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Parents think I am crazy

15 January 2007
Omaha NE
I was talking to my parents a few days ago, and I told them I was planning on purchasing an Acura NSX in the near future. My mom was shocked that I would purchase anything other than a GM product(being my Granddad used to be SE regional President of GM) and my Dad thinks I just want the car to race in. I was pretty rude to my parents, and pretty much hung up on them. The next day I decided to call up and apologize for my rude remarks and hanging up abruptly. I then proceeded to tell them both that I have wanted this car for more than 10 years. I was looking at a 92 - 93 model. My dad tried to tell me that the car would probably break down shortly after I bought it. He was trying to convince me to get a new Pontiac Solstice or Saturn SKY Redline. Of course I said no. I told my dad that I would trust a 16 year old Honda over a new GM(or any American made) car any day. I am not planning on having the NSX as my daily driver, but to call me stupid for seriously wanting a NSX please. Just Venting but it kind of sucks when your parents try to put you down about something you've wanted for years. Now I am 26 and I would have thought comments like that would have gone through one ear and out the other, but some reason it hurts. oh well done with my Venting
Be nice to your parents. I mean they are your parents after all. Humor them.

I feel you man. My grandad has worked at ford for 37 years...out of his 6 kids 4 of them work at ford (luckily not my mom)

and I only drive japanese. I'll be getting my NSX shortly, since I decided to pass on the condo. My previous cars were a Lexus GS300, Acura TL-S, 1st car ever-Acura Integra.

So believe me, I KNOW what you're going through. But at the end of the day, get something YOU want. Sticks and stones man...sticks and stones. You have to understand their intentions mean you know harm, but they just may not be knowledgable about the vehicle. And trust me, they are not going to be willing to hear about it either. Just take everything all in stride and do what's best for YOU!
You're not crazy. I was 26 when I purchased mine. It's a great car. They really don't know what they're talking about. The part about it breaking down made me chuckle. :wink: It's ok. If you were 16 this might be a snag, just go buy your NSX, and watch your whole family become enthralled with it like everyone else does. I promise, if you pull up in the X and your cuz pulls up in his sky or firebird or whatever, nobody will be looking at the GM. :smile:
I'll bet good money not everyone at GM drives a GM product. My wifes grandpa worked 30 years at Mobil. To this day they will by only Exxonmobil fuel. Don't expect your parents to ever understand. It will always be new generation VS's older generation.
The first time I told my parents that I was seriously thinking about getting an Acura NSX, they had no clue as to what I was talking about. I was 19 at the time, nearly 21 now.

I showed them a picture of a prospective car and my mom about flipped her lid thinking I was trying to get a Ferrari. My dad was all for it! haha

After time and research, I won them over and showed them why it was the best choice out of all the other options.

The first time my mom sat in my car she said it was the nicest vehicle she had ever been in. She just couldn't believe a 1992 could be in such good shape and look so well. She was sold. Now she can't wait for the next one.

The Skys and Solstices have not been on the market long enough for any real long term reliability tests, but I assume what they will find will not be news to anyone.

The major facet that might sway them is that the Sky or Solstice will plummet in value here soon while the NSX remains bottomed out or slightly depreciating ( for the newer models ).
Humor or ignore em...thats what I do. My parents have a different mindset than me and thats understandable. They are the type that don't give you the time of day unless you drive a "name brand" like BMW or Mercedes. If you don't have those cars, you're a no body in their book.
I have noticed a strong support for GM and other domestic cars from people located in the mid-west (in-laws) or served close to World War II. When I bought my first Honda my Grandfather about died. When I drove it in his driveway he promptly told me to park it on the street. I continued to get some kind of comment about it every time I went over there. A few years later and while I was in my second Honda, my grandparents wanted to go to Seattle for a week and asked if I could drive them. Since they had a GMC pickup and an old Buick at the time, I said yes as long as we can take my accord. After a few days of mulling it over my Grandfather said he could ride in my car for the 11 hours to Seattle as long as it was comfortable for my Grandmother. The whole trip not much was said about the car or the ride. When we got back home I said with a smile “see it didn’t kill you to ride in a Japanese car Grandpa.” It was about a week later when he said it was actually more comfortable then his Buick for long distances, and never again commented on the fact that my car was made in Japan.

Now I don’t know your parents but it’s been my experience that once you get someone to experience the car and you can overcome their pre-conceived notions they eventually love it as well.

I was the first to buy a Honda in my family and since then there have been over 10 purchased with only 1 or 2 sold to buy another honda.
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Just tell them that GM is about to go bankrupt and you need to make sure you can still get the car serviced. :)
Unless your parents have experience with an NSX or with Honda products,
how can they possibly make an informed opinion while ignoring published
facts about Japanese reliability?

Do you need your parents approval (or $) before making your decision?

If your parent's dissapproval bothers you, then something is keeping
you from being 100% convinced within yourself. What are you afraid will
happen if you buy it without their approval? Has this happened before?

If its your money and you don't live with them, do what you think is right.
I was 26 when I bought my first one.

Even though I don't always (rarely?) get along with my parents, you need to humor them. Its your money, right?
Just tell them that GM is about to go bankrupt and you need to make sure you can still get the car serviced. :)

LoL I don't know how my granddad would take that

The first time I told my parents that I was seriously thinking about getting an Acura NSX, they had no clue as to what I was talking about. I was 19 at the time, nearly 21 now.

I showed them a picture of a prospective car and my mom about flipped her lid thinking I was trying to get a Ferrari. My dad was all for it! haha

After time and research, I won them over and showed them why it was the best choice out of all the other options.

The first time my mom sat in my car she said it was the nicest vehicle she had ever been in. She just couldn't believe a 1992 could be in such good shape and look so well. She was sold. Now she can't wait for the next one.

The Skys and Solstices have not been on the market long enough for any real long term reliability tests, but I assume what they will find will not be news to anyone.

The major facet that might sway them is that the Sky or Solstice will plummet in value here soon while the NSX remains bottomed out or slightly depreciating ( for the newer models ).

I have test driven the Sky Redline(assuming the Pontiac is the same) Nice car fun to drive, but not what I want...and I know those Ecotec engines are solid, but GM hasn't worked out the bugs in their electrical systems for most of their cars.

Unless your parents have experience with an NSX or with Honda products,
how can they possibly make an informed opinion while ignoring published
facts about Japanese reliability?

Do you need your parents approval (or $) before making your decision?

If your parent's dissapproval bothers you, then something is keeping
you from being 100% convinced within yourself. What are you afraid will
happen if you buy it without their approval? Has this happened before?

If its your money and you don't live with them, do what you think is right.

I am going to get the X regardless of what they tell me. I know they won't disown me. Just the fact that ever since Highschool they have known I wanted this car. My mom spent 4 months looking for a model NSX for christmas. I don't think they would tell me to park my car accross the street either, just bothers me that they knew this was my dream and now all of a suddend they seem against it. Maybe underneath they feel I can't afford it. I don't know.
Just buy it, but make sure you have 5g extra around once you do, just for things that might arise.
Clutch, timing belt and so on.
That way you are never disappointed.
You might not spend money on the car for 4 years, and then something.
Do it and enjoy.
My dad tried to tell me that the car would probably break down shortly after I bought it. He was trying to convince me to get a new Pontiac Solstice or Saturn SKY Redline. Of course I said no. I told my dad that I would trust a 16 year old Honda over a new GM(or any American made) car any day.

I drive a 1995 Camaro Z28 convertible as my daily driver, I've never had any reliability issues with it. I've had it since 2000 when I was in college and it has about 75,000 miles on it now. But then again, I've garaged it and maintained it well the entire time I've had it. Like anything else, a GM vehicle can be reliable if you take good care of it, the average owner probably doesn't.

I am 26 years old too and as long as I can remember my parents have always owned Japanese cars except for a GMC van we had when I was growing up. Now my dad drives a Toyota Tundra and my mom has an Acura MDX. I definitely wouldn't care what their opinion was if they tried to talk me out of buying an NSX though.
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I drive a 1995 Camaro Z28 convertible as my daily driver, I've never had any reliability issues with it. I've had it since 2000 when I was in college and it has about 75,000 miles on it now. But then again, I've garaged it and maintained it well the entire time I've had it. Like anything else, a GM vehicle can be reliable if you take good care of it, the average owner probably doesn't.

I am 26 years old too and as long as I can remember my parents have always owned Japanese cars except for a GMC van we had when I was growing up. Now my dad drives a Toyota Tundra and my mom has an Acura MDX. I definitely wouldn't care what their opinion was if they tried to talk me out of buying an NSX though.

Your right, and I know that every company has lemons, but I have also seen my mom have problems with her Malibu, purchase a new Impala and 2 years after she owned it have problems. Both were electrical problems with the two cars. Like I said before I will get the X no matter what they think. Don't get me wrong I love my parents to death. God knows that I have decided to do what I wanted despite what my parents said and thought about it later and said to myself "You idiot" This scenario I think is different.
Years ago when I bought my 1st NSX at 23 or 24 (cant remember), my dad was the same way. Later, he was known to brag to his friends/co-workers that his son has a NSX, hand made, aluminum, exotic. :smile:
I only have one question to ask you - WHY DOES IT MATTER WHAT YOUR PARENTS THINK WHEN IT COMES TO CARS???? :confused:

Ok if it's about your choice of g/f or wife perhaps I can see listening to them give their opinion but unless you are depending on them to pay for this car why does it matter?

My parents are super strict, Chinese rules, etc but the minute I moved out of the house for college I was making my own decisions :) (maybe not always the best choices but they were mine....haha)

They knew I would have a motorcycle regardless of what they said so my mom took me out to buy a nice helmet. But as far as cars go they let me do whatever I want since it's my money and they trust my judgement.

I only have one question to ask you - WHY DOES IT MATTER WHAT YOUR PARENTS THINK WHEN IT COMES TO CARS???? :confused:

Ok if it's about your choice of g/f or wife perhaps I can see listening to them give their opinion but unless you are depending on them to pay for this car why does it matter?

My parents are super strict, Chinese rules, etc but the minute I moved out of the house for college I was making my own decisions :) (maybe not always the best choices but they were mine....haha)

They knew I would have a motorcycle regardless of what they said so my mom took me out to buy a nice helmet. But as far as cars go they let me do whatever I want since it's my money and they trust my judgement.


Like I said before, I am going to buy an X regardless. Its not that they say no, Its the fact that they knew this is one of my ultimate dreams and now they don't support me. I never had to had their permission or approval. That was never a deciding factor. The reason I posted was to Vent, because it kind of hurt.
Don't worry about your parents. They are just being protective and don't want to see you do something that they don't see as a wise decision. No biggie!! :smile:
Funny, when I told my Mom (She's 68) I was getting a NSX, she was glad. She didn't want me to get a Corvette. She doesn't like all that fiberglass.

After my purchase, I stopped by my Dad's house and took him for a ride. He said "lets just go around the block", I barely got into 2nd gear and he said, "thats enough". I was like "We didn't even get into 3rd gear"...LOL Well, he is no speed demon (He's 70). He drives a Chrysler Sebring. He is a hardcore Chrysler man.
Funny, when I told my Mom (She's 68) I was getting a NSX, she was glad. She didn't want me to get a Corvette. She doesn't like all that fiberglass.

After my purchase, I stopped by my Dad's house and took him for a ride. He said "lets just go around the block", I barely got into 2nd gear and he said, "thats enough". I was like "We didn't even get into 3rd gear"...LOL Well, he is no speed demon (He's 70). He drives a Chrysler Sebring. He is a hardcore Chrysler man.
So he should've approve an SRT-8 Charger, right.:wink:
The Solstice/Sky are actually pretty cool cars for what that are. An old NSX probably will be more reliable then a new GM car but don't confuse that with affordable. My Vette broke stuff probably 5 times more often than my NSX but parts cost a sh!tload more for an X than a GM car. A GM car will depreciate alot more though so keep that in mind. In the end, buy the car you want, but don't do it to spite your parents.

Yeah, just buy the car and drive up to them with it. My parents didn't understand why I wanted to buy such an old car for so much money. As soon as they saw it, that was all that was needed to be said. The car speaks for itself.