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Tamoske Group-Buys Resolution [UnhuZ]

20 September 2005
Lisbon, Portugal

i thought of resuming all the data spread by mane threads, related to these GBs, in a single thread, and after talking to Lud about if it was possible, here it is with his approval :wink:

First, let's have the relevant links related to this matter:

- Tamoske's first thread on CF Door Inserts here
- Tamoske's first thread on CF console here
(also includes first CF Console GB, which was concluded successfully)

- NMYMIRR's thread on CF Door Inserts GB here
- NMYMIRR's thread on CF Console GB #2 here
- NMYMIRR's thread following up parts on ANYTIME's hands here

- UnhuZ's thread, me :biggrin:, created by Lud, where i debate with RSO 34 all this Tamoske stuff here

Now let's go to the GB status images, which will be updated automatically on this first post, so:

parts on Anytime's hands:


parts on my hands:



again, both above pictures will be self-replaced every time i update the source pic in my gallery. This way, only the latest version will be displayed above.

any casual updates will appear in posts throughout the thread, below.

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Re: Tamoske Group-Buys !!

Hi guys,

I HAVE ALL INSERTS RIGHT HERE WITH ME !!!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

box as it arrived:

and voilá:

the missing 3 for the GB members that already have the driver one , and the 7 other sets, to a total of 17 inserts

the 2 other smaller wraps are of 2 fuse covers in CF that i will post for sale on parts, as soon as i take pictures of them alone and in the car :wink:

here, they are all aligned with their owner's name on them:

here, they are all packed with the owner's name on the outside:

i also took some photos of them individually, but i'm not posting them all here (you can zoom in and see the same thing :tongue:)

Re: Tamoske Group-Buys !!

Hi guys,

here the info related to the consoles, already SHIPPED to me:

As you can notice, all consoles do NOT have a headunit cut... Tamoske thought that with so many complaints about the cuts being a little off, it was preferable that each one cutted his own console to fit his specific headunit. I agreed with him instantly.

When the console arrive, i will make a photo with small tips from Tamoske on doing it.

i will post up as soon as i receive them.

Re: Tamoske Group-Buys !!

Hi guys,

Console's BIG BOX is already at my post office waiting for me to pick it up, which i will do tomorrow, as i'm working all day today :wink:

I will test install one of them in the weekend and post photos of all with their owner's name on them, as i did with the inserts.

So, although they are almost in my hands, we can FINALLY SEE an ending for both Tamoske GBs. What do you say guys?? :wink: :wink: :wink:


PS - i'm excited to get the package and let you all know about it
Re: Tamoske Group-Buys !!


Your very noble for doing this for our NSX community. It's amazing to see you put some much time and effort into this. Your organization skills are fantastic, the best I've seen on this forum.
Re: Tamoske Group-Buys !!

Good work! Looks like Nuno is the man! He didn't lost his trust in Tamoske.
Re: Tamoske Group-Buys !!

Hi guys,

Good Work!!!!

Thanks man... :wink:

Your very noble for doing this for our NSX community. It's amazing to see you put some much time and effort into this.
I like to help the next to me, that needs help... in this case, it was a win win scenario, i help Gb members to get their parts back and i helped Tamoske getting "under" his head after he got "over" his head :wink:

I do it with a smile in my face, knowing that i'm doing some good.. positivity is in my blood stream :wink: ... some guys here can't say the same, because negativity and ineptitude run in their veins...but to each his own :biggrin:

Your organization skills are fantastic, the best I've seen on this forum.
hummm... you got to tell that to my wife :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Good work! Looks like Nuno is the man! He didn't lost his trust in Tamoske.
I'm not THE man...just another Primer helping out as much do... and yes, i didn't lost my trust in Tamoske and i believed that he would come clean... and it feels good that people keep proving me right :wink:

i love to put that weight in their hands: to either prove me right or prove me wrong, and i'm yet to make a mistake to date :wink:

It was in Tamoske's hands not to do a thing and let things as they were, but he didn't :wink:

.... and look at the post below :wink:
Re: Tamoske Group-Buys !!

Hi guys,

well... i made a mistake... i mixed some tracking numbers, and the box that i will be picking up tomorrow is one box full of CF parts to sell....

... the box with all the consoles... IT'S ALREADY HERE :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: ...
(my wife received it this afternoon while i was at work)

so... here are some photos i took just to update you guys:

as it was sitting waiting for me:

first glance of what's inside:

all lined up outside of the box (yes...ALL 10 of them :biggrin::biggrin:):

i unpacked 2 ashtray covers just to show you some CF :wink::wink::


I HAVE ALL TAMOSKE GB PARTS IN MY HANDS (as good as already in yours)

The other packed part that doesn't look like a console, it's a OEM navpod, painted silver, that will be up for sale shortly (CF navpod will be in the box i'm picking up tomorrow).

Thanks guys, and enjoy,
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Re: Tamoske Group-Buys !!

^ as i clearly posted above, ALL missing parts are in my hands and will be shiiped to their rightfull owners.

Re: Tamoske Group-Buys !!


HAHA. Who wants to volunteer and fill him in....NOT IT. :biggrin:
well... if he follows the links i used in my first post, he can see the whole enchilada :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

GB guys:

sorry for the delay in photos, but i'm very sick at home right now (since friday) caused by something bad i ate.

Yesterday i felt better and i unpacked a console and tryed to install it, but i felt really bad aftger sometime and had to stop (my NSX looks hacked with parts all over the dashboard and passenger seat/floor).

i barely can come here and check for news, because even with my notebook with me in bed, it's very unconfortable any position that allows me to read and/or write.

as soon as i feel really better i will unpack everything and take photos, then repack for shippment.

Sorry guys, for this delay.

Re: Tamoske Group-Buys !!


I've have nothing but positive experiences with Portuguese folks.
well... we all are pretty good guys :tongue:

ok guys... a lot better but not completly good of my sickness, still some pains, i couldn't help it and tryed to install the CF parts related with the center console.

Man, ultra shinny CF is ultra hard to photograph in a street environment... all kind of shadows and reflexions... when i saw the photos on the PC, i had to check the CF parts to see if some areas were bad or if it was only on the photos...it was only on the photos :wink:

well... here they are:

CF Console alone:

- i had to remove my OEM headunit to install this console, as there is no hole for a headunit (to be cutted by owner)
-notice the shadow of the emergency brake handle on the NSX-R shift knob
- some whiteish reflections on ashtray cover and headunit area
- notice that the reflection and shadows do not appear on the second photo (taken direct from above)

All center row in CF (2 piece arm-rest, console and NavPOD):

- i used a black printed paper to do a fake LCD screen

CF NavPOD and 2 piece arm-rest:

Hi guys,

ok... i have unpacked all consoles.

here are the photos with their owners name on them:

There are some issues that i must/want be clear about:

- Crossing the orders with the actual consoles i concluded that Tamoske forgot to cut 3 cointray holes and add the due mounting screws, so 3 consoles have to go back to Tamoske to correct this. (you can see it for yourself in the pictures above)
- as you can see in the photo with all ashtrays, the one in the bottom right has a different weave. This one is for the member who received a console from ANYTIME without the ashtray cover. I need to know who so i can ship it.
- When you install the shift-boot and cointray there are small fitment issues that i will correct myself in each console... don't be scared, i've done it in the one i installed and although it takes some time, it's easy to do.

All this will be corrected for future consoles Tamoske make, because i will do a crazy jig where he can fit the console to all holes like OEM and all mounting screws in OEM locations :wink:

So, what i'll do now is:

- Correct all consoles
- Send to Tamoske the 3 that have no cointray hole and mounting screws
- get shipping quotes to all of you and start shipping.

Sorry for this unexpected delay, but i prefer to send the consoles corrected than as they are (although each one of you could do this).

As always, please feel free to speak your mind to me.


i'm building a jig over one of my OEM consoles so i can correct all mounting screws to the EXACT OEM locations...

building this jig become a little more dificult than i expected because of it's complexity and my lack of time.... but it's moving..

again, if any of you guys want your stuff as is, i can ship ASAP..

Looking forward to receiving Tamoske parts, especially after you have inspected and expertly tweaked them. When you next update your records, please indicate that I paid Anytime for shipping on the one insert he has for me back on 8/9/2010 via PayPal. Thanks again.

man... this is harder than i ever thought it would be... i finally finished the jig, which did go south twice... now i will start correcting the consoles as my time allows, as both my jobs are eating up almost all of my time.

Don't think i forgot all about you guys.... i wouldn't .... ever...

"N S X" - i will update soon... thanks for the headsup

Thanks for your patiente,

yes, i'm still alive and no, i didn't ran away with your CF parts... i had some personnal issues since christmas and could not get this running... curious enough, your console is the one i'm currently messing with...

the fix both on consoles and door inserts consist of:

1 - get all holes correctly trimmed

this is relatively easy, but need to be carefull so i don't mess with the visible shinny surface.

2 - get all mounting screws in their places

this is what scares me, because i have to remove the glue on the bad positioned mounting screws, and this can harm the back of the CF...and one thing i don't want to do is to mess a single part, because then i would have to pay a replacement from my own pocket...

Believe me guys, i want this done as bad as you guys that own the stuff.... i'm burning here with a pretty penny, because i bought a fair amount of CF stuff from Tamoske, that he already had in stock, so he had money to finish the consoles, and when i tried to sell it here to get my money back, some guys wanted them almost for free and some sent some nasty PMs...

I will try to be more present here, but it's not as easy as it used to be.

As we have discussed, I know how hard it is to please everyone Nuno.
Hang in there, you will be ok.




yes, i'm still alive and no, i didn't ran away with your CF parts... i had some personnal issues since christmas and could not get this running... curious enough, your console is the one i'm currently messing with...

the fix both on consoles and door inserts consist of:

1 - get all holes correctly trimmed

this is relatively easy, but need to be carefull so i don't mess with the visible shinny surface.

2 - get all mounting screws in their places

this is what scares me, because i have to remove the glue on the bad positioned mounting screws, and this can harm the back of the CF...and one thing i don't want to do is to mess a single part, because then i would have to pay a replacement from my own pocket...

Believe me guys, i want this done as bad as you guys that own the stuff.... i'm burning here with a pretty penny, because i bought a fair amount of CF stuff from Tamoske, that he already had in stock, so he had money to finish the consoles, and when i tried to sell it here to get my money back, some guys wanted them almost for free and some sent some nasty PMs...

I will try to be more present here, but it's not as easy as it used to be.

How are you progressing????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Patients is a virtue, but come on... Did some checking into the original post and that was 7-13-2007 when I chimed in, and oh how I regret it! This July we will have been wating 4 years for the parts? I simply want to get this done before I give up and sell the car??? Can you understand how we feel waiting, hopeing and waiting somemore??? Enough can't be said for you helping-Thanks:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:, but lets get this done!