don't think there will be enough people working by then to support us poor white folk.
You started to sound like Bush "Doing the right thing is often unpopular."

It's the cold, hard truth behind most any complex social problem.

For example, getting "tough" and locking sexual offenders up and throwing away the key is far more popular easier/cheaper with voters than doing what's right- dealing with the science behind the psychology and proposing realistic long term solutions. Creating "green jobs" is more PC than doing what has proved to produce results: building cheap nuclear power plants. On and on....

I will stand-by my assertion... most voters have never been rational, have always voted emotionally as opposed to logically.. because they are less evolved primates. No different than when your dog pees on your rug... they just really don't know any better. What can you do?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with any one getting elected through the legitimate voting process.

... and you know what you do with a process that no longer produces good results? You deprecate it. Playing the same game over and over is the sure what to ensure that you will always get the same result.

As an American I will be the first to step up and say: I am ashamed to be an American. Scoff...What a bunch of pussies! It's like 1960 all over again!

The fact that when I hear "Obama is going to help me pay for my gas and mortgage bills" is the reason behind some voters, yeah, he played the game really really well. I can only imagine how these people will look like when they realized their candidate is actually NOT going to do all that for them.

Again, people want to believe whatever they want to believe so bad they are willing to turn off the logic board in their brains. Few take anything seriously anymore. Any behavioral scientist can explain it better than I. Con artists routinely invoke all of the same principles to manipulate people that these pundits and spinsters do.

The truth is, you can't play the sympathy game and get elected and successfully implement the plans without addition major social problems.

A lot of idiots think that big government is the solution and can solve everything. Many live in a fantasy utopia whereas they envision everyone bring equal... because they have chosen to live un-rewarding, unsatisfactory, pathetic lives and need to find some mechanism to elevate themselves.

The politics of it... yes, it's called socialism, and Obama will bring us one step closer to it. When the EU says they love the guy and can't wait to "work together".... !@#$ then you KNOW their is a problem.
GM didn't get the 10 billion dollars that they were hoping for from the Bush administration, but the GMAC owned Ditech Funding has started showing commercials again, meaning that they must be betting that the new administration will be forced to loan them money, or be faced with a major bankruptcy early in the term.
GM will be bailed out within 30-45 days. They are going to release "earnings" (how laughable) and it will show they are eating through their cash at an unbelievable pace. The midwest will hit unemployment rates in the high teens within a month of GM shutting down, so it will not be allowed to occur. Instead, we will all, or the 50% of us that actually pay taxes, pay to support GM. Just as we will pay to support the housing market, the tax credits, and increasing unemployment expenditures etc. as unemployment rises, which it will if taxes are raised even slightly. Let's how steveny doesn't run out of money.

People honestly think the government "is". There is no government to help you. It's not self supporting. It's not an engine, it produces nothing. We simply channel funds from the marketplace, lose some or all of it along the way, than put them back into the engine to the parts we think deserve more attention than the marketplace does. The government cannot help anyone. Citizens help each other, sometimes through charity, sometimes because if they don't they are breaking the law and will be jailed otherwise (taxes).
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GM will be bailed out within 30-45 days. They are going to release "earnings" (how laughable) and it will show they are eating through their cash at an unbelievable pace. The midwest will hit unemployment rates in the high teens within a month of GM shutting down, so it will not be allowed to occur. Instead, we will all, or the 50% of us that actually pay taxes, pay to support GM. Just as we will pay to support the housing market, the tax credits, and increasing unemployment expenditures etc. as unemployment rises, which it will if taxes are raised even slightly. Let's how steveny doesn't run out of money.

People honestly think the government "is". There is no government to help you. It's not self supporting. It's not an engine, it produces nothing. We simply channel funds from the marketplace, lose some or all of it along the way, than put them back into the engine to the parts we think deserve more attention than the marketplace does. The government cannot help anyone. Citizens help each other, sometimes through charity, sometimes because if they don't they are breaking the law and will be jailed otherwise (taxes).
Well ,keeping with the car engine theme for an economy metaphore why don't we just let Larry B fix the economy:tongue: Cheaper and better than any dealer:biggrin:
GM didn't get the 10 billion dollars that they were hoping for from the Bush administration, but the GMAC owned Ditech Funding has started showing commercials again, meaning that they must be betting that the new administration will be forced to loan them money, or be faced with a major bankruptcy early in the term.

Just this morning I was looking through some car and driver mags I haven't had the opportunity to look through and there are a lot of great GM cars available now. I might even consider buying one of those CTS-V 556 hp caddys. I was thinking at the time, I bet GM will do alright.
Just this morning I was looking through some car and driver mags I haven't had the opportunity to look through and there are a lot of great GM cars available now. I might even consider buying one of those CTS-V 556 hp caddys. I was thinking at the time, I bet GM will do alright.

Their innovation and vision is just fine. The C6, CTS, they make cars I am actually interested in which has never occurred beyond minor interest in the C5. Their problem is structural unfortunately.
Let's how steveny doesn't run out of money.

Not sure what you mean here.

On a side note all our government rent checks are in on or before the 3rd. We have only received ~50% of them so far. I sure hope the government isn't out of money. :eek:

Not sure what you mean here.

On a side note all our government rent checks are in on or before the 3rd. We have only received ~50% of them so far. I sure hope the government isn't out of money. :eek:

Meant to be "hope". Meaning let's hope the tax payers are able to handle the load.
Just this morning I was looking through some car and driver mags I haven't had the opportunity to look through and there are a lot of great GM cars available now. I might even consider buying one of those CTS-V 556 hp caddys. I was thinking at the time, I bet GM will do alright.

Not to take anything away from GM but the CTS-V and the C6 corvette will account for how many sales in total next year? GM can make good, competitive vehicles. The problem is that for each CTS-V they'll sell they'll probably sell 100 Pontiac G6's.

GM has too many brands, bad labor contracts, and way, way too many bad managers. I fail to see the long-term benefit in propping them or Chrysler up.

But then I thought the "bailout" was a terrible idea as well.
Not to take anything away from GM but the CTS-V and the C6 corvette will account for how many sales in total next year? GM can make good, competitive vehicles. The problem is that for each CTS-V they'll sell they'll probably sell 100 Pontiac G6's.

GM has too many brands, bad labor contracts, and way, way too many bad managers. I fail to see the long-term benefit in propping them or Chrysler up.

But then I thought the "bailout" was a terrible idea as well.

If GM fails I will instantly sell my entire portfolio and go to all cash. It will be that bad.
If GM fails I will instantly sell my entire portfolio and go to all cash. It will be that bad.

In the short term, I agree... GM's failure would be horrible.

But what about the medium to long term? We've already bailed out Chrysler once in my short life time. Now we're talking about doing it again???

I hate to be a cold hearted bastard but I say let them go under and let the chips fall where they may. BTW - I said the same thing about the Wall Street bailout (and I am a banker), the same thing about the airlines after 9/11, and the same thing about AIG.

There are supposed to be consequences for bad business practices.
Correction---GM got 25 billion dollars to retool to make smaller cars and design hybrids in September, now they want $25 billion more, just to keep from going under.
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