Posts deleted from CHP impound thread

Re: Omg...chp Impound My Car....need Advice

yeah i had a deleted post also...and i DIDNOT say anything offensive....someone called the OP an idiot for having NOS on his street car, which according to him "HAS TO BE for street racing"

I responded that this was a "idiot" do we know why he has the NOS on his car, one could assume, but not know....

there was NO FRICKEN REASON for my post to get deleted....none, except someone playing favorites? considering the tone of some of the comments still posted, and the complete of topic nature of some of them...this is the only reason I can come up with....FWIW i did not see some of the others that got yanked, but it seems like there were many.....
Re: Omg...chp Impound My Car....need Advice

I had one deleted, where I referred to an episode of 5th gear, where they had a legitimate street use for a nitrous system.
Re: Posted deleted from CHP impound thread

I deleted several posts that were irrelevant to the topic at hand (debating civil rights or police authority and abuses thereof, etc. which belong in Off Topic if anywhere), incoherent, name calling, or arguing just for the sake of arguing. I also deleted responses to such posts because they were no longer relevant since the original was deleted. Welcome to NSX Prime.
Re: Posted deleted from CHP impound thread

Welcome to NSX Prime? What was the $hittyness at the end? Sorry you didn't find our responses to the typical police B.S. that goes on everyday as "relevent". If you just delete everyones response that you don't agree with, you'll start making some people post nothing at all. They'll think, "Lud will just delete it". What's the point of that?
Re: Posted deleted from CHP impound thread

And notice everyone in here complaining isn't a rookie to this site, has thousands of posts under their belts, and almost all contribute to the site?
Re: Posted deleted from CHP impound thread

debating the 4th amendment has strong ties to the original post. After all, the constitution was was written to allow some flexibility to suit our needs as time moves on. So through the years and with different understandings in general, our civil liberties can be wrongly interpreted. So debating that 4th amendment right helps lead to possible solutions for the OP.

State and local officals CAN create laws that infringe upon our civil rights. It's just up to someone to challenge that issue before anyone of any importance notices to make real changes.

Also debating police powers and abuses directly related, are well, related to the OP as long as they similiar in circumstance and/or backs up the idea.

But yeah, arguing for the sake of arguing or name calling isn't related to the issue at hand. I can agree with you there.

The fact is, based upon what is presented, there is a strong chance that there was an abuse of police power, and possibly even a civil rights violation. It's bad enough we live in a basically police state.
Re: Posted deleted from CHP impound thread

Welcome to NSX Prime? What was the $hittyness at the end? Sorry you didn't find our responses to the typical police B.S. that goes on everyday as "relevent". If you just delete everyones response that you don't agree with, you'll start making some people post nothing at all. They'll think, "Lud will just delete it". What's the point of that?

If you don't like it, start your own NSX website. :confused:

This is Lud's site. We are visitors. He can delete whatever he feels like deleting based on the rules he sets.

I've had posts deleted before as well; but I didn't whine about it. Just moved on realizing that this isn't my site - I'm only a visitor.
Re: Posted deleted from CHP impound thread

^ I agree. The bottomline is that this is a privately owned site and no amendments apply here. The owner(s) can do what they want. Don't get me wrong, I was pissed when one of my threads was deleted (and my apology/explanation wasn't good enough). However, I realize this isn't a democracy.
Re: Posted deleted from CHP impound thread

I liked it that one of the deleted posts was from one of the group of people who can't stand it that I have outspoken opinions that they don't approve of, and feel they must insult my character over it.

Alas, a nearly-identical post popped up right after the moderation, so no gains were made. :rolleyes:
Re: Posted deleted from CHP impound thread

If all of the responses remained on topic i doubt Lud would have had a problem with where the thread was going.
Informative posts detailing what your rights are, potential causes to the CHP officer's inspection, and ways to mitigate police attention on highly modified cars absolutely fit in with the topic.

Calling each other stupid and idiotic? not so much.
Re: Posted deleted from CHP impound thread

I liked it that one of the deleted posts was from one of the group of people who can't stand it that I have outspoken opinions that they don't approve of, and feel they must insult my character over it.

Alas, a nearly-identical post popped up right after the moderation, so no gains were made. :rolleyes:

Easy, beaver....... thems big words ur talkin' there. :cool:
Re: Posted deleted from CHP impound thread

Welcome to NSX Prime? What was the $hittyness at the end? Sorry you didn't find our responses to the typical police B.S. that goes on everyday as "relevent". If you just delete everyones response that you don't agree with, you'll start making some people post nothing at all. They'll think, "Lud will just delete it". What's the point of that?

I am OK with that, because there probably are some people who should post nothing at all. Now before you go and take that personally, let me be clear that I am not saying you are one of those people. I know you have been a member here for a couple years and have a lot of posts and, while I haven't gone back to read everything you've written, I am sure you have made valuable contributions in the past.

However, if you expect me to tolerate a post like the one of yours I deleted in the thread at hand... a post that amounts to nothing but a couple lines saying "cops are 'd-bags' just 'f'ing' people over" in the NSX Owner discussion forum, you are going to continue to be frustrated because that is simply not how this site will operate.

Such a post contributes absolutely nothing to the thread or the forum. It just degrades the quality of discourse. It does nothing to help the owner with the issue at hand, and it contributes nothing of substance to any kind of informed discussion about police, abuse of power, etc.

If you want to have an intelligent discussion about police powers and the abuse thereof, such a discussion belongs in Off Topic. However I will say right now that if the best attempt at expressing your position you can come up with is "cops are such d-bags... just f'ing people over" it probably doesn't belong on here at all. I am very confident that you are capable of a much higher level of discourse, and expect such from all members.

If anyone wants to leave over that, it's fine with me. I do not bear them any ill will and wish them all the best for the future and hope they continue to enjoy their NSX. But I will say right now I am losing patience with stuff like this and am not going to tolerate people who continue to take the level of discourse on the site to "high school locker room."

If anyone contributed money and doesn't like the way I run the site, or me, or whatever, please contact me and I will gladly refund every penny. I don't want money from anyone who isn't 100% happy with what their donation is helping fund.

I am not trying to fit two of every kind of idiot on my ark.
Re: Posted deleted from CHP impound thread

^ I agree. The bottomline is that this is a privately owned site and no amendments apply here. The owner(s) can do what they want. Don't get me wrong, I was pissed when one of my threads was deleted (and my apology/explanation wasn't good enough). However, I realize this isn't a democracy.

I believe the above posts were talking about the 4th amendment (no unreasonable search and seizure) in relation to the traffic stop detailed in the original CHP impound thread, not in relation to anything about running/moderating the site.
Re: Posted deleted from CHP impound thread

Alas, a nearly-identical post popped up right after the moderation, so no gains were made. :rolleyes:

If it keeps up, some people will find themselves suspended. Like I said above, I am very quickly losing patience.
Re: Posted deleted from CHP impound thread

I am not trying to fit two of every kind of idiot on my ark.

Lud, that is some funny line.:biggrin: I'm stealing for my repertoire.
I didn't know you had it in you. :biggrin:
I'm still laughing.:biggrin: :biggrin:
Re: Posted deleted from CHP impound thread

AHH lud you will never win ..because you can not police every thread/post on prime thus there will be those who see your atempts at order- futile,irrelivent and biased:rolleyes: :frown:
hey Lud, think you could give us a little insite as to what you are losing pataince with?

I dont want to offend, and still dont feel as I did/said anything wrong or offensive but if you feel otherwise.....I would like to know.

I did notice that the post i responded to was kept, yet modified?

Thanks for some heads up.

hey Lud, think you could give us a little insite as to what you are losing pataince with?

Posts / people who dumb down the site as opposed to posts / people who make a positive and useful contribution to the NSX community. That can take many forms (in both directions) and I do not really feel like trying to itemize them all. If someone honestly doesn't know the difference they are in the former category anyway.

I dont want to offend, and still dont feel as I did/said anything wrong or offensive but if you feel otherwise.....I would like to know.

I did notice that the post i responded to was kept, yet modified?

I deleted yours because it was a response to a post I deleted, not because there was anything wrong with yours in and of itself. And the message you quoted and responded to was indeed deleted (I just double checked), so I suspect you are looking back to a perhaps similar message that was not deleted.