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People taking pictures of NSX in parking lots

27 October 2004
I went to Costco this afternoon, like usual, I parked way......back there :smile:

After I finished shopping, as I am taking a long walk towards my NSX parked way......back there. A guy was taking pictures of my NSX with a digital camera. He walked around the NSX and took pictures from all angles it seems. Look like he was really enjoying it, had that really excited expression on his face. Finally left when he saw me approach the NSX.

This is the second time in this week that someone took pictures of my NSX in a parking lot.
get use to it.... :smile: .....Happens to me all the time, whenever I take the car out...people be taking pics w/ their cellphones while I'm in the next lane over...
Damn poporatzis....I know spelt wrong....I kinda feel like JLO when I am out with my car....but with a much smaller butt....the car that is. :biggrin:
Texas91Brent said:
Damn poporatzis....I know spelt wrong....I kinda feel like JLO when I am out with my car....but with a much smaller butt....the car that is. :biggrin:

I've had people shoot pics and vids of my car on the feeway. Odd, but cool.

BTW, it's paparazzi (and spelled). :wink:
the scary part is sometimes, when you're on the road, you get cars that'll pace right next to you. if you go faster, they will, if you go slower, they will. so specially at night, i do get a bit skiddish. then out of no where i see flashes go off which startles me or my passenger... and we realize its only a person with a camera/phone taking pictures or with digital camera.

the other part that's scary is when they are in the lane next to you, and the driver themselves is trying to take a pic and drive at the same time. and they start swerving into your lane, etc...

have fun, but please be safe....
btw, my most memorable amature shoot was when i had my car parked outside a chinese restaurant in the rowland area, and had a TOUR bus (one of those tours that takes asian tourists around all the landmarks and cities on the west coast: vegas, hoover damn, yosemite, etc) got off at that location at the end of tour. and a BUNCH of asian tourists gathered around the car taking picturs. and a few of them, most noticebly the MEN, who posed on the car in ways i'd only imagine import models to be doing... disturbing never the least... but funny to watch....
I was parked outside a Ziebart getting ready to get a detail done, when a professional photographer(one with the big camara) was taking pictures of my car. Before I came along, he was taking pictures of a building. I guess my car struck his attention. It kinda caught me by surprise, but made me proud at the same time.
NSXnBRLA said:
Be careful, he could be marketing it

loNfastNSX said:
Exactly what I was thinking. A bit pestomistic, but still, for him to scury away as you approached is little strange. People take pics of my car all the time and its almost always followed by questions or gereral conversation about cars.

JDMnsxR said:
the scary part is sometimes, when you're on the road, you get cars that'll pace right next to you. if you go faster, they will, if you go slower, they will. so specially at night, i do get a bit skiddish. then out of no where i see flashes go off which startles me or my passenger... and we realize its only a person with a camera/phone taking pictures or with digital camera.

the other part that's scary is when they are in the lane next to you, and the driver themselves is trying to take a pic and drive at the same time. and they start swerving into your lane, etc...

have fun, but please be safe....

I've had exactly the same thoughts and concerns. Sometimes I feel as though I need an armed guard to watch the car for me or an armed escort to safely get through traffic. :D
JDMnsxR said:
.........and a BUNCH of asian tourists gathered around the car taking picturs. and a few of them, most noticebly the MEN, who posed on the car in ways i'd only imagine import models to be doing... disturbing never the least... but funny to watch....

Similar situation happened to me and I thought it was funny, until one of them touched/leaned on my car. I freaked......felt like I was getting molested. :eek:
Weirdest is when you are just driving and u see a flash and get scared thinking its a redlight camera and u did something wrong.
djskyy said:
get use to it.... :smile: .....Happens to me all the time, whenever I take the car out...people be taking pics w/ their cellphones while I'm in the next lane over...

Got that the other day, unfortunatly it was from a chick in her boyfriends M5 as he crawled past me... I said "crawl" :frown:
if you see a person taking pictures of your car from all angles in a parking lot,
start taking pictures of them back.

if someone is selling your car on ebay,
you can list in a different auction with that person for sale.

use your creativity :biggrin:
alteast this gives people an idea who is trying to scam them

only if the case was someone was taking your pics for "marketing" purposes, or course.
evof575gtc said:
if you see a person taking pictures of your car from all angles in a parking lot, start taking pictures of them back.

I've actually done that, and you get the weirdest looks back from them :biggrin: . My old Canon Poweshot S200 fits perfectly in the center console, behind my custom coin tray (check book box.... hey, it fits in there perfect :tongue: ). But the main reason why I keep a camera with me is only if I'm involved in an accident, so I can take pics right then & there..... or if I see something cool and that I feel I must have a pic of, but that rarely happens.