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Osama Bin Laden is dead!

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All above theories are kaka. Obama wanted the mafia to wack Osama and knew CIA Director Leon Panetta being Italian had connections. Leon suggested to Trump (as the most probably next president) to threaten to cut foreign aid to anyone who didn't perform just like on his stupid TV Show. So Osama's location got "leaked" in Gitmo at the direction of the Pakistan boys who didn't want to loose their US aid Millions. Then Panetta wispered to the Seals that the $25 million reward would be routed their way (secretely) in the form of tokens to be used at any and all topless and bottomless bars around all military and navy bases at their discretion. Osama was now doomed. They came in loaded with four choppers (1 of course was defective with chinese parts) but they still got their man (or so we are lead to believe). AND as is the fashion of our Italian American special strike force-----Osama swims with the fishes! HOT DAM!!!
Osama wasn't much of a leader, but an IDEA..... and they IDEA still exists
If it can be proved that Pakistan was responsible in any way for hiding him, aid should be cut off immediately.
If it can be proved that Pakistan was responsible in any way for hiding him, aid should be cut off immediately.

You know that the pakistani equivalent of the CIA was protecting him/Taliban right. How can they not notice a 3 storied $1MM dollar house being put up in the mountains in the middel of a small town.:rolleyes:
Good riddance. And congrats to SEAL Team Six. I bet Army Delta just loves the fact that the guys who finally got him were the US NAVY! LOL

What you will find is the Joint Special Operations Command controls these operations. Navy Seals are being touted and were no doubt breaking down the door and . It is my experienced opinion, you will find skilled US Air Force members side by side with the Seals, and I would also say the Marines and Army were providing important support roles.

The mission will stay classified, but we'll eventually learn the details as soon as a member of Congress is briefed!
Credit goes out to our military, NOT Obama. He okay'd a military strike? Any president would have.

I find it disturbing that so many want to glorify one side, rather than give credit where credit is due.

God Bless our Troops!

Who got credit for getting sadam hussein?
Who got credit for getting sadam hussein?

JSOC... Joint Special Operations Command, located at Ft Bragg NC.

JSOC was created from after action reports/analysis from Desert One, when Carter attempted the Iranian rescue attempt. That mission was aborted after a helo lost control in a white out condition caused by the sand being blown around by rotorwash and hit the C-130 which was refueling the helo's for their leg into and out of the rescue.

JSOC directs our Elite forces from the four services. Any high profile operation, such as OBL and Saddam is given to them to complete.
Ok, here's my take...firstly, glad he's dead.

1. Buried at sea makes sense in general, however...within 24hrs because of "islamic tradition" is a load of bullshit. This guy doesn't deserve one ounce of tradition. US tradition is to go to work and not die while you are there and he robbed 3000+ of that tradition.

2. This is too conveniently timed and the sea burial within 24hrs leads me to draw the following conspiracy theory: Osama has been dead but it has either been A) top secret with a convenient political release or B) has been dead and we just found out and didn't want to look stupid. One thing is for sure, he is definitely dead because if he was not you would be seeing a video from him laughing at our silly attempt to pronounce him dead.

You maybe on to something since this guy is on a dialysis machine since more than a decade ago.
Obama hasn't secured his 2nd term. The men and women of the military and CIA are responsible for OBL's death. Wouldn't had mattered if McCain was in Office. All Obama did was give the go ahead after presented with the reports. Bush didn't capture hussein. The military did.

<img src="http://www.thecitrusreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Osama-Bin-Laden-Dead.jpg" width="400">
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they should have stuffed his mouth with bacon so he could not go to his god Allah.

the brits do that.

they bury their enemies with a dead pig corpse
Obama hasn't secured his 2nd term. The men and women of the military and CIA are responsible for OBL's death. Wouldn't had mattered if McCain was in Office. All Obama did was give the go ahead after presented with the reports. Bush didn't capture hussein. The military did.

Obama does deserve a lot of credit. He could have discounted the policies of Bush. When a president comes into to office they lay out an agenda and the military develops their operations according to that agenda. Obama being a Democrat could have immediately pulled out of Iraq and Afghanistan. He could have discontinued drone strikes and prevented engagement within Pakistan. Obama took a lot of flak from his base on this .... therefore he deserves credit.

Many top officers do nothing physically but still get the credit of the people on the ground doing the actual work (and get promoted for it). Stop being haters, this is the way life works. And new officers to job always, always take credit for their predecessor's work esp in their OPR.
Obama does deserve a lot of credit.

I am by no means an Obama fan but he does, indeed, deserve a lot of credit. Realizing now that the Pakistani govt knew nothing of the operation until after our boys and the corpse were in air back to base and knowing that it wasn't 100% that OBL was there, hats off for big brass balls and for not playing it by the international playbook.

Rather than a partisan issue, this is a big plus for all of America.
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