Run In's with Evo's and WRX's

3 September 2003
Southern California
I live in So. Cal. and every time I tool around in my 93 NSX, young kids driving their Evo's or WRX's come along side my car and challenge me. My car is only equipped with a Tubi exhaust, so I know they would probably outrun me. I am not crazy enough to race anyone under most circumstances, but I'm otherwise very competitive and hate it when they shake their head and drive off when I decline to race. How have some of you reacted to these situations?
One time I reacted by racing. My car got impounded.
Let it go, as you stated in your thread they are "young kid". You have everything to lose, but nothing to gain at the end of the race.

10 out of 9 times, I would just let it go, but I lose my cool sometimes (very rare) :D
c-dog said:
I live in So. Cal. and every time I tool around in my 93 NSX, young kids driving their Evo's or WRX's come along side my car and challenge me. My car is only equipped with a Tubi exhaust, so I know they would probably outrun me. I am not crazy enough to race anyone under most circumstances, but I'm otherwise very competitive and hate it when they shake their head and drive off when I decline to race. How have some of you reacted to these situations?

It is strange, I never get challenged by WRX Sti or Evos ever in NSX, most of the Sti & Evo owners respect NSX.

I do get challenged quite often with Wrx Sti and Evo VIII in my Supra, I do like to play occassionally given the right conditon at the right time, it can be extremly fun, these were some of my favorite kills, not all EvoVIII and wrx owners are young kids.

Even for a pre-97 NSX, stock vs stock, it will not be able to outrun you without a lot of effort, if you launch perfectly, the outcome could go either way.

You will never find out if you don't play once a while, if the road traffic condition is fair, play once a while probably would not hurt.
It happens ALL the time where I live. WRXs are everywhere - Evo's not as much. Most of the time they are young guys who seem to have just recieved their license.

Normally I ignore them. They all have the attitude that a car is only fast if it clocks the 1/4 quickly. It is annoying, but sometimes I entertain on a freeway on ramp or something - where handling is important too.

If I wanted a traffic light drag machine, I would have bought an r34 gtr or something. If you want class, then its the NSX all the way.
vtecNSX1 said:
One time I reacted by racing. My car got impounded.
Exactly! I am no angel but I have learned to do things under appropriate circumstances. Take it to the track! Let's see who can get on the brakes later and take it thru the turn. I am not into straight lines. Track days are much cheaper than a ticket, insurance costs, lawyers, etc. Plus, your driving skills will improve.
It is always fun to stuff it up the inside and pass a 150hp superbike with my 250 (60 hp). Yeah, they beat me down the straight but for some reason they always come over in the pits and check out the 250!
Racing on the street is never really worth it. Too many risks involved. And plus racing when you have an already great car (NSX, Ferrari, Lambo) is useless because if you lose it is embarrising and if you win it's like who cares because of course you should win, you are driving a supercar. No win situation.

I am actually surprised that I haven't had one single person try to race me in my 2 months of ownership. Back in college when I had a "pimped" out Integra every mustang and civic in the world was reving their engine. Maybe it's because I have a green NSX and it doesn't hollar look at me in my fast car like a yellow NSX might. (I am not dogging yellow owners. That was my first choice but can't afford anything over a 95)
I would tell them to take it to the racetrack. Unforunetly, those cars a just as capable as the NSX on the track too!
My license plate writes "SLOW V6", maybe that's why I almost never be challenged? ;) Yeah, seems like they respect the nsx a lot... maybe lots and lots of Best Motoring Videos giving them clues??
On a stock pre-97, an STI will blow you away from off the line. AWD and aggressive gearing with plenty of Torque give it a huge advantage. On the highway, with headers+exhaust, I was pretty much neck and neck with a friends stock 2004 STI at the high end of 2nd and low-mid end of 3rd gear. They are fast cars with great handling and plenty of low end power.
mc-ca said:
Is it considered racing if you just go to the speed limit?

I race whenever I can. If the only time I raced another car was at the track, I would never get to race. People have been racing on the streets since the car was invented. There are many times when I feel it's safe to have a little fun on the street. To each his own I say. I guess I've never been the type to follow rules.

I raced an STi just last week. We raced from a stop and a roll. And the only time he had me was off the line thru 2 gear. Then I went by him pretty easily. His car was stock. I did not disclose the fact that I had a little help from my friend Mr. NOS. But then again, he does have a frickin turbo under his hood. After he told me it was stock, it wasn't as much of a kill, as I obviously had more power than him. They are great cars that can easily hold their own.
TitaniumVtec said:
I did not disclose the fact that I had a little help from my friend Mr. NOS. But then again, he does have a frickin turbo under his hood.

I would think with your mods you should have been able to hang with him without the NOS.
I just ignore them and keep driving. Racing on the streets today is too unpridictable. Maybe in the old days when the looser would tip his hat and be on his way it was fun, but today, the loosers often try to run you off the road or cut in front of your car real close and tap the brake. When they loose they purposely try to make as if they will wreck your car. How many of these types of people you run into I don't know, but 1 is more than enough to keep me from racing. I see it all the time on the streets. I even read other boards where car club racers try to get races, and if the guy refuses all their friends surround the car and harras his for a while. There are too many of these types of punks. I've also seen people throw things out the window of their cars at the other car they are racing. The last thing I need is for someone to throw out loose change at my NSX. :o

PS. What pisses me off more is when I have my kid in the car and they look at you like you are a looser for not wanting to race.
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NetViper said:
I would think with your mods you should have been able to hang with him without the NOS.
You might be right. It's just that you don't want to let your guard down and have your ass handed to you. After I smoked him the first time, I should of just ran him w/o it. Oh well, I'm sure I will run into another one shortly.
I am in my 20's, and some of my friends own the cars you mentioned. I even used to own an Evo for a little while. What I have learned is that most of the people that scowl at you if you do not race them are so childish that you would not want to race them anyway. Why?? Because they are also the same idots that will try and swerve through heavy traffic or cut you off at 140 mph. The last thing I want is some idiot to cut 1 foot in front of my bumper at high speeds and slam on his brakes!! No matter what they say to you, or how they glare at you, they are still on the lower end of the intelligence foot chain for the most part. Not cutting on the car at all, as they are wonderful machines (Evo and STi), but a large portion of the owners need to mature a bit before I would ever drive at speeds with them.
i've out run several EVOs and STI's with modifications in my NSX. Two runs were on video but the STi owner won't give them to me...he's afraid i'll post em everywhere i guess lol.

I did lose to my buddies evo with boost controller, n2o on the intercooler, and a few other modifications. he runs 12.7s at the track.
If you want to race on the street the NSX is not the car. It is a refined machine, not a crappy P.O.S. drag car.

If you must flex your sophmoric behavior, then this is the car for you:

click here
Since living in So Cal (approx NE LA area :p ) and driving around in my NSX, I really haven't encountered anyone trying to "hit me up for a race" on the street. Never really did either when I drove my Civic hatchback or old coupe, or old RHD Integra around. I guess the main thing people are concerned with these days are the cops, and them being a helluva lot more strict over the past few years. Just the smallest infraction may cost them their car and more. Unless you're really flying through the streets at high speeds or weaving in & out of traffic and making it obvious, I never see a NSX pulled over. The look I get from cops are the same looks you'd see from them if they saw a Ferrari 360 or Enzo on the road.

I may get a couple of turbo cars wizzing by and hitting their BOV on me while driving but that's about it. I do get a lot of "white-trash" looking cars trying to tailgate me or pull some dipshit move next to me, which I have a couple of ideas as to why :mad: . The rest of the "potential racers" I see are just rubber-necking and admiring the car, as I'm sure they don't see a NSX too often (mostly the 350Z/G35 guys do this.... heh).

NSXDreamer2 said:
My license plate writes "SLOW V6", maybe that's why I almost never be challenged? ;)

Funny thing.... when I had a CRX back in the mid-late 90's, I had the license plate "SLOWCRX" and the motor was built up but everything looked stock on the car (body, exhaust, wheels), it was just lowered a little bit. The reaction I would usually get from people was that they'd be more curious as to what I really had done to have a license plate like that in such a stock-looking car, and for the most part I'd never really get hit up on the street (and this was back way before Fast & the Furious and when cops would just tell people to go home late at night at the street races, and back when I was still in my late-teens, early 20's age :p ).

But I've gotten that out of my system and grown out of that stage. Now I just like to drive around in my NSX, and enjoy it for what it is and for what I have. Besides, the NSX is a rare car to see. If peole see you driving stupid around them all the time, it's not that hard for them to forget a car like that the next time they see you on the road.
I do what I read on a thread on here a few years back ....I tell em if i get one more point on my license I will loose it and they usaually respect that and go away.
I can't say as I personally have ever had anyone challenge me with my NSX. I believe there to be some respect yes. I do however still get a lot of guys egging me on to race in my GNX. Most times I always let them go after shaking my head, but sometimes if the wind is blowing just right and I'm in the right mood, I give the twits a dose of medicine that leaves them in awe when I slow down to let them catch up. lol
I think the WRX and its brother are terrific cars for what they were designed to be. An inexpensive street burner. I would like one for a while just to play with. They all sound pretty agressive and seem to just haul butt when they are nailed. Probably a great autocross car too.

On the street I would not race one. The majority of the drivers do appear to be young guys that are itching for a race with anything. I have seen a number of older guys in them too however. Those guys don't drive the same way though.

I just ignore people when they try to race me or I look at them and give them the high sign with a smile and nod as I look appreciatively at their car. I still do not street race them.

Now I have on occassion played on the freeway with a couple of Ferraris, Porsches and the likes. Usually freeway speeds for a short distance in extremely light traffic, usually on weekend mornings when it is very early and the CHP are still having their coffee and donuts.....I believe their day shift starts at 6:00 AM.

Ultimately, my wife and I have worked way too long and hard to earn what little we have. I sure do not want to lose it doing something stupid.