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The best women to marry come from_______ country!!!!!!

29 October 2006
Hey guys,

I am not talking about the best women to bed down, but the best ones to marry. Although, sometimes they are the same. Obviously, great women come from all different countries. But, if you had 100 "virtual marriages" with women from a certain country, which country would yield the highest probability of having a happy, successful marriage.

Oh yeah, thanks to whoever made a posting about NoMarriage.com a few years ago, unfortunately, I agree with lots of it, but not all of it.

Since I grew up in Texas and New Mexico, I became tremendously attracted to Latina women. To me, they are just naturally sexy and curvy. I mean...look at how many Miss Universes are from Latin American countries. My exwife was latina, that didn't go well because she wanted to financially support her extended family way too much. Just because I met one bad Latina doesn't mean they are all bad. Plus, I'm Catholic and many Latinas are Catholic. My ex was Salvadoran and sexy, but I missed the "Jerk" engraved on her forehead. Her sexiness covered that up, so I missed it. My ex wasn't Catholic, so we rarely went to church together, which is another major reason we got divorced.
I'm Korean/White mix by the way. I look more white.

After I got divorced, I realized that I was basing too much of my attraction on looks alone. I was too obsessed with a girl that "was hot". Obviously, you want a girl that is hot, but you want other qualities also. Just like I say in tennis, "There is a lot more to tennis than pretty strokes.", "There is a lot more to relationships, than looks."

So...I started thinking about other niches of women to date. Obviously, she had to be Catholic. Then, I started thinking about women that might be compatible to me, and women that have a tendency to have good marriages. I have known several couples that were married to Filipino women who were tremendously happy, but I had never really been attracted to them before. I had a tennis friend tell me, "You know what they, say....Filipinas make the best wives." Hmmm.....interesting. I started dating a few Filipina women, and wow...we were very compatible. The looks category was a little less, but they are very family oriented, actually like sex, loyal, supportive, and are sort of submissive. Sort of depends on where they grew up, if they grew up here they tend to lose their Filipino roots, while if they grew up in the Philippines and move here....they tend to keep their Filipino roots. Are all Filipinas wonderful, heck no! There are some sharks out there. Are there great women from other countries, heck yeah!! I'm just looking at trends, and everyone is different.

I was never really attracted to blonde girls, but I dated a few, and felt nothing for them. I guess I like dark haired women, especially latinas and filipinas. I like my women like my cars....exotic. Ha, ha.

I'm a confirmed tennis nut. I'm sort of shocked that most of these women don't even play any sports!!! I mean...I'm no super athlete, but I do play tennis, mountain bike, road bike, ski and roller blade. Now...I guess the women are shocked at how few men like needle point.

Anyway, the best women to marry come from ___________ country (for you). And tell my why. I'm trying to keep this positive, and not critical...ok? Philippines is my answer, but that is my opinion for me. The Latino countries are also in there. What is your opinion for you?

Have fun with it.

I married a Hispanic and couldn't be happier. Her parents installed a sense of responsibility that many women today are lacking. She can work circles around me (and I'm no slouch), she's faithful, and she has real values that match mine. She isn't high-maintenance but she enjoys (like most women) attention and gifts.

She is definitely more "fiery" than a lot of women I know but I find that enjoyable (usually).

So, Latin America works for me. If my wife died, I'm pretty sure that if I remarried, it'd be to another latina.
I'm going to say the best women to marry come from America.
1) It's the best country in the world
2) There is a diverse enough population that you can find enough wonderful women from just about every other country
3) America has some really awesome divorce lawyers! :tongue::biggrin:
I was married to an American and also to a European. I currently date mostly Asian women.

When you begin to think about marriage - go buy a dog.:tongue:
I have never dated an Asian woman (yet). But aren't they suppose to "love you long time"? :biggrin:

Oh, btw... I haven't bought, I leased. When I bought the NSX she came home and asked "how can you afford to buy that car, when you can't afford to buy me a ring."
My response was, "I can afford to buy that car, because I am not buying you a ring."

Every time my girlfriend starts with "I think we should get married", I reply "I think we should breakup." She then changes the subject.

11 years and she still won't leave. Oh and yes I checked, in KY there is no common law (unless you buy them a Washer & Dryer). :)
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I have never dated an Asian woman (yet). But aren't they suppose to "love you long time"? :biggrin:

Oh, btw... I haven't bought, I leased. When I bought the NSX she came home and asked "how can you afford to buy that car, when you can't afford to buy me a ring."
My response was, "I can afford to buy that car, because I am not buying you a ring."

Every time my girlfriend starts with "I think we should get married", I reply "I think we should breakup." She then changes the subject.

11 years and she still won't leave. Oh and yes I checked, in KY there is no common law (unless you buy them a Washer & Dryer). :)

LOL. Captain, I can always count on you for some comic relief. Happy Friday!
I have never dated an Asian woman (yet). But aren't they suppose to "love you long time"? :biggrin:

Oh, btw... I haven't bought, I leased. When I bought the NSX she came home and asked "how can you afford to buy that car, when you can't afford to buy me a ring."
My response was, "I can afford to buy that car, because I am not buying you a ring."

Every time my girlfriend starts with "I think we should get married", I reply "I think we should breakup." She then changes the subject.

11 years and she still won't leave. Oh and yes I checked, in KY there is no common law (unless you buy them a Washer & Dryer). :)

You sir are a god:biggrin:
I was married to an American and also to a European. I currently date mostly Asian women.

When you begin to think about marriage - go buy a dog.:tongue:

Doug, you are cracking me up :biggrin:.

Anyway, back to the topic, first of all, I don't think "best women" to marry come from "certain" country. A good relationship requires give and take and each party has the obligation to follow this rule. If the rule does not work out then we have a thing called "divorce" and to me the winners out of this are the attorneys and the loosers mostly the kids (if you have them).

So, it is best to enjoy dating and exploring for yourself. But when you are married, you know that half of your "life" is already over :eek:
I have never dated an Asian woman (yet). But aren't they suppose to "love you long time"? :biggrin:

Oh, btw... I haven't bought, I leased. When I bought the NSX she came home and asked "how can you afford to buy that car, when you can't afford to buy me a ring."
My response was, "I can afford to buy that car, because I am not buying you a ring."

Every time my girlfriend starts with "I think we should get married", I reply "I think we should breakup." She then changes the subject.

11 years and she still won't leave. Oh and yes I checked, in KY there is no common law (unless you buy them a Washer & Dryer). :)

Dam, Captain, you are living my "dream" :biggrin:
I once thought about the Mail Order Bride thing, but without the Bride. Mail Order Girlfriend.

That way when you got tired of their crap, you just call INS and you don't have deal with breaking up with them, crying or stalking. You come home from work and they are gone. :biggrin:

I am thinking about a new business for when I quit flying.... 1-800-REMOVHO. Call 800 Remove A Ho and we show up with a moving van, boxes, a sheriff to serve the restraining order and a Shrink to sit down, break up with her for you and explain to her it's not you, it's her.

What do you think?
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i married a hispanic and couldn't be happier. Her parents installed a sense of responsibility that many women today are lacking. She can work circles around me (and i'm no slouch), she's faithful, and she has real values that match mine. She isn't high-maintenance but she enjoys (like most women) attention and gifts.

She is definitely more "fiery" than a lot of women i know but i find that enjoyable (usually).

So, latin america works for me. If my wife died, i'm pretty sure that if i remarried, it'd be to another latina.

i once thought about the mail order bride thing, but without the bride. Mail order girlfriend.

That way when you got tired of their crap, you just call ins and you don't have deal with breaking up with them, crying or stalking. You come home from work and they are gone. :biggrin:

I am thinking about a new business for when i quit flying.... 1-800-removho. Call 800 remove a ho and we show up with a moving van, boxes, a sheriff to serve the restraining order and a shrink to sit down, break up with her for you and explain to her it's not you, it's her.

What do you think?

I once thought about the Mail Order Bride thing, but without the Bride. Mail Order Girlfriend.

That way when you got tired of their crap, you just call INS and you don't have deal with breaking up with them, crying or stalking. You come home from work and they are gone. :biggrin:

I am thinking about a new business for when I quit flying.... 1-800-REMOVHO. Call 800 Remove A Ho and we show up with a moving van, boxes, a sheriff to serve the restraining order and a Shrink to sit down, break up with her for you and explain to her it's not you, it's her.

What do you think?

LOL....can I be the COO? (chief ousting officer) :biggrin:
I once thought about the Mail Order Bride thing, but without the Bride. Mail Order Girlfriend.

That way when you got tired of their crap, you just call INS and you don't have deal with breaking up with them, crying or stalking. You come home from work and they are gone. :biggrin:

I am thinking about a new business for when I quit flying.... 1-800-REMOVHO. Call 800 Remove A Ho and we show up with a moving van, boxes, a sheriff to serve the restraining order and a Shrink to sit down, break up with her for you and explain to her it's not you, it's her.

What do you think?

I think you have your next venture! Can I get in on the ground floor?
It doesn't matter where she's from just make sure she has more money than you have and that you are a little better looking than she is. (risk mitigation)
I'm going to say the best women to marry come from America.
1) It's the best country in the world
2) There is a diverse enough population that you can find enough wonderful women from just about every other country
3) America has some really awesome divorce lawyers! :tongue::biggrin:

1) Australia is the best country in the world.:wink: Mmmm subjectivness:biggrin:
If you want o have a happy marriage that will last, become a Protestant Christian, practice what the Bible have to teach you, and find a girl with the same practice.

Not preaching here, but a fact from my observation since HS (1990).

Every single one of my secular friends have all being divorced (once or twice with payment up the ying yang), and EVERY christian friends are happily married with kids, house, cars, and a good life.
If you want o have a happy marriage that will last, become a Protestant Christian, practice what the Bible have to teach you, and find a girl with the same practice.

Not preaching here, but a fact from my observation since HS (1990).

Every single one of my secular friends have all being divorced (once or twice with payment up the ying yang), and EVERY christian friends are happily married with kids, house, cars, and a good life.

Vance, that's one of the dumbest things I have seen you post. The statistics say otherwise:

[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Barna report: Variation in divorce rates among Christian faith groups:

<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]<table bgcolor="#ffffcc" border="0" width="85%"> <tbody><tr> <td width="73%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Denomination (in order of decreasing divorce rate)<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> <td width="27%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica] [/FONT]
[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]% who have been divorced<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]​
</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="73%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Non-denominational **<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> <td align="center" width="27%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]34%<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="73%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Baptists<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> <td align="center" width="27%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]29%<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="73%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Mainline Protestants<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> <td align="center" width="27%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]25%<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="73%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Mormons<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> <td align="center" width="27%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]24%<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="73%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Catholics<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> <td align="center" width="27%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]21%<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="73%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Lutherans<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> <td align="center" width="27%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]21%<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> </tr> </tbody></table><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica] [/FONT][FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]** Barna uses the term "non-denominational" to refer to Evangelical Christian congregations that are not affiliated with a specific denomination. The vast majority are fundamentalist in their theological beliefs. [/FONT]

The only difference with Christians is that they lecture everyone else right up until the point where they too file for divorce! My observation since HS (1987).
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Vance, that's one of the dumbest things I have seen you post. The statistics say otherwise:

[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Barna report: Variation in divorce rates among Christian faith groups:

<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]<table bgcolor="#ffffcc" border="0" width="85%"> <tbody><tr> <td width="73%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Denomination (in order of decreasing divorce rate)<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> <td width="27%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica] [/FONT]
[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]% who have been divorced<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]​
</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="73%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Non-denominational **<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> <td align="center" width="27%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]34%<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="73%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Baptists<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> <td align="center" width="27%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]29%<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="73%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Mainline Protestants<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> <td align="center" width="27%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]25%<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="73%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Mormons<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> <td align="center" width="27%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]24%<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="73%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Catholics<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> <td align="center" width="27%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]21%<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="73%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]Lutherans<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> <td align="center" width="27%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]21%<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]</td> </tr> </tbody></table><!--mstheme-->[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica] [/FONT][FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]** Barna uses the term "non-denominational" to refer to Evangelical Christian congregations that are not affiliated with a specific denomination. The vast majority are fundamentalist in their theological beliefs. [/FONT]

The only difference with Christians is that they lecture everyone else right up until the point where they too file for divorce! My observation since HS (1987).

Captain, you can take stuff from the Internet, you can take stuff from Liberal sites, I got my information from MY friends. It is not dumb, it is actually very legit. What is the divorce rate from none religious couple? BTW, just because YOUR friends claimed their Christians does not means they're Christians!!!
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Atheist here, married for 18 years this August, no sign of divorce on the horizon.

All of my friends who are divorced are either Christians or Jews. I don't think this means anything at all.